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教育王國 討論區 朗思國際幼稚園(九龍塘) CPSK (啓思小學附屬幼稚園) or Think (朗思)? ...
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CPSK (啓思小學附屬幼稚園) or Think (朗思)? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-24 03:42 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
A decision to make: between 啓思小學附屬幼稚園 (@ 牛津道) and 朗思 (九龍塘), which one to pay the 註冊費 to for K1?

About my daughter:
- Small baby: born in Nov. 2008
- Native language: Putonghua
- Personality: balanced
- Development: so far so good
- "Education background": currently attending Playgroups (half in PTH, half in English)

About my family:
- Language: My husband and I are PTH native speakers. We speak English well (I think :;pppp:) as both of us studied abroad. Our Cantonese is pretty poor though. We talk to our daughter mainly in PTH as we hope PTH would be her mother tongue.
- Expectations on the school:
  - Emphasis on both PTH and English
  - A balanced curriculum, not too 深 nor too 淺
  - Caring and encouraging teachers and staff
  - Can prepare my daughter well for her future study (very likely in an international school such as ESF or a private schools with IB such as 蔡繼有. We'd also consider 啓思小學 and 朗思國際學校).

About the schools:
- 啓思小學附屬幼稚園
The major language is Cantonese, while an NET and a PTH teacher each stay in the classroom for 1.5 hours. Within the 1.5 hours, the English/PTH teacher teaches in English/PTH for 20 minutes per day.
- 朗思
The English/PTH class would be half in English and half in PTH (but I am not 100% sure about the format yet).

It seems both schools are good at 語文 and have a balanced curriculum. As my husband and I are not from HK (nor do we understand the local education system very well), we'd really appreciate your help by shedding some light. Many thanks

[ 本帖最後由 angela11 於 10-11-24 03:45 編輯 ]
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-24 09:58 |只看該作者
本身我都報左啓思小學附屬幼稚園, 但最後都reject左佢地, 不是因為這校不好, 這校好的程度比得上think, 但可惜這校沒有全日班 , 不能fit my requirement.

在照顧方面, 如果我是你這樣的case, 我會選啓思小學附屬幼稚園.  我在bk看過很多的留言, cpsk多數收的, 而最後也會讀的, 多是細b, 所以他們對照顧細b的能力和資源比較好, 年齡差距都不大, 教學上都能因材施教

在學習而言, 你也說你在家也對小朋友說pth, 而你兩夫婦都有不錯的eng, 照道理pth/eng也不需太擔心, 所以除非你不想小朋友留在香港讀書, 否則cantonese對小朋友來說, 對將來在港升學也非常重要.....cpsk有cantonese時間, 而think則沒有(我相信你報的是英普班吧), 所以在這情況下, cpsk亦會比較suit你

[ 本帖最後由 karaqueenie 於 10-11-24 10:03 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-25 01:14 |只看該作者
karaqueenie, many thanks. What you said makes great sense to me.

I'd love to see my daughter pick up Cantonese (indeed!). Just my concern is,

1. I'm not sure if my daughter can handle a third LANGUAGE well at such a young age- I am not talking about only saying a few words in Cantonese. When I took her to playgroups (half Eng. half PTH), my observation was she responsed well to PTH but was pretty lost in Eng.

2. A teacher in CPSK told me "show and tell" is a major class activity every day. I assume it's mainly in Cantonese. Being one of the few whose 1st language is not Cantonese (plus one of the youngest) in her class, will my daughter become less confident at the beginning as she can't speak as well?

I was thinking, what if I put my daughter in Eng./PTH first (to get her used to the kinder life) and then introduce Cantonese at K2? Will that work?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-25 10:20 |只看該作者
小朋友學外語的能力, 是越早越好的, 不要低估了你的小朋友, 越遲接觸第三語言 (cantonese), 小朋友越難適應

在think, k3一定是pth/eng class (no choice), 而你k1, k2已經是pth/eng, 那豈不是3年也是在eng/pth的環境嗎? 如果你真係好想入think, 不如你同學校講講轉eng/cantonese比你啦, 但我估, 佢地會叫你交左留位費先, 再睇情況放唔放個位比你.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-11 15:12 |只看該作者
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