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IB students to US colleges [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-17 19:31 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
Recently we are planning when we should send my daughter to US for her college education. We are targeting 2 years community colleges in California.  We talked with 2 overseas education consultants and it seems to us that their knowledge about this topic is quite limited.

As far as we know,
1.  IB students would  get a MYP certificate after their year 11 with some reqt fulfilled.
2.  Most community colleges in CA would normally accept students who completed their high school education with certain GPA reqt.
3.  The UC system would grant certain transfer credits for IB diploma (30 credits) and certificate (8 credits)  holders.

My question is: Would colleges in US consider MYP certificates equivalent to  the completion of high school education?

Can anyone share exp and info on this topic.

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Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-25 23:12 |只看該作者

回覆 8# nintendo 的文章

Hi Nintendo,

I remember I saw your post in BK before and I have a feeling that our kids go to the same PIS in MOS. If so, there were  only 3 DP graduates went to US U last year, which is comparatively  a low % . Over 40% of the students stay in HK and others chose UK and Australia.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-10-25 20:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 acdad 於 10-10-24 17:53 發表
"Last, ESF IBDP students have entered some of the top US universities, for your information."

I have no doubt about that but does anyone  know the average IB DP score of each IB school in HK and the  ...

From my memory, the average score at ESF is 34+ (this year). As far as I recall, all the figures I saw (for other schools too) were all above the world average. The world average is 29+.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-10-24 22:52 |只看該作者

回覆 6# acdad 的文章

You can check individual ECF and IS to get those info. Generally above the international average in IBDP. The best is LPCUWC, and then CIS....

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-24 17:53 |只看該作者
"Last, ESF IBDP students have entered some of the top US universities, for your information."

I have no doubt about that but does anyone  know the average IB DP score of each IB school in HK and the destinations of those students at specific score range?

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 10-10-24 01:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 acdad 於 10-10-24 00:42 發表
Below is the info I got from IBO directly.

據最近了解, 完成 MYP Year 11 只等如完成 US Grade 10, 完成IB MYP 並不代表中學畢業,如希望以完成 MYP 作一里程碑進修其他海外專上或大學會有問題,其認授性必須完成  ...

Answered you elsewhere.

Not sure about other schools, but with ESF, students start primary one at 5 years old.

So after finishing IBDP, students are the same age as Hong Kong or US high school students.

Further, you really need to talk to your child's school's university placement people. If they do not already have such a team, ask them to start one. Also, attend those university information day/week at your child's school. If they have not arranged for that, ask them to do it. It would appear to me that, if your child's school is already an IB school, they are not providing enough information for parents, and thus your confusion.

Last, ESF IBDP students have entered some of the top US universities, for your information.

[ 本帖最後由 Darth 於 10-10-24 01:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-24 00:42 |只看該作者
Below is the info I got from IBO directly.

據最近了解, 完成 MYP Year 11 只等如完成 US Grade 10, 完成IB MYP 並不代表中學畢業,如希望以完成 MYP 作一里程碑進修其他海外專上或大學會有問題,其認授性必須完成 DP 才被廣泛接受,  PYP (6)+MYP (5) +DP(2) 全程13 年, 如未决定,小心選擇,尤以美國大學為最終目的地之家長。

原帖由 acdad 於 10-10-20 00:41 發表
First of all, thanks for spending time to reply this post and making college recommendation. We will study the info provided  and  pick the right school for my kid. Following is some facts and point o ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-20 00:41 |只看該作者

回覆 1# vchoi084 的文章

First of all, thanks for spending time to reply this post and making college recommendation. We will study the info provided  and  pick the right school for my kid. Following is some facts and point of view I would like to share.
Based on the info in the IBO website , there are 35 IB World Schools in Hong Kong offering one or more of the three IB programmes. 21 schools offer the Primary Years Programme , 5 schools offer the Middle Years Programme and 18 schools offer the Diploma Programme.
Since  there are only 5  schools offering MYP program and most students would use their DP scores to apply for university admission,  I believe not many parents or students in HK would have thought about the possibility of using the MYP certificate as an alternative to  high school graduation.
PYP – Primary years programme, total  6 years for age 3-12
MYP – Middle years programme, total 5 years for age 11-16
DP – Diploma programme , total  2 years for age 16-19

From my point of view, the duration of the IB Primary and Middle Years Programme matches the duration of primary  and  secondary schools in HK while the DP is similar to a   post secondary 2 year diploma program which is gaining general recognition in university admission .In fact, some university systems in US, such as UC would grant credits to both IB diploma graduates and MYP certificate holders .  

http://www.universityofcaliforni ... -credits/index.html
The International Baccalaureate Organization awards either a diploma or a certificate for individual IB exams. Students who complete the IB diploma with a score of 30 or above will receive 30 quarter (20 semester) units toward their UC degree. Students who receive IB certificates with scores of 5,6 or 7 on Higher Level exams will receive 8 quarter (5.3 semester) units.

You mentioned that if MYP certificate holders would  be admitted in local U. However, I would say there are significant numbers  of F5 graduate students from HK enrolled in US community colleges yearly without  taking F6, F7 or the A-level exam. Some of those may have eventually transferred to varoius UC, CSU or other 4 year U.

Thanks again

Rank: 1

發表於 10-10-19 15:35 |只看該作者

IB candidates going abroad

I do not know if this fully answers your question, but I'll tell you what I know. For my university (University of California, Berkeley), in order to be considered for admissions, you need to have some sort of certificate of completed secondary education that allows the student to be admitted to a local university.  I do not know what MYP is entitled to, but let me ask you this: is holding a MYP sufficient for a student to apply to a local university in HK (or do you need certificate of graduation from an actual secondary school)? If that is so, then it should be sufficient to apply overseas.  

As for community colleges, they are not too strict on high school requirements.  For reference, you can check out Mt. San Antonio College, it's a pretty good cc for transferring to top US 4 year universities. www.mtsac.edu

I do know that many international students have the tendency of attending year 11 and/or year 12 of high school in U.S. before applying to community college (that way they have the high school completion proof).

As a side note, I was also an IB diploma candidate in high school (in the US), but I have never heard of the MYP.  For all I know, you can take individual IB exams and get a certificate of your grade individually or go the whole nine yards and take 3 higher and 3 standard level exams and complete other requirements for IB diploma.
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