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Local school or international school??? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-2-3 18:35 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My kid is 2.5 now, studying at Think kg. My husband and I are thinking to send him to int'l school later on or after kg. However, we need to ensure the money is enough to support him for the next 20 years (At least). Moreover, this is a "one way road" no return, as he may not adapt the local school.

i am seeking for your advice! many thanks!
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Rank: 4

發表於 10-2-3 19:23 |只看該作者
I think it all depends on what you want for your kid, and what your goal is for his/her education.

For us we don't care much about academic achievements. We only want our son to grow up to be a good man. We don't want him to have to go through the very high pressure local system with changing policies every year. We believe that if he turns out a good man and has the ability he will find his way through life. Straight A's in examinations doesn't necessarily translate into a successful and happy life anyway.

Financially we are able to support him, so we decided from even before he was born that we would go the international school route. He's 5 now and has just started his primary school life at an international school and so far we have not regretted our decision :)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-3 22:25 |只看該作者
My daughter is also studying in Think but we are not going to send her to the primary school. (however, she wants to study there quite a lot while the teachers promote the primary school quite a lot)
We really don't want to have the "one way road" only and it is really much more expensive.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-3 23:34 |只看該作者
My girl is 27mths and now in Victoria, I also have the same problem, thinking if I should let her going to a traditional primary school or an international school.  
I guess if money is not really " a matter of fact", international school may be good for your kid if you are going to allow them to study abroad.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-4 07:41 |只看該作者
我仔仔都係讀緊Think N 班, 不過我地唔打算讀國際學校, 因為想留番d錢俾佢將來到外國讀中學/大學好過, 小朋友讀書係漫漫長路, 要投放唔少金錢.  

我老公都係香港讀普通小學和初中, form 2先去英國, 一樣可以升讀很好的大學, 講得一口流利英文.  我老公講過, 最好form 4先送仔仔過去, 等佢學多幾年中文, 因為而家太多工種要中英文同樣良好, 他而家睇中文就ok, 但寫就差D.  

在香港讀國際學校係無得走回頭路, 很難轉番去傳統的官校津校, 我唔想冒險.  此外, 我地唔係公務員, 小朋友無讀書津貼, 又唔係有錢人, 所以很難保證未來20年是否有足夠金錢交學費, 所以初步打算高中先送佢去外國.

發表於 10-2-6 22:56 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-2-6 23:01 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-2-14 02:39 |只看該作者
My friend's kids are studying in ESF primary school.  Just to share what she told me:

1.  Int'l school promotes that students should have a wide range of interest.  The extra curricular activities that they choose are usually expensive to learn, e.g. ice hockey, ruby, etc.  Therefore, apart from school fee, there should be sufficient budget to cater for a wide range of expensive activities.

2.  She originally planned to let her kids to take private Chinese class to compensate for the weak Chinese level in Int'l school.  However, her kids were very relucent to learn Chinese (especially reading and writing) since their peers rarely study Chinese after school.  It's not the kids' culture to learn Chinese and they don't want to be different from their peers.

I don't know whether the above are common phenomenon in Int'l school but just to share what I heard.

原帖由 babytomhui 於 10-2-3 18:35 發表
My kid is 2.5 now, studying at Think kg. My husband and I are thinking to send him to int'l school later on or after kg. However, we need to ensure the money is enough to support him for the next 20 y ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-14 03:04 |只看該作者
Besides traditional local school and international school, is DSS also a good choice? Is DSS like the blending of local and international school? Can anyone share his/her view? Many thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-2-14 09:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 hhhc 於 10-2-14 03:04 發表
Besides traditional local school and international school, is DSS also a good choice? Is DSS like the blending of local and international school? Can anyone share his/her view? Many thanks.

I agree.. if you are struggling to choose IS or local, DSS would be good choice in between.  I know several american families, by americans, I mean totally caucasian, non-chinese families... who sent their children to Pui Ching to learn Chinese.  One of the child's father speaks really good English, French, Mandarin and can converse in Cantonese!  He said he wants his children to have exposure to Chinese because so many jobs require good Chinese, English and even Spanish now worldwide.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-14 23:58 |只看該作者
我個人深深明白IS嘅好處, 若果讀得好, 將來有助佢再上一層樓.

但係我對IS的Discipline就好唔放心, 其道德教育較為欠缺. 另外, 如果想子女日後紮根於香港, IS到底會否係一個最好的選擇呢?

發表於 10-2-15 18:07 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-18 13:09 |只看該作者
Hi there,

My daughter was from Tsung Tsin Kindergarten (English Stream) for her Kindergarten.  We were offered a seat with ESF Beacon Hill School while she was K3.  We took the offer and went to BSH for Year 1.  Finally, we realised that their English is super good whereas their Chinese (Putonghua) is super poor.  Later, I switched her out to a local top school - St. Francis of Assisi's English Primary School (SFA) - for P1.  And now, she very happy there.

1) Poor Chinese
2) Poor Discipline
3) Too costly
4) Making your kids to loose Chinese interest afterall
5) Easier to pick up English than Chinese
6) Eventually.. your kid can alway go overseas later on

I guess this is the biggest move which I had for her.  She loves her school now and enjoying her schoolife.  

I guess this could be for your reference...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-5 11:57 |只看該作者
would you please elaborate some more about their poor dicipline??
i'm interested in this school and would like to know some more!
please pm me if neccessary. thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 14:43 |只看該作者
i would like to share with you guys an article on international school that you may be interested in. PM me your email address.
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