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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Recommended Summer Programme - Early Bird Privilege
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Recommended Summer Programme - Early Bird Privilege [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-29 14:58 |只看該作者

Recommended Summer Programme - Early Bird Privilege

"E-Quest - Storysack Phonics and Drama at QQ Club is good.
My cousin just took drama course and phoinics courses there, big improvements not only in English but also manner, self confidence and communication after that.His mom said my cousin asked to watch English channel after joining the classes. Last week I saw their drama performance after 6 lessons. It 's excellent. The kids love the courses very much and I heard a lot of positive comments from the parents. Really Recommended and Worth to try .Can call 22346677/27350011 for more details"

They have summer programme now . I like the 4-6 programme . They have parents counselling & support group. BK mom, if you enrol for your kids, we can meet at QQ Club with the kids. After enrolled, please leave message here. we can contact each other . Also they have early bird privilege. Click this for details
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