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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 唔知這是否"語障", 請指教!
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[聽/語障] 唔知這是否"語障", 請指教! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-2 23:52 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我囝囝剛剛2yrs old, 只講好簡單的單字e.g. dad dad, mum mum (會讀左pa pa), 餅餅, 飽飽, 姐姐, 婆婆, 拜拜, 謝謝!

1. 我地想教佢講"唔該"好耐, 初初佢發唔到音, 就叫佢用"謝謝"代替...現在(約2-3個月後),佢只發到音講"唔", "該"佢真係發唔到音, 就是旦比個音我地交功課.

2. 叫佢講數字1-10, 佢只講到"2", "4", "5", "8", "9" (不過唔係好正).

3. 英文字就唔肯講

4. colour就講"blue", "brown" & "blue", 其他colour, 佢會自己作一個音當交工課比我地, e.g. "haha = white", "gaga = green"... (不過佢絕對會記得自己創作的音)

5. 在佢1.5yrs old時佢已經記得晒a-z, 1-10, major colours and major shapes

6. 佢是企唔定的, 一分鐘都唔可以. 佢企直都好對腳都會"move".

7. 佢唔鐘意望人, 呢排我train佢 - 你望住媽媽...佢現在開始有的的好轉

8. 仲講緊baby talk

9. 佢會"紋", 如果我地唔明佢想點. 佢唔肯講, 只係baby talk, 所以有時我地要"估"

10. 佢唔怕"陌生人", 鐘意同"陌生人" waving and blow a kiss

11. 佢好活躍, 唔停! 除了讀故事書(有時都會"旭旭共"), 做美勞, 睇佢鐘意的DVD先會定的

我真係唔知呢的係咪語障定係過度活躍! 有冇doctor/centre 可以介紹去做評估! thanks!
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-3 08:34 |只看該作者

發表於 10-1-16 21:09 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-2 11:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 happyST 於 10-1-16 21:09 發表
睇你小朋友的情況,首先我覺得暫時淨係用番中文先,唔好又中又英,日常生活要多製造溝通機會比佢,佢 ...

Thanks for your post.
我們在1月份在Health Centre, 有個兒科醫生幫我個囝做左評估, 結果係speech delay 6 mths. 醫生話冇藥同short cut 可以令佢立即/快的講野, 要有耐性!
我個囝現在25個月, 剛剛返左兩日學...好多人話黃金時間做training係3yrs old前, 可否比些意見, 我真係唔知點好!thanks!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-2 14:37 |只看該作者


Dear littlespicy,

My gal is Oct 07 bb,  has similiar situation as ur boy.
She only starts to call 'mama' when she's 2 year old.
At the begining, she says 'meow' when I ask her to say 'cat'. But after one month, she suddenly say 'cat'. After that, she never says 'meow'.
I think your son is finding a way to communicate with you (e.g. use some sounds that he can make out). It's good enough. Later he will be able to talk the correct words. Let's just wait.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-2 22:29 |只看該作者
thanks for your sharing! we are now force him to speak more but we found that he is 有心冇力....he just start to go to school and hope that he will learn more at school and improve it la!!!

原帖由 koala_xin 於 10-2-2 14:37 發表
Dear littlespicy,

My gal is Oct 07 bb,  has similiar situation as ur boy.
She only starts to call 'mama' when she's 2 year old.
At the begining, she says 'meow' when I ask her to say 'cat'. But after ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-2-3 10:26 |只看該作者
my son (now aged 3, study K1) also has similar performance when he's around 2.5 yrs old, even I let him joins some playground when he's 2 yrs old.  He's also speaking BB language even at the 1st day of his K1 study.  The school and teachers are good, they don't forgive him; now he can says somethings and few sentences, and singing a song A~Z so often.  He's also non-stop boy, will run away from his seat during the class; now has improved so much.

原帖由 LITTLESPICY 於 10-1-2 23:52 發表
我囝囝剛剛2yrs old, 只講好簡單的單字e.g. dad dad, mum mum (會讀左pa pa), 餅餅, 飽飽, 姐姐, 婆婆, 拜拜, 謝謝!

1. 我地想教佢講"唔該"好耐, 初初佢發唔到音, 就叫佢用"謝謝"代替...現在(約2-3個月後),佢只發 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-3 21:56 |只看該作者
thanks for the sharing!
my son started to go to school since this week, today is the 3rd day! his teacher said to me that not to worry as he is still 2 years old, young (but i didn't tell her my son's case! not sure she has experience to observe my son or something else).  Hope he will get improve after attending school.  Add oil!

原帖由 dickyyim 於 10-2-3 10:26 發表
my son (now aged 3, study K1) also has similar performance when he's around 2.5 yrs old, even I let him joins some playground when he's 2 yrs old.  He's also speaking BB language even at the 1st day o ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-8 01:19 |只看該作者
btw, did your kid attended any training before? thanks!

原帖由 dickyyim 於 10-2-3 10:26 發表
my son (now aged 3, study K1) also has similar performance when he's around 2.5 yrs old, even I let him joins some playground when he's 2 yrs old.  He's also speaking BB language even at the 1st day o ...
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