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聖心/st clare同spk, 大家會點揀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-8 22:57 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
聖心/st clare同spk, 大家會點揀?

除左kdg, 我仲想考慮埋小學同中學,,
但小學ge information 真係唔係知太多
特別係聖心   私小同津小ge 程度有無唔同呢??

   2    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-8 23:03 |只看該作者
1) SPK
3) St.Clare

原帖由 jacky1666_hk 於 11-1-8 22:57 發表
聖心/st clare同spk, 大家會點揀?

除左kdg, 我仲想考慮埋小學同中學,,
但小學ge information 真係唔係知太多
特別係聖心   私小同津小ge 程度有無唔同呢??

thanks ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-8 23:20 |只看該作者
SPK,St.Clare是英文小學, SHCK

Rank: 1

發表於 11-1-9 21:58 |只看該作者
You also need to aware their secondary path.
SHCK may not have a great chance to SH secondary. It seems they narrow down the number of students from their primary school students

SPK and St. Clare seems easier to get a place in secondary school, U can have a chance to choose whether to stay or not

發表於 11-1-9 22:37 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-10 01:20 |只看該作者
咁我想問下,,,大家知唔知3 間kdg ge 教授語言係咩??

英粵 / 英普???定其實係中文為主??..

sh 同 st clare 網上面都無咩教學評審
其實我要係咩途徑先可以知道個間kdg 係用咩語言??

st clare 小學得2 班,,,感覺好似好少人,,
話佢standard 唔夠好,,,我又覺得可能係因為佢真係1條龍得好緊要,,,唔收其他外來生,,,,,

題外話:  rhs 係咪用英文為主??我見佢地連kdg ge website 一隻中文都無呀呀呀~!
好想試佢地ge playgroup,,,但rhs 絕對唔係我杯荼..!!!哈哈 ,,,

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-10 10:45 |只看該作者
Actually I think I have prepared these data for reference long long time ago on my one-dragon school list.

Anyway, this is just plain data for a quick understanding:

Sacred Heart
Kindergarten students enrollment @ 180 (2009-10), @180 (2010-11) and @240 (2011-12)
*(note: SHCK has a three year cycle where once every three years like this coming year, they will accept additional 60 students)
*(Always at maximum capacity so 2011-12 will be 240)
*around 10% are boys (estimate)

Primary section capacity:
(Private Section): 3-4 classrooms available so estimate max. class size is 108 - 160 (may be up to 120/160 if 40 students per class)
(Gov't Aided Section): 5 classrooms available and according to gov't allocation, total 150 capacity (plus 15 of additional seats allowed = 165)

Secondary school capacity (Gov't Aided):
Capacity: 6 classes of total 216 students

St. Clare's
Kindergarten students enrollment @ 110 (2009-10), @120 (2010-11) and @120 (2011-12)
* for reference 2009-10 K2 size is 65 and and K3 size is 60
*2010-11 and 2011-12 intake is estimated at maximum capacity

Primary section capacity (Private):
2 -3 classrooms available so estimate max. class size is 70 - 105 (may be up to 120 if 40 students per class)

Secondary school capacity (Gov't Aided):
Capacity: 4 classes of total 144 students

St. Paul's Convent
There are three kindergartens and nurseries: SPK + SPN + SPCDN.  Total Enrollment estimated each year at around 180 + 70 + 30~40 (take avg. 35) = 285.
*(Always at maximum capacity)
*Around 10% are boys (estimate)

Primary section capacity (Private):
5 classrooms available so estimate max. class size is around 200-210 (over 40 students per class).

Secondary school capacity (Direct Subsidized):
Capacity: 6 classes of total 216 students

Further to the above data, I guess parents need to first understand the allocation system from primary to a gov't aided secondary school (applied to Sacred Heart and St. Clares's).

Both Sacred Heart and St. Clare's primary schools are feeder schools to their secondary, that means after the first 30% of places reserved for discretionary places and repeaters' places, 85% of the remaining seats are reserved for own primary students who are in Band 1 and Band 2.

