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TKO家長-翠茵小宇宙vs藍田啟思(匯景花園) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-10 13:36 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

Creative take gov. subsidy coupon but need to take school bus from TKO. I did not hear much comment on this KG, is it good? or is the syllabus too easy?

Greenville Kids doesn't take coupon but is just a few steps from our home. I heard good comments on this KG, but also see lots of parents transfer their kids out of this KG to other KGs. Any comment?

I still have a 10 month old daughter that will go to KG 2 yeare later, that means year 2013 will be double the school fee.

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Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-10 18:33 |只看該作者
I will take Greenville.

Creative: around $1200/mth(after coupon) + $900/ school bus + $1000-1300/ *Extra Eng class + $500/ *extra PTH class = total cost/ mth around = $3600

Greenville(Int'l class) : $37xx/mth ( no need to take school bus, learn ENG & PTH everyday, 4 hrs a day)

*Extra ENG/PTH classes are optional, but most of the parent will join. Remember, there is no PTH lesson in Creative b4 K3.

Most importantly, the teachers in Greenville are kind and caring.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-10 19:47 |只看該作者

回復 2# chunlaifat 的帖子

Really thanks for your prompt comment. How about the campus? I also considered Creative has individual campus with 2 outdoor playgrounds too, but Greenville is just one level inside the shopping mall without any outdoor playground.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-11 01:26 |只看該作者
Campus: Creative faces " west" and therefore is very hot at noon, especially in summer. I think the kids cannot use the outdoor playground in the hottest mths due to the strong sunlight.  For parents, it is not a desirable job to pick up the kids after school, as there is no any cover all the way to Lam tin MTR station. It will be even more undesirable in summer due to the storm and hot weather.( Just my personal experience.)   

For Greenville, I don't really like the campus too but it is convenient for picking up the kids. The class size is smaller and the hygienic conditions seem better(My son seldom get sick). The teachers really love the kids.

All these points are based on my past experience and therefore quite subjective. You should learn more about their teaching philosophy and syllabus. But one thing for your ref, I definitely won't spend $1800($900x2 kids) per mth for the school bus of a nearby KG. =)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-11 09:55 |只看該作者
Creative - is the syllabus too easy? For me, yes.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-11 10:43 |只看該作者

回復 1# Kalili-Mui-Mui 的帖子

睇係個 post, 覺得你自己都好似like Creative 多o的~~

我係Greenville家長, 呀女讀緊N1, 我so far 好滿意, 我個女都好鐘意O的老師同呀姐, 成日提住, 放假仲會問點解唔番學~

其實你O既 target 係乜先~ 每個人o既traget 都唔同~ 你係諗住N1-K3都讀O個間定點呢?

我自己O既target, 就係N1 呀 B 太細, 所以會choose最近又好O既學校, 而我都好心儀九龍塘O既一眾名校, 所以K1會去 try 下 interview 睇下入唔入到, 入到就走, 入唔到讀番Greenville 都好ok咁!!

至於點解Greenville o既家長點解要轉校, 我估大部份都係因為讀完N1之後有更好o的KG offer, 所以會走. 我都好感激老師教得佢好好所以有好學校收~ hehehh~ ^-^

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-11 15:29 |只看該作者
Hi everyone,

My daughter is studying in Greenville PN International stream. I didn't apply Creative for her. so , I can't give any advise on which school is better.

However, I can tell you that we are very happy with Greenville teachers and its curriculum. My girl love the school & enjoyed her school life a lot. The teachers are very caring and experience. Especially, their senior teacher -Ms Debora.
FYI, my girl can communicate with us in full sentence English. If you would like to train your kid to be a Bilingual speaker. I would recommend GV.

School fee is HK3800/month.


Is yr girl studying the same class as mine ??  She is in PNB.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-11 16:32 |只看該作者
hi anitatsoi,

my girl is studying in PNC~ keke~~

i didn't train up my girl in English and PTH. that's y we put our girl in 主流班~~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-11 18:34 |只看該作者
我阿仔要考N1時, 去參觀Creative, 發覺 好注重母語教學, 同我的理念不符, 所以冇去in, in 左GV (將軍澳我只in 左哩間, 收左, 但冇去讀, 我覺得TKO 我最合哩間, 當時未有 boxhill, LH..) 最後去左藍田 Think, 我覺得好好, 因為都想K1考不到其它都可以讀下去. 不過最後K1都轉左出去SC.

