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李國寶中學 VS 王錦輝中學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-10 23:00 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear all,

My daughter (band 2 student) received offer from both 李國寶中學 and 王錦輝中學. Which one will you choose and why ? Any recommendation ?

Thanks !
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-11 02:12 |只看該作者
一間係沙田, 一間係油麻地~~

論環境,沙田好好多, 無咁雜, 浸大黃錦輝中小學隔離係浸大國際校園? 旁邊係另一間國際學校。

我隨便咁講, 我喜歡浸大黃錦輝校舍超靚, 不過學費都好貴下, 好似要5千幾一個月(後來看清楚原來係每月3500)。 不過成立好短時間, 無業績睇。

喜歡李國寶的學費相對便宜好多, 大約2千一個月。 用剩出來的錢可以做好多其它活動。 有業績睇, 并且在進步中。

兩間都係直資, 都係英文教學。 其它分別唔太清楚, 不過浸大黃錦輝背後教育機構係侵會大學, 而李國寶背後教育機構係HKMA。

如果金錢不是問題, 我會選浸大黃錦輝。 否則HKMA李國寶也是好的選擇。 個人意見。

原帖由 wonger 於 10-2-10 23:00 發表
Dear all,

My daughter (band 2 student) received offer from both 李國寶中學 and 王錦輝中學. Which one will you choose and why ? Any recommendation ?

Thanks !

[ 本帖最後由 bkman 於 10-3-5 05:01 編輯 ]
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-12 00:00 |只看該作者

Thanks for your comments, I am planning to walk around both schools during CNY holidays.

BTW, 黃錦輝學費好似3千一個月...

Yes, I quite like the environments at 黃錦輝, but no track records to review.

原帖由 bkman 於 10-2-11 02:12 發表
一間係沙田, 一間係油麻地~~

論環境,沙田好好多, 無咁雜, 浸大黃錦輝中小學隔離係浸大國際校園? 旁邊係另一間國際學校。

我隨便咁講, 我喜歡浸大黃錦輝校舍超靚, 不過學費都好貴下, 好似要5千幾一個月。 不過成立好短時間,  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-12 06:02 |只看該作者
Sorry, I made a mistake, the tuition fee is $35,000 in 10 instalments, so it is $3,500 per month.

The annual tuition fee for HKMA DLKP increased to $2,000 per month should be correct, so that there are $1,500 difference per month.

原帖由 wonger 於 10-2-12 00:00 發表

Thanks for your comments, I am planning to walk around both schools during CNY holidays.

BTW, 黃錦輝學費好似3千一個月...

Yes, I quite like the environments at 黃錦輝, but no track records t ...
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-12 06:02 |只看該作者
This is the link for 黃錦輝中學。
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-13 20:18 |只看該作者
I accepted the offer from HKMA DLKP in early February, submitted the P6 record and paid the registration fee already since they announced the result earlier...

If I want to change it to 王錦輝中學 , can I still do it ?

Any one knows and have experience to share how to handle this ? Thanks !!!

原帖由 bkman 於 10-2-12 06:02 發表
Sorry, I made a mistake, the tuition fee is $35,000 in 10 instalments, so it is $3,500 per month.

The annual tuition fee for HKMA DLKP increased to $2,000 per month should be correct, so that there a ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-14 01:09 |只看該作者
Did you get the offer from 王錦輝中學 yet? Of course you can change if you really believe that 王錦輝中學 is better for you and your kid.

Since you paid the registration fee and submitted your kid's Student Record Form to DLKP during registration.  

If you got offer from 王錦輝中學 and want to change, you need to call to DLKP to get back your kid's Student Record Form and go to register at 王錦輝中學 again with this Form.

1) But remember, when you confirmed the registration to either HKMA DLKP or 王錦輝中學 (or any this kind of DSS), you should understand that you give up the central allocation from Education Bureau.

In July, the Allocation will be open, and you will get a Allocation/Admission Slip of your kid thru your kid's primary school. The slip will mention the last school you registered.

2) You are able to change any DSS schools as many as you can before you finally submit the Allocation/Admission Slip to the final one. But you give up registration fee for any time you make it and you will need to get back the Student Record Form before you go to register again to another DSS. (This Student Record Form is issued by Education Bureau, so only one original on your hand).

Hope this is helpful and is my personal opinion.

Wish you and your kid get the most suitable school for the coming 6 years education.

原帖由 wonger 於 10-2-13 20:18 發表
I accepted the offer from HKMA DLKP in early February, submitted the P6 record and paid the registration fee already since they announced the result earlier...

If I want to change it to 王錦輝中學 , ...

[ 本帖最後由 bkman 於 10-2-14 01:50 編輯 ]
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-14 01:45 |只看該作者
Hi bkman,

Many thanks for your detail reply.

Yes, my daughter has received both offers and I had only registered HKMA DLKP for now and I gave the P6 Student Record Form (original) to them too.

After several rounds of discussion with family members, we decide to go for 王錦輝中學.

According to what you shared, I should be able to get back the Student Record Form, right ? And yes, I will inform HKMA DLKP so that I can release the place to them ASAP.

For 王錦輝中學, they start registration on 19/Feb.

