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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 想趕Stream A:3年Degree?2年College/U Associate Degree ...
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[加拿大] 想趕Stream A:3年Degree?2年College/U Associate Degree+2年 Degree 邊樣好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-1-3 11:17 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) https://www.ontariouniversitiesinfo.ca/universities


McMaster University
Fee: https://registrar.mcmaster.ca/fees/
OUAC Program Code: ML (Social Sciences I) https://www.ontariouniversitiesinfo.ca/programs/154
https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/undergraduate / https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/geography-1/ba-geography
Bachelor of Arts Programs:
B.A. programs consist of a total of 90 units of work, normally completed over three years.

Western University
OUAC Program Code: EO (MN: Social Science)
Fee: https://www.registrar.uwo.ca/student_finances/fees_refunds/fee_refund_schedules.html
Bachelor Degree - 3 yr

Queen's University
OUAC Program Code: QA  (Arts)
Bachelor of Arts [-BA]
To consist of the following Plan type plus additional elective units to total 90.0 units: i.General (Arts): Consists of 30.0 core and option units and up to 6.0 supporting units: 6.0 units at the 100 level or above, 12.0 units at the 200 level or above, and the remaining units at any level. These Plan requirements may alternatively be used towards the Minor (Arts) requirements of a Major-Minor Plan combination.

University of Ottawa https://catalogue.uottawa.ca/en/programs/

University of Saskatchewan https://admissions.usask.ca/programs/find-a-program.php#AZlistofprograms




University of Manitoba https://umanitoba.ca/explore/programs-of-study/geography-ba

University of Winniping https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/business/undergraduate-programs/index.html

Carleton University https://www.ontariouniversitiesinfo.ca/programs/10

   1    0    0    0

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-1-3 11:19 |只看該作者
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2年College/University Associated Degree + 2 Degree (target transfer to UBC year 3 & 4)

只限 BC 省 2 年副學士學分轉移運作及資訊 Associate Degree Transfer Credit
Associate Degrees
The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees are provincial credentials offered by many institutions in BC and are designed to provide an educational experience that lays a solid foundation for further study.

The associate degree curriculum comprises two years of university level study in a variety of academic areas. Students are required to complete a broad range of course offerings balanced with in-depth study in specific disciplines. Since many students will continue their studies, the requirements are sufficiently flexible to enable students to complete the required prerequisites for upper level course work in their intended major.

Students will be exposed to a program of study that seeks to develop:

an understanding of, and curiosity about, the global context in which we live and work
an appreciation and openness to variety of viewpoints, intellectual thought, and human creativity a capacity for and interest in self directed life-long learning and social responsibilities.

2 Years Associate Degrees of Arts General Requirements

60 semester credits of first and second year courses. These must include a minimum of 18 credits in Arts at the second-year level taken in two or more subject areas.

Specific Requirements

A. 6 credits in first-year English; and

B. 9 credits in Science which shall include at least:
•3 credits in Mathematics, or Computing Science or Statistics (Statistics courses taught in subject areas such as Business, Commerce, Economics, Psychology, etc. may also be used to meet this requirement);
•3 credits in a laboratory science, and

C. 36 credits in Arts which shall include:
•6 credits in the Social Sciences;
•6 credits in Humanities (including the Creative and Performing Arts) other than English;
•24 additional credits in Arts, and

D. 9 credits in Arts, Science, or other areas.

2 Years Associate Degrees of Science General Requirements
60 semester credits of first and second year courses. These must include a minimum of 18 credits in Science at the second-year level taken in two or more subject areas.Specific Requirements

A. 6 credits in first-year English; and
B. 6 credits in Mathematics which shall include at least 3 credits in Calculus; and
C. 36 credits in Science, which shall include at least 3 credits in a laboratory science; and
D. 6 credits in Arts other than English (excluding Mathematics and Laboratory-based Science courses); and
E. 6 credits in Arts, Science, or other areas

Transfer with an Associate Degree https://www.bctransferguide.ca/transfer-options/learn-more-about/associate-degrees/transfer/

University of British Columbia (UBC)

Students with Associate Degrees of Arts or Science from a recognized College or University in BC or the Yukon, if admitted to the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Science, are guaranteed full transfer credit (60 credits) for the work done for their Associate Degree. Students must still meet all 100 and 200 level course requirements for specific degree programs (e.g., majors, honours, faculty-level course requirements) and this may require students to take more than 120 total credits to earn their degree. Students admitted with Associate Degrees must meet the competitive admission average for the program to which they apply if this average is above the published minimum

University of British Columbia (UBC)
Associate Degrees credit transfer

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-1-3 11:36 |只看該作者
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Stream A: In-Canada graduates (This public policy will be in effect from June 1, 2021, to August 31, 2026.)

Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents: About the public policy https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/hong-kong-residents-permanent-residence.html

Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents: Who can applyhttps://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/hong-kong-residents-permanent-residence/eligibility.html

This temporary public policy for Hong Kong residents who are currently in Canada provides a pathway to permanent residence for eligible applicants and their families.

