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愛與痛的邊緣 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-19 22:44 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I love my son so I feel very pain and heartbreak every time when he was crying while entering an interview room.

I feel disappointed every time when I received a reject letter from the schools.

I avoid to see other parents as I am afraid of being asked of my son's situation in school interview.

I can't accept the failure of my son especially when I hear the success of other kids.

I can't concenrate on my work even I am a very tough person.

I feel very stressful to open the letters from schools although I always check my mailbox.

I can't control myself to force my son to perform well in coming school interview as I am very worried that he would fail again.

I had enrolled over 10 schools as I did not feel secure in this 'game'.

If you share same feelings with me, good luck to all of us and our beloved kids.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-19 23:06 |只看該作者
Dear stressed out parents...

Though I feel very stressed out and tensed as wellregarding the P.1 applications, I still would like to give you a tap on your shoulder....

As long as we all love our children, we have to understand their abilities and characters, also what the suitable ways are to encourage and make them to get things done. The preparation of interview takes long time for mental counselling. I bet your son would like to feel your love and patience while getting him prepared too.

The more pressure you will give to your son, the more stress he feels like going for a battle when he goes to interview room. I believe this is something you don't want to happen - crying when entering the room, I have explained why this is the consequence could be. Instead, you should encourage him to 'play a game' or 'chat to the teachers' in the room. Remind him to be cheerful and tell him he can go in without you b'coz he is now a big boy. I would suggest you to talk to him in an relax and warm atmosphere before the interviews.

In the meantime, you have to relax yourself as well. We all know that parents got stress during the interval of this 'procedure', however, keep these stress to yourself only as adult should be better to deal with stress and never push your son too hard.

All in all, supposing a worsest case that unable to get any seat in those 'Elite schools', it doesnt mean that is the end of the world. Get you and your child prepared next year and try again on P.2 and so on..... or perhaps he will feel happy to study at the school got allocated.

I wish you good luck and be happy all times.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-19 23:21 |只看該作者
I love my son so I feel very pain and heartbreak every time when he was crying ....

Exactly as same as my feeling before today night, but after I have watched a TV program tonight at TVB "新聞透視" regarding a specially disease on a child, nothing is important comparing with their health.
Good luck to everyone!

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-19 23:35 |只看該作者

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Thank you for your support!

It is a really a very big challenge to me.  I don't know what is the problem.  I care about my son, I give him a lot of learning opportunities and exposure.... we give him a lot of encouragement and support.... however, he still failed in school interview.

Of course, this is not the end of the world.  We may try again next year if everything gets worse.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 01:08 |只看該作者

In fact, only a little proportion of parents got 2nd interview chances, you have many "friends" here, including me....
BTW, can anyone of you teach me how to use "引用" in my feedback??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-20 10:26 |只看該作者
我也試過小一全軍覆沒. 第一二round俱落空, 考私校直資又不收(2nd in), 叩門受盡白眼結果也不收. 當時真是晴天霹靂無法接受, 好嬲好傷心, 憎死所有名校, 不給機會我. 也憎死自己, 對不住小朋友.

有些事情無法改變, 你只有去面對. 接受沒有名校的日子. 你和小朋友都要繼續生存下去, 不要給壓力小朋友. 有些小朋友成長速度較慢的. 小朋友需要你的栽培, 加油!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 10:30 |只看該作者
Believe it or not, i have exactly the same situation as you.  

I love my daughter very much, and she's a 100% mummy girl, if mummy walks aways, her tears start to drop.  I tried my best to give her more extra cirricular activities to play with other children, she was improving a lot during summer, but I guess all the children are different facing the P1 interview, my girl is going backwards, cry each time going to interview, and not only that, even cry when going to piano lessons and now when going to school......

Like all other parents, I applied 7 schools for her.  The first interview she didn't know what was happening so she didn't cry when she was walking up to the classroom with other children.  But when I picked her up, the teacher told me she might be nervous and cried a little bit at the beginning of the interview..., and that's when the nightmare begins...

The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th school, she cried each time....

The 2nd school was the school I like the best as the school is well-known to provide a happy environment for children.  My girl cried and would not go up to the classroom at all.  The teachers were very nice, they let me accompany her all the way to the classroom, let me sit right beside her.  She felt more comforted and performed quite well with my presence, but of course, I was crying in my heart as I know for sure I'm going to fail this school...

The next day after the interview, I wrote a letter to the school's principal to express my gratitude to the teachers who didn't give up my daughter when she was crying, and encouraged her to complete the interview successfully.  Two weeks later, I received an acceptence letter from the school.

I think it's very harsh for a 5 year old child to face this kind of pressure, although most kids are enjoying the interview and are just like going to play.  I have another few interviews in the next few weeks, but I have decided to give them up as both my daughter and I cannot afford this pressure, I told her:  no more school interviews, you only need to be a good girl and I'll be very happy.  Both of us feel relax now.

原帖由 123had 於 08-10-19 22:44 發表
I love my son so I feel very pain and heartbreak every time when he was crying while entering an interview room.

I feel disappointed every time when I received a reject letter from the schools.

I av ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 10:38 |只看該作者
Try to release your sadness & stress on the post. May be more comfortable. Everybody could share with you! You are not alone! Go, Go, 123had, & 123 get up!!!!!! & 123 had good result!!!!

原帖由 123had 於 08-10-19 22:44 發表
I love my son so I feel very pain and heartbreak every time when he was crying while entering an interview room.

I feel disappointed every time when I received a reject letter from the schools.

I av ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-20 11:16 |只看該作者

原帖由 jjbaby0307 於 08-10-20 10:30 發表
Believe it or not, i have exactly the same situation as you.  

I love my daughter very much, and she's a 100% mummy girl, if mummy walks aways, her tears start to drop.  I tried my best to give her m ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 11:17 |只看該作者
I felt the same too.  I feel so bad when my son was crying while entering an interview room. As I knew he will fail and it's the truth.

Even he attend a few interview , I never told him the result , I just don't want to give him stress. And hope he can be bold enough to attend another interview.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-20 11:44 |只看該作者
don't be so  upset,gear up.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-20 12:28 |只看該作者

後來去得越多interview,我的心情相對地放鬆了。有一次去interview時,老師叫小朋友在禮堂排隊等候面見,女兒去了排隊,我不放心地也想跟上去,hubby對我説:「Hold her big.」



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 12:37 |只看該作者
我也幫仔仔好多間直資/私立﹐而家已經rejected by 2 school,我真的好擔心!我有如實話比仔仔聽已經兩間小學reject左﹐要佢跟住要加油了!其實我仲緊張過佢!希望跟住運氣會好d~!      
原帖由 mother904 於 08-10-20 12:28 發表

後來去得越多interview,我的心情相對地放鬆了。有一次去interview時,老師叫小朋友在禮堂排隊等候面見,女兒去了排隊,我不 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-20 12:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 anniehong0918 於 08-10-20 12:37 發表
我也幫仔仔好多間直資/私立﹐而家已經rejected by 2 school,我真的好擔心!我有如實話比仔仔聽已經兩間小學reject左﹐要佢跟住要加油了!其實我仲緊張過佢!希望跟住運氣會好d~!      


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 13:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 mother904 於 08-10-20 12:42 發表


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 13:13 |只看該作者
Absolutely agree with you.  My son is now in p1. I shared similar experience with you and I even had a lot of fights with my son when I asked him to do the rehearsals for interviews.  And he was very betrayal and incooