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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 e learning on computer - NEW TEACHING METHODS
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e learning on computer - NEW TEACHING METHODS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-4 21:17 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
Teachers can teach through internet, even chating at night or sending emails...all kids can write more for communication.   It can be increased and explored their mind.  Such as:
Today, we teach above insect.
All students can find different kinds of insect on website and search their favourite insect . Then , they have to write above it.
15 years ago, I taught a international students how to use computer for her homework.  She just 10 years old and know well in computer after studying.
We have to find a efficient methods for kids now. Not only copy writing , it is an old methods in 50s centry.....
All kids can read news on web and study some high-tech informations.
Teachers must upgrade in IT communications and designs their own worksheets for their students. Even they can discuss their life or news above the earth.
IN Art and Craft lesson - use recyled papers
- fashion designs, interior designs, building designs or car designs
Maths Class - use some lego , block or flake money - clear concept
- Mental Quiz every day and play some IQ games above the topics, money management or account concept
English Class
- Readings different kinds of english books above facts, stories, rthymes, news or sciences....
-Basic communication and flash cards teaching
- Writing above news, daily or stories daily

NEW TEACHING METHODS - just my little opions

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Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-8 20:11 |只看該作者

HK D 老師 吾知係太忙定太懶 or 制度問題, 係IS, D 老師係P4 開始会叫D ふ朋友用email 交功課, 學校会分派email account & 密碼給學生及家長, 以便溝通. 甘樣print 少咗好多紙. Art 佢哋會用吓電腦 3D modeling 俾小朋友玩. Maths n english 会上网做exercise, 又快又好玩. 家長老師都可以check佢哋几時上同做佐セ嘢exercise, 錯セ啱セ. web site address: www.educationcity.com,如 www.mathletics.com, 仲可以同外国小朋友一齐比賽spelling or 計數, 學校無做, 各位媽媽可以由自已做起, 一日一D, 一定会好D!
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