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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 跟唔上kv k1課程, 想搵九龍塘活動教學既幼稚園,邊間好呀 ...
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跟唔上kv k1課程, 想搵九龍塘活動教學既幼稚園,邊間好呀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-18 20:20 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
好擔心, 同老師傾過, 老師話囝囝好聰明, 但集中力超低, 跟唔到kv傳統式既教學, 請問九龍塘有邊間活動教學既幼稚園呀? k2轉校係唔係好難咖?
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發表於 09-5-9 18:12 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-9 15:55 |只看該作者
Hello, luiluimama, are you still thinking of changing school?

I cannot tell what's happening at KV as I don't have any first hand information.  My impression is it's rather like a traditional primary school.  Think whether it's suitable for your son at this tender age.

Don't be surprised if your son cannot write '8'.  It's actually rather difficult for a small kid.  Teach him how to write and let him write only once or twice.  I asked my girl to write an S first and add an extra stroke it becomes an 8!  It works!

My girl is now studying in a very 'easy' and happy school in Kowloon Tong.  Two of the things the school does is to build up the kid's confidence and her interest in learning.  There are 4 newcomers in her K2 class.  So if you wish to switch to these schools, there are other people doing the same.  

Of course I am also concerned about her performance in primary school interviews.  So I have to pay extra effort in teaching her English and Maths!

Talk to your son and see decide if a 'difficult and disciplined' school or an 'easy and innovative' is suitable for him.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-28 15:39 |只看該作者

我個囝都係今年k1, 但佢仲未開始教'8'字wor? anyway, parent day我都同老師講過寫字呢個問題, 老師叫我地唔需要介意小朋友寫得好唔好, 況且唔好係意料中事, 因為佢地仲細, 主寫字既小肌肉係未ready. 當時佢話"2" "3"呢d有要轉彎既字係難架, 更何況妳話"8", 老師明架, 佢話佢地唔會介意, 仲叫我地唔好擦小朋友既字. 妳會唔會考慮吓睇定d先決定同囝囝轉校呢? 又或者同老師傾吓啦?
原帖由 luiluimama 於 09-4-3 22:51 發表
其實kv係好好既學校, 只不過到kv就真係太深, 唔岩我個仔, 因為我個仔而家k1寫個"8"字都有困難, 到k2真係難以想像

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-27 23:40 |只看該作者
Don't worry, please foucs on how to help your son's & find the subitable k2 for him. May be he will be better after changing the school. As KV is not easily to pick up from child. Let him to make so happy & interesting to learn is most important than others. Don't let him sad & unhappy. Add Oil.

原帖由 luiluimama 於 09-3-18 20:20 發表
好擔心, 同老師傾過, 老師話囝囝好聰明, 但集中力超低, 跟唔到kv傳統式既教學, 請問九龍塘有邊間活動教學既幼稚園呀? k2轉校係唔係好難咖?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-27 23:36 |只看該作者
Try to studing at ST. NICHOLAS. Not bad.

原帖由 siuchinglam 於 09-4-2 15:00 發表
Hi Luiluimama,

Do you really think your son cannot follow the curriculum in KV?  My son had the same problem  when he was in K1 in KV. His teacher suggested   changing the school for him as he could  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-8 11:49 |只看該作者
原帖由 LITTLESPICY 於 09-4-6 13:54 發表
thanks for your sharing.
Do you think "small boy" get less chance?  as i know, one of the major factor is "kid sing a song", with my son's age, may not be able to do so, i guest!!!

Heard many Dec small girls who could "sing the song" and did all the things interviewer asked still only in waiting list.

wonder the chance of Dec small boys.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-6 13:54 |只看該作者
thanks for your sharing.
Do you think "small boy" get less chance?  as i know, one of the major factor is "kid sing a song", with my son's age, may not be able to do so, i guest!!!

原帖由 catcat 於 09-4-6 00:05 發表
Actually, my daughter got silimar problem when she was K1 in Kentville as the curriculum of K1 is not difficult, she feels no challenge in the school and feels no interest to learn (she graduated in K ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-4-6 00:05 |只看該作者
Actually, my daughter got silimar problem when she was K1 in Kentville as the curriculum of K1 is not difficult, she feels no challenge in the school and feels no interest to learn (she graduated in KV last year and now studying in P.1).  The curriculum of K2 is a bit "rush" and my girl feels interest to learn and enjoy to study.