其實GV 我知好多K1都轉走, 同 think 一樣, 通常考到 SC, KV, PC etc 會走.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-11 19:20 |只看該作者
for the parents whose kids are studying at greenville, i would like to know whether the teachers communicate closely with you?

my son studied at Greenville int'l stream at la cite noble in nov but quited in dec (he has another offer). during Nov, the teacher never called us, everyday when we picked up our son, her comment was same "he is fine".  i am not sure it was because she noted that we would quit or it is her practise not to communicate with parents.  

the reason to know is because i have another little son who will apply n1 again end of this year, i am considering whether to apply GV. so i am interested to know how & how frequent the teachers communciate with parents.  thks!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-12 11:24 |只看該作者
It is normal practice of kg teachers that no one will call you if nothing special/accidence happened.  I can't imagine if the teacher spends over an hour to talk with each parent every day.  

原帖由 cycream 於 11-1-11 19:20 發表
for the parents whose kids are studying at greenville, i would like to know whether the teachers communicate closely with you?

my son studied at Greenville int'l stream at la cite noble in nov but q ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-12 11:59 |只看該作者
easybring: oh, 咩原來多數d kg係咁架? 我個仔讀緊km,老師第一week就有打俾我just for update,而唔係有特別事. 我家姐個女係LH,老師係周不時打俾家姐update(亦唔係有咩事), 咁係呢2間kg abnormal, 等我以為gv個老師唔好tim!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-12 12:08 |只看該作者
說老實, km老師真的好勤力. 迦南的也一樣勤力.   我沒有朋友在LH, 不知詳情.

我大囡kv時沒有甚麼電話, 但從囡囡口中已知她的校園生活不錯, 見有進步已可以.  我情願老師留番d力同我個囡講多兩句.  囡囡學校發生的小事(touchwood無大件事發生過), 我都由囡囡自己同老師講, 雖然她也不能很完滿解決每一件事, 也是一個學習獨立的機會. 兩個囡囡pn時是gv(mc1)的, 老師也差不多, 有損傷就會有電話.

所以, 每一間kg都有其特色, 睇家長自己要求去選kg.

原帖由 cycream 於 11-1-12 11:59 發表
easybring: oh, 咩原來多數d kg係咁架? 我個仔讀緊km,老師第一week就有打俾我just for update,而唔係有特別事. 我家姐個女係LH,老師係周不時打俾家姐update(亦唔係有咩事), 咁係呢2間kg abnormal, 等我以為gv個老師 ...

[ 本帖最後由 easybring 於 11-1-12 12:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-12 12:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 easybring 於 11-1-12 12:08 發表
說老實, km老師真的好勤力. 迦南的也一樣勤力.   我沒有朋友在LH, 不知詳情.

我大囡kv時沒有甚麼電話, 但從囡囡口中已知她的校園生活不錯, 見有進步已可以.  我情願老師留番d力同我個囡講多兩句.  囡囡學校發生的小 ...

thanks for sharing! 因為小朋友n1係好細(just2歲),佢完全唔識返屋企講返學d野,我先expect可以同老師多d 溝通. 可以讀km,阿仔係超lucky,但細佬就應該幾乎無可能!又要搵間區內好d kg俾佢,所以又要頭痕.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-13 13:11 |只看該作者
Thanks for all your input, I have reserved the space with GV already.

I prefer Creative more than GV because that can strengthen the Cantonese language for my son - he is noticeably better in English communication right now, but I am worried of the safty and time factors for his daily commute to GV.

mgc & anitatsoi, my son will be in K1 by August, so may be in the same class as your kids. Nice to know both of you.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-1-15 21:29 |只看該作者
我個女都係gv讀緊pn班..同一時間我都有apply creative 藍田同九龍塘正校..我已經放棄左藍田creative..另外兩間仲考慮緊!
我依家仲諗緊...因為九龍塘creative收佢讀下午班..我個女返pn到依家都好似未build up到個timetable咁..訓晏覺既時間好唔穩定!呢樣係我最担心既問題!
如果每個月差$1000-2000,我地都應該會留係gv機會比較大!如果仲有你地講creative要加埋extra fee既話就更加唔使諗!

ps:to mgc
我個女係metrocity pm pnc班!

發表於 11-1-16 11:12 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-1-16 11:24 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-1-16 11:28 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-17 18:15 |只看該作者
PN 可以考慮國際班, pn主要是train up conversation, school rules understanding.  如果p1要主流, k1-3就要轉主流.  而且大部份主流kg k1 interview要廣東話對答(部份kg可選擇以英文interview), 家長要教導小朋友流利廣東話.

原帖由 cincin_ko 於 11-1-16 11:24 發表

Hi mgc & anitatsoi,

My daughter just has GV (metro city campus) offer for PN in the coming 2012/Jan. I intend to train her to be a good in English & PTH but NOT going to send her to International s ...
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