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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 St. Margarate kinder(local) or 蘇浙(國際班)
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St. Margarate kinder(local) or 蘇浙(國際班) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-30 21:21 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
蘇浙(國際班) offered me a k1 place today, and now i am having a big headache.
I have originally decided St. Margarate Kinder which i like very much.
But the strong side of 蘇浙(國際班) is language, both english and mandarin.
The reason that i didn't consider other international school is because compare with other IS, 蘇浙國際 is more stress on discipline, chinese culture.  And i want my girl's early education to stress more on discipline, moral learning but at the same time 活動教學.
Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks!
(I am aiming for local primary school, i know that St. Margarate's allocation of primary is good, and most student can adapt well.
I am not sure about KCIS, but definately their language will be very strong(at least for the interview for some local school, right?)
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Rank: 1

發表於 09-5-3 23:39 |只看該作者
你個case同我一様、今年St. margaret mary, Ling Liang Church KG同KCIS都收了阿女.最後我選擇了KCIS.因為上―次同阿女考St. Paul我阿女無出聲、我Interview完之後嬲到不得了,心想之前2 Paul我阿女無出聲、我Interview完之後嬲到不得了,心想之前2間面試表現咁好,點會到我最想入到個間St.Paul會in成咁.我當時叫爸爸帶阿女行先,因我想冷静一下.想想下才發現,現在的小朋友競爭太大,我―心想入到St. Paul起碼不用毎隔幾年再嚟In過.我對我小朋友期望太大,令到自已太大壓カ.心想―年幾次考試以後點過,會不會因為功課考試令到大家關係變差。最後選擇了KCIS.我其實都鍾意小朋友讀IS因為輕輕鬆鬆.要識的最後都會識。以家係屋企一日教細楷一日教人字又OK.不過如果想Primary讀番Local我想ST.Margaret Mary會好些小.KCIS頭2年都唔要小朋友寫字呀.如你阿B會讀KCIS,再聯。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-4 18:34 |只看該作者
Thanks for your reply.
I finally decided to stay in ST. Margarate kinder, as apart from language training, My daughter and i love the school.
(Therefore i always wonder why they don't add in some native english or mandarin lesson to make their school even better, in my point of view, listen to native intonation of language is very important, they will absorb naturally.)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-4 23:56 |只看該作者
如果係target local school, 派位學校的話就要睇住邊囉...
我個frend個女讀smm, 讀得好開心
但係kcis 跟英國制, 無疑language一定係多元化過smm
但係要佢適應返local primary就可能難d
因為kcis係5歲時已經係p1 (跟esf等uk制一樣)
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