The discretionary places stage is to open 30% of the school capacity for ALL students (not relevant to geographical location).  Basically an opportunity for top students in entire Hong Kong to look for their target school.   However, Sacred Heart is the only gov't aided secondary school which I am aware, which reserved ALL 30% of these seats for their own primary school students only.

For St. Paul's Convent which is a DSS, their admission process is self-defined, and normally obtained passing grades in core subjects would allow admission to secondary.  Basically an equivalent to obtain band 1 and 2 results within the school (I assume they may have higher standard to assure that).

So you can see actually it is a very complicated process.  I am not sure even I put out all these details if all parents can really understand the system.  Honestly, it took me a long time to figure this out too so hopefully this sharing can help parents be more knowledgeable and understand what they are dealing with.

So, at the end, this is the idea:
For Sacred Heart, there are 180-240 kindergarten students.  Private primary has around 120-160 (private) + 150-165 (gov't Aided).  Secondary section will reserve 90% of their seats only for own band 1 and 2 students, that is around 200 seats.

For St. Clare's, there are around 120 kindergarten students, also around max 120 for primary and places reserved for own primary is approx. 80.

For St. Paul's Convent, there are around 285 kindergarten students, around 200 places in primary and secondary section.

Which one is easier, I guess it really depends on parents expectation on their students ability to stay at certain level academically.


原帖由 babyqueendom 於 11-1-9 22:37 發表

I am not sure about this. May Ian provide some comments on this?

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-1-10 11:03 編輯 ]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-10 11:04 |只看該作者
All three kindergartens are voucher receiving kindergartens and all three and using Cantonese as medium of instructions.

原帖由 jacky1666_hk 於 11-1-10 01:20 發表
咁我想問下,,,大家知唔知3 間kdg ge 教授語言係咩??

英粵 / 英普???定其實係中文為主??..

sh 同 st clare 網上面都無咩教學評審
其實我要係咩途徑先可以知道個間kdg 係用咩語言??

st clar ...

發表於 11-1-10 11:06 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-1-10 11:19 |只看該作者
Oh I wouldn't say that, it is quite certain that's not the case since the number of band 1 and 2 students in two SH primary schools will exceed the seats available for them.

For a real one-dragon school, they need to accept their own students no matter they are band 1, 2 or 3!

I try not to make personal comment here as I guess most parents know why I choose the kindergarten my daughter is studying in.  But really there are no absolute answer, there are only suitable schools matching each parent's own expectation only.

原帖由 babyqueendom 於 11-1-10 11:06 發表
So SH is almost like a one dragon?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-10 11:39 |只看該作者
May be the figures are still not easy to comprend so just put aside the figures and try to make it more easy to comprehend:

For SH, admission of own kindergarten students to their two primary sections are not guaranteed formally.  But they do give heavy preference to take care of them if they cannot find other places better.  This is the basic principal.  For admission from own primary to secondary, the intention to exclude outside students from applying thru discretionary places is also to try to accept more own students.  This is done despite the fact that it will mean more band 2 students from own schools will be accepted.

For the case of St. Clare's, it is probably provide the best scenario if academic standard is in a rather low priority of the parent's mind.  As they are the only one to guarantee admission to primary, so this at least give you peace of mind for 9 years.  Then, it looks almost certain of band 1 & 2 students to be admitted to own secondary due to their small primary school population so they will have a "easier" chance.

For the case of St. Paul's Convent, I guess the biggest uncertainty would be admitting to their primary section.  After that, pretty much if can maintain acceptable standard then can be promoted.  However, whether the children will be happy if they are in the bottom all the time is another question to think about.

At the end, all three of these secondary are clearly band 1 schools.  So, parents should aim to let their children maintain at that level (or close to that) when considering whether to go all the way.  It is really far too soon to think one-dragon.  If the children have difficulty staying in the same school, it may be a better option to consider elsewhere (after trying harder of course) as it may hurt their confidence.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-10 12:27 |只看該作者

回復 6# jacky1666_hk 的帖子

RHS kindergarten teaches 2 days in English and 2 days in PTH, 1 day Montessori. The school notice is bilingual.