I was a bit worry that there will be some difficulties in getting back my daughter P6 Student Record Form from LKP and apply other schools. But according to what you had said, I can make the final decision anyway when I get the Allocation/Admission Slip in July, so it ease my mind now

Thanks for your advice ah, you are so nice.

Happy Chinese New Year, wish you and your family good health in Year of Tiger.

原帖由 bkman 於 10-2-14 01:09 發表
Did you get the offer from 王錦輝中學 yet? Of course you can change if you really believe that 王錦輝中學 is better for you and your kid. Since you only paid the registration fee and if you willing to ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-14 02:03 |只看該作者
You are welcomed, just share some of our experience. But since you cannot wait until July to get the Allocation/Admission Slip to register to 王錦輝中學, you still need to go to DLKP to get back the P.6 Student Record Form so as to bring it to 王錦輝中學 for registration before Feb 19. But I believe that there is no difficulty to get back the Form from DLKP, especially suppose they will not submit it to Education Burea yet until around April, don't worry.

(If you don't go to register to 王錦輝中學 on Feb 19, they will withdraw the place from you and give it to another successful applicant).

Happy New Year to you too ~~~~

原帖由 wonger 於 10-2-14 01:45 發表
Hi bkman,

Many thanks for your detail reply.

Yes, my daughter has received both offers and I had only registered HKMA DLKP for now and I gave the P6 Student Record Form (original) to them too.

Af ...

[ 本帖最後由 bkman 於 10-2-14 02:06 編輯 ]
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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 10-2-16 21:43 |只看該作者


Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-22 01:02 |只看該作者
Just sent a withdrawal letter to LKP on Friday, they said they will review tomorrow and still not sure if I can get back my daughter's student record form.. hmmmmm.

If I can get it back by Wed, still can register to WKF on time.

Really don't know why they can't give me back right away...

原帖由 ChiChiPaPa 於 10-2-16 21:43 發表


Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-23 13:40 |只看該作者
Everything has been settled now. Hope, we made a right choice la. Just registered at WKF today.

原帖由 wonger 於 10-2-22 01:02 發表
Just sent a withdrawal letter to LKP on Friday, they said they will review tomorrow and still not sure if I can get back my daughter's student record form.. hmmmmm.

If I can get it back by Wed, still ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-24 12:21 |只看該作者

我身邊的朋友評價一向是"李"高過"王",  可否分享"王"有什麼優勝之處吸引你下這個決心呢?  可否分享.

原帖由 wonger 於 10-2-23 13:40 發表
Everything has been settled now. Hope, we made a right choice la. Just registered at WKF today.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-25 07:44 |只看該作者

quote]原帖由 TINGMUM 於 10-2-24 12:21 發表

我身邊的朋友評價一向是"李"高過"王",  可否分享"王"有什麼優勝之處吸引你下這個決心呢?  可否分享.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-25 12:29 |只看該作者

多謝分享.  相信你地作出的選擇都是經過深思熟慮的.   我經常會在這兩間學校附近出現, 所睇到的是這兩間校風都是OK的, "王"的環境位置真是很好!  希望有DR. BEN CHAN 的帶領, 把他在國際學校的外國教學的經驗和新元數注入"王"的中學部, 令中學部做得更出色!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-26 14:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 TINGMUM 於 10-2-25 12:29 發表

多謝分享.  相信你地作出的選擇都是經過深思熟慮的.   我經常會在這兩間學校附近出現, 所睇到的是這兩間校風都是OK的, "王"的環境位置真是很好!  希望有DR. BEN CHAN 的帶領, 把他在國際學校的外國教學的經 ...


幾好嗎?  818, 阿女係咪讀緊“王”呀?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-27 01:44 |只看該作者
HuiTung ,

我個女讀TSL, 係"李"對面, 而我住"王"附近, 所以常會見到這兩間學校的學生.  眨下眼, 好快要幫個女選中學了!

你仔仔好嗎? 咁快入來睇升中 ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-1 11:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 TINGMUM 於 10-2-27 01:44 發表
HuiTung ,

我個女讀TSL, 係"李"對面, 而我住"王"附近, 所以常會見到這兩間學校的學生.  眨下眼, 好快要幫個女選中學了!

你仔仔好嗎? 咁快入來睇升中 ? ...


我記得你女係咁上下時候上中學, 又見你係度, 以為佢讀緊添.   冇呀!  我八下有冇人講阿仔間小學的中學, 佢so far so good, 我冇諗其他, 希望佢升番自己中學我就Arigato!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-1 23:28 |只看該作者
Hi TM and HuiTung,

Nice to meet you two here. Will update you two about WKF when my daughter starts school in Sept.

Hope we all make the right choice la..

原帖由 HuiTung 於 10-3-1 11:55 發表


我記得你女係咁上下時候上中學, 又見你係度, 以為佢讀緊添.   冇呀!  我八下有冇人講阿仔間小學的中學, 佢so far so good, 我冇諗其他, 希望佢升番自己中學我就Arigato! ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-2 12:15 |只看該作者

你個仔咁醒, 可以安心等直昇中學!  可憐我煩完大囡, 遲d又要煩個細o既!


幫我讚下你囡囡"叻女",兩間都收, 開學後, 記住UPDATE 多D資料比我,THANK YOU!
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