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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Kellett Pok Fu Lam waitlist to offer
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[小學] Kellett Pok Fu Lam waitlist to offer [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 21-7-28 10:38 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
background: boy born in 2017 with US passport; lived in mainland China until summer 2020 moved to HK; Mandarin as mother tongue because grandparents took care of him when in mainland; intensive English learning every day since moved to HK, both at home and at kindergarten
in summer 2020 applied for three schools' 2021 program: 1) FIS TKO campus reception; 2) GSIS Y2; and 3) Kellett reception. Targeted schools with > 40 years' history

interview results: 1) rejected by FIS immediately following the interview in Nov-2020, poor English seemed to be the primary reason; 2) not offered interview by GSIS; 3) waitlist by Kellett in Feb-2021 following the interview.

things we did once got waitlisted: We did shoot one email to Kellett in April to ask for any progress but the admission office didn't provide much color. Some friends suggested visiting the office in person or handwriting begging letters. We didn't take the advice, though, thinking it might be too much!

final result: received offer from Kellett eventually after 5-months' waiting, right before the term starts, very fortunately!!!

why succeeded with Kellett while failed with FIS? 1) FIS interview took place in Nov-2020 while Kellett interview was in Feb-2021. The kid made rapid progress with English in the 3 months; 2) FIS conducted group interview, one teacher playing with five or six kids; while Kellett offered one-on-one. The kid felt more comfortable of being alone when he couldn't communicate with other kids effectively in English; 3) not sure what kind of games the kid played with the two schools as parents were not allowed in; however, the kid definitely played blocks with Kellett and blocks happened to be his favorite. Back home, he couldn't describe any details of FIS interview yet he could elaborate on the details of playing blocks excitedly in Kellett.

key take-away: 1) never give up till the last second, but always get back up, ie, try again next application season; 2) try different schools; 3) English English English; 4) luck plays a role!

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-7-28 14:23 |只看該作者
回覆 GZBJ 的帖子

Thanks for your sharing! May i know why did u apply for TKO FIS instead of JR FIS? Sounds like u live in hk island right?
Which KG did your child go to for intensive english training? I found it very difficult to find a “just english” PN class. (Even woodland, yewchung n many others so-called international  kindergartens in TKO offer bi- lingual PN only)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 21-7-29 14:31 |只看該作者
sabsab122 發表於 21-7-28 14:23
回覆 GZBJ 的帖子

Thanks for your sharing! May i know why did u apply for TKO FIS instead of JR FIS? ...
We applied for FIS TKO rather than JR simply because the admission office told us that there would be less competition for seats in TKO campus, which almost excluded kids holding only HK passports.
We went to Woodland Kennedy Town for kindergarten, which offered Mandarin-English formal courses in the morning and English only informal childcare in the afternoon. We also registered various sports with Rugbytots, YWCA etc on weekdays and weekends. Those institutions' coaches spoke English. Monkey Tree also helped.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-7-29 16:03 |只看該作者
没关系,哪怕今年不行,先找个学校读起来,过两年就会被targeted school 录取的,香港的国际学校不算太难考
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