The playgroup is meant for toddlers who got accepted to their pre-nursery. It is a good opportunity for the potential students and parents to get familiar with the school environment. The playgroup has 4 sessions each Sat and the NET and PTH teachers take 30 mins on alternate weeks. The arrangement is very good and I think it is worthy to join if you consider attending the pre-nursery.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-10 12:41 |只看該作者
That's my concern also. My old classmate who is a secondary teacher (not in any of these three schools) told me that the teaching standard in SPC is very high (teaching F1 standard in P5). She told me unless my girl was in the top 5-10 of the class, it would be difficult for her to catch up the standard. She often receives phone calls from friends who ask help on homeworks and these friends repeatedly question if their kids are thick since they cannot catch up......

Who knows what one will become in 6 years' time?
While some kids are 遇強越強, some are delicate and it may hamper their confidence if they constantly cannot catch up.

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-1-10 11:39 發表
.....However, whether the children will be happy if they are in the bottom all the time is another question to think about.

.....If the children have difficulty staying in the same school, it may be a better option to consider elsewhere (after trying harder of course) as it may hurt their confidence.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-10 13:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 fefemom 於 11-1-10 12:27 發表
RHS kindergarten teaches 2 days in English and 2 days in PTH, 1 day Montessori. The school notice is bilingual.

The playgroup is meant for toddlers who got accepted to their pre-nursery. It is a good ...

係咪姐係話rhs ge playgroup only for the one who apply the pre-nursery? would rhs playgroup accept those who are not apply the pn class?

ian :   may i ask which one ur girl finally admiss?

many thanks!!!!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-10 14:02 |只看該作者

回復 14# jacky1666_hk 的帖子

Last year, in the RHS playgroup invitation letter, it stated that the playgroup was for registered PN students only (whether potential K1 students will be invited, I don't know). I don't think it is open to all.

Ian's elder daughter is studying at SHCK (but I am not sure if she is studying in the am or pm class )

發表於 11-1-10 14:33 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-1-10 15:06 |只看該作者

回復 10# iantsang 的帖子

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-10 15:48 |只看該作者
Actually, my wife and I decide to aim for 中小.....  is it really an issue?  Actually majority of primary schools are 中小 in HK.......

Actually Chinese is a much more difficult language to learn so we don't find it is an issue at all to catch up.  Since as they reach secondary study and further, it will all be in English, so we prefer to give them some more opportunities to learn in Chinese.  At the end, the primary curriculum in primary is a lot different from our time!  I guess the only concern at the end is whether Mathematics are being taught in English or not only.....  there are not many subject time besides English, Chinese and Mathematics nowadays.....  

For SHCSPS, they use English for General Science in P3 to P6.  For SHCS, if I remember correctly, mathematics are taught in English for P5-6.  (Other parents can correct me if I am wrong)

原帖由 ng254 於 11-1-10 15:06 發表

I hoped I could meet you last Sat, :   I'd like to ask any concern for SH primary is 中小.  Whether it would be difficult for the kids to catch up Eng. Secondary after 9 yrs study in Chinese ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-10 17:37 |只看該作者

回覆 1# iantsang 的文章

so is st clare  primary use eng in maths n gs starting from p1??     for me, i prefer st clare more than sh........

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-10 17:42 |只看該作者
You can refer to this information at St. Clare's website:


everyone can have different preferences!  This is why I always think it is not very useful to compare.  There are not many schools which are so similar that actually worth comparison.  For the rest, they are so different that you don't really need to compare!  

原帖由 jacky1666_hk 於 11-1-10 17:37 發表
so is st clare  primary use eng in maths n gs starting from p1??     for me, i prefer st clare more than sh........

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-1-10 17:44 編輯 ]
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