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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF spells out that fees will increase
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ESF spells out that fees will increase [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-9-2 08:54 |只看該作者

ESF spells out that fees will increase

From SCMP today:

Increases in fees for English Schools Foundation schools are inevitable, according to a document released by the foundation yesterday.
Currently, ESF fees are among the cheapest in the international sector. But in the consultation for a business plan, The Way Forward, sent to staff and parents yesterday, chief executive Heather Du Quesnay said fees "should not rise above the mid-point range of international schools" to remain affordable to middle class parents. They could stay at a lower level if the ESF retained its government subvention.

Fees across the international sector range from $47,000 to $133,500 a year at primary and between $70,000 and $152,800 at secondary. ESF fees are $51,500 a primary and $82,600 at secondary.

"A modest increase in fees is inevitable if we are to guarantee the standards and quality of education," the document says.

However, Ms Du Quesnay denied there were plans for immediate or dramatic increases that a mid-point figure could suggest.

At secondary level, fees were already similar to competing schools, such as French international.

The document says the foundation will "argue vigorously" to retain the subvention. "However, we shall also take steps to ensure that ESF can weather the removal of the subvention if that is forced upon us," Ms Du Quesnay wrote.

The document says ESF education should be both more international - with the launch of the International Baccalaureate diploma and interest in the primary and middle years programmes - and local, with greater emphasis on Chinese language and local content in the curriculum.

The ESF should remain committed to providing for special educational needs, but Ms Du Quesnay made it clear it could not cater for all English-speaking children with special needs. "We regret the lack of a planned system in Hong Kong for English-speaking students with special education needs," she wrote.

The document spells out how the ESF can expand its business, by extending educational services in Hong Kong, opening more kindergartens and exploring the option of offering boarding places to overseas students.

Alex Chiu Chi-suen, member of the action group Parents for ESF, said fees should not be compared with other international schools, because the ESF had to cater for the less well-off needing English education.

"I am not convinced rises in fees are inevitable because there were large increases in September and cost savings as a result of the pay cut for teachers," he said.

The ESF has organised three public meetings to discuss the document, the first at King George V School next Wednesday evening.


Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-4 19:22 |只看該作者

Re: ESF spells out that fees will increase

I heard that in last year, every ESF primary student was subsidised with around $2K a month which is a little less than $2.2K per head for those in the local schools.

This year, we are paying $5.1K a month when comparing to the Renassiance College primary ($6.2K without subvention), we only pay $1.1K less.  I wonder how much subsidy does every student in the ESF primary entitles to in the current year!!!  The subvention given to each head is obviously less.   

ESF schools have been operating as a subvented educational group which provide quality english education to those in the society who are in need.  Most students are from the middle class families with their parents who are not particularly well off but contribute a significant part of the annual salaries for Income Tax.  If ESF schools compare their required fees with other private international schools, this will be like the situation of a local subsidised school trying to be privatised.  If this is the case, ESF schools will loose their competitive advantage and become very unpopular for going forward.  Why will the kids be forced to go to private schools whereas the parents do not have conssession on the income tax burden?    

ESF parents, please don't let this situation happen to you!   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-5 11:02 |只看該作者

Re: ESF spells out that fees will increase

Seems that ESF is very much prepared for the cut in subvention next year.  Read from news today that ESF is planning to open more kindergartens, introduce more Chinese summer study programs in China, rebuild old campus, introduce IB PYP into primary schools.  

All these measures are used to keep the competitiveness of ESF in future when the school fees are increased further. Parents usually have no way out but to accept the fee increase notice each year!!

So hope Alex Chiu can update ESF parents more the progress of negotiation with govt re subvention on an on-going basis!!
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