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教育王國 討論區 德望學校 (幼稚園) English lesson
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English lesson [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-26 00:27 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

my daughter told me that she didn't have English class today due to no time.  Since she can't explain very well, I asked question step by step.  I aked 'did you see English Teacher today?  She replied "No, she didn't come today".  I asked "why?"  She replied it's because all the kids are rushing back to home, so no time for English lesson law!

Should I believe in her?  Or call to the school to ask?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-26 11:39 |只看該作者
Dear parents,

Don't be so nervous. They're just rush to school after big holiday (typhoon holiday), their teachers should be very busy to catch up many thing they missed last week with students.

Morever, even they can have English lesson everyday at school, I think it's not enough and we should provide more supplementary English courses/practice to our babies by ourselves.

My elder daughter was studies in Kowloon Tong KG (now she's P1 in GH) and their Eng lessons also good enough, but I also gave her extra English lessons with nat. teachers. Personally, I think we cannot just depends on the English lessons provided by school as it only have 3 hours per day.
原帖由 icbb1230 於 10-10-26 00:27 發表

my daughter told me that she didn't have English class today due to no time.  Since she can't explain very well, I asked question step by step.  I aked 'did you see English Teacher today?  She r ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-26 14:05 |只看該作者

Yes, maybe I am too nervous on English subject in GH.  However, I still think 3 hours in school is an essential to kids, even  though I also hire a foreigner to teach my daughter since she was 2.5 yrs.

In addition, if we give additional lessons to kids for every subject, so why our kids need to go to school, why we spend so much time on finding them a good kinder/primary?  If we depend on additional lessons outside, any kinder is ok la, no need to fight for the best, right?

English is the only subject I give extra lesson to my daughter as I believe language building must be done when young age.  Other than English, no ECA is regarding to academic, I only give drawing, music and swimming to my daughter.

Just a sharing, isn't defending.


原帖由 CTWCHOW 於 10-10-26 11:39 發表
Dear parents,

Don't be so nervous. They're just rush to school after big holiday (typhoon holiday), their teachers should be very busy to catch up many thing they missed last week with students.

Mo ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-27 06:50 |只看該作者

其實入來gh,我預左英文無入intl school or bilingual school咁好ga la!!始終佢唔係一班一個西人教。
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