There are 2 streams for which you may be eligible. You can apply for permanent residence under one of the following:

  • Stream A: In-Canada graduates
  • Stream B: Canadian work experience

This public policy will be in effect from June 1, 2021, to August 31, 2026.

Stream A: In-Canada graduates

To be eligible for this stream, you must

  • hold a valid passport issued by one of the following:
    • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
    • United Kingdom to a British National (Overseas) as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong
  • be physically present in Canada when you apply and when you get permanent residence
  • have valid temporary resident status in Canada
  • intend to live in Canada, in any province or territory other than the province of Quebec
  • have a level 5 score in all 4 skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in either English or French in one of the following:
    • Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)
    • Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC)

  • have graduated from a post-secondary designated learning institution in Canada
    • in the 3 years before you apply and
    • with one of the following:
  • ◾a diploma (not graduate or post-graduate) for a program of at least 2 years
    ◾a degree (associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral)
    ◾a graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate for a program of at least 1 year and

◦with at least 50% of your program completed in Canada (either in person or online)

Language test
You must provide a copy of your language test results that shows you have a level 5 score in all 4 skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in one of the following:
•Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)
•Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC)

If you haven’t already completed a language test, make sure you book one early. It takes time to book the test and get your results.

Intent to live in a province or territory other than Quebec
If you currently live in Quebec, you must prove that you intend to live in a province or territory other than Quebec.

To prove this, you can provide one or more of the following:
•a statutory declaration explaining where you plan to live and why
•documents showing any ties you have to the province or territory (outside Quebec) where you plan to live, including

◦proof of employment
◦job offers
◦job applications you’ve submitted
◦job interviews you have scheduled
◦proof you have family living in the area
lease agreements or mortgages

Post-secondary education

If you apply for stream A (In-Canada graduates)
You must provide
•a copy of your diploma or degree
your final transcripts
They must show that you graduated
•from a designated learning institution in Canada
•in the last 3 years

If you have a diploma or certificate from a graduate or post-graduate program, you must also include both of the following:
•proof that this program required you to have a post-secondary diploma or degree as a prerequisite, such as a ◦copy of the school’s website showing all the prerequisites
◦letter from the school that lists the prerequisites you needed
•a copy of your post-secondary diploma or degree and final transcripts showing that you graduated no more than 5 years before the start of your graduate or post-graduate program

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 22-1-11 22:10 |只看該作者


我覺得,唔知岩唔岩,DSE比較難入到3年degree. 3年degree 係希望F7考入。

2023年入加國大學,正常要2027年才畢業,趕唔切stream A.

如果讀2年 college,起碼趕得切stream A. 然後以永久居民插大學3年級,又慳錢。


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-1-14 12:46 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 22-1-14 13:03 編輯
nicolemummy 發表於 22-1-11 22:10
我覺得,唔知岩唔岩,DSE比較難入到3年degree. 3年degree 係希望F7考入。
2023年入加國大學,正常要2027年才畢業,趕唔切stream A.
如果讀2年 college,起碼趕得切stream A. 然後以永久居民插大學3年級,又慳錢。

呢兩星期我再 google search, 坊間傳聞, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CwjdUnV9sk <<< video ~ 1:48 有講一般大學 ~11月才出 transcripts

我都係驚趕唔切 2026年8月31日前有 official transcripts 文件, 所以, 都係唔會再思考 3 年 degree 大學課程, 決定會行 2 年 Associate Degree 然後再直接銜接目標夢想大學 UBC Year 3, 呢個帖 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3800920&extra=page%3D1&page=3 有詳細 College / University Associate Degree 資料


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-1-14 13:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 22-1-14 13:09 編輯

On 省 Transfer Credit 官方網站: https://search.ontransfer.ca/

Lambton College transfer credit to Western University

Centennial College transfer credit to Western University https://www.westerncalendar.uwo.ca/Modules.cfm?SelectedSCalendar=Live&ArchiveID=

College to University of Waterloo pathways

Conestoga College transfer credit to University of Waterloo

Conestoga programWaterloo programWaterloo transfer credit
Conestoga program Biotechnology Technician (diploma)Waterloo program Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology or Biomedical SciencesWaterloo transfer credit up to 6.0 units (12 term courses)
                                                 Transfer credits will be awarded for courses with a minimum grade of 75%.
Conestoga program Biotechnology Technician (1-year fast track diploma)Waterloo program Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology or Biomedical SciencesWaterloo transfer credit up to 2.5 units (5 term courses)
                                                 Transfer credits will be awarded for courses with a minimum grade of 75%.
Conestoga program General Arts and Science (1-year certificate)Waterloo program Honours Bachelor of ArtsWaterloo transfer credit up to 3.5 units (7 term courses)
Conestoga program General Arts and Science (diploma)Waterloo program Honours Bachelor of ArtsWaterloo transfer credit up to 9.0 units (18 term courses)
Conestoga program Recreation and Leisure Services (diploma)Waterloo program Honours Bachelor of Arts or Recreation and Leisure StudiesWaterloo transfer credit up to 7.5 units (15 term courses)

Fanshawe College transfer credit to McMaster University

Seneca College transfer credit to University of Toronto

Humber College transfer credit to University of Toronto

George Brown College transfer credit to University of Toronto
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