My son is now studying K2 in KV, different with his sister that, he needs more "paratice" & "help" after school but he enjoy to go to school everyday.  Actually, KV is a very good school and you may consider to talk with the teacher and see how you can help your kid at home.
Thanks god giving me a happy family.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-5 23:32 |只看該作者
我個仔12月出世, 所以想等到佢大仔先報, chance 應該高的, any suggestions? thanks!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-3 22:51 |只看該作者
其實kv係好好既學校, 只不過到kv就真係太深, 唔岩我個仔, 因為我個仔而家k1寫個"8"字都有困難, 到k2真係難以想像

原帖由 Big-Mouth 於 09-4-2 15:46 發表
Hi Siuchinglam,
        Is it worth to study in KV?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-3 22:50 |只看該作者
個老師就係話我個仔連5分鐘既集人力都無, 平時又唔聽書, 但有時偶然問我個仔, 原來我個仔又係識咖喎, 所以估計佢係特登扮唔聽書, 同埋老師話我個仔好聰明(我覺得老師講得好包容), 佢話我個仔有著數(即係有野食)既時候就答問題實岩, 但無著數果時就亂咁答, 同埋成日側側膊唔做野, 學校裹面平日做assignment, 見老師行開就未做哂就交功課, 老師見到迫佢就寫多兩隻字又交, 所以整體黎講我個仔係古感同難搞

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-2 15:46 |只看該作者
Hi Siuchinglam,
        Is it worth to study in KV?

原帖由 siuchinglam 於 09-4-2 15:00 發表
Hi Luiluimama,

Do you really think your son cannot follow the curriculum in KV?  My son had the same problem  when he was in K1 in KV. His teacher suggested   changing the school for him as he could  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-4-2 15:00 |只看該作者
Hi Luiluimama,

Do you really think your son cannot follow the curriculum in KV?  My son had the same problem  when he was in K1 in KV. His teacher suggested   changing the school for him as he could only sit 5 mintues during the classes. After that, he would walk around the whole class and played the toys. He was not listening during all the classes. I did not change to other kindergarten as I believe he would be better off in this school. Now, he is in K3 and pays more attention during the class. Think twice before changing any kindergarten for your son. Cheers!

原帖由 luiluimama 於 09-3-18  and 20:20 發表
好擔心, 同老師傾過, 老師話囝囝好聰明, 但集中力超低, 跟唔到kv傳統式既教學, 請問九龍塘有邊間活動教學既幼稚園呀? k2轉校係唔係好難咖?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-2 11:25 |只看該作者
我想問老師話佢唔集中, 係點樣唔集中 ? 一陣間都唔可以, 定係佢坐唔定 ? 小朋友一定會, 因為佢地都係細個, 而且得3/4歲, 佢讀pn個時係咪都係咁 ? 有時小朋友都要有適應期, 同時你可以問下 york收唔收丫..tks

發表於 09-4-1 10:17 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-1 09:46 |只看該作者


原帖由 jt0606 於 09-3-31 01:07 發表
請問朗研社playgroup喺邊度, 有冇website資料, 因我囝囝剛三歲, 也是超活潑好動, 我也想他學習一些行為常规, 謝謝

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-31 01:07 |只看該作者
請問朗研社playgroup喺邊度, 有冇website資料, 因我囝囝剛三歲, 也是超活潑好動, 我也想他學習一些行為常规, 謝謝

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-30 09:28 |只看該作者
可以參加朗研社playgroup, 有助集中力。本人兒子也是一名活躍小朋友, 九月份也讀KV, 我都膽心有同樣的問題, 但考慮上小學同樣是傳統式教學, 而KV可以學令小朋友容易適應小學生活。

原帖由 luiluimama 於 09-3-18 20:20 發表
好擔心, 同老師傾過, 老師話囝囝好聰明, 但集中力超低, 跟唔到kv傳統式既教學, 請問九龍塘有邊間活動教學既幼稚園呀? k2轉校係唔係好難咖?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-28 10:08 |只看該作者
九龍塘浸幼, 啟思 should be suitable for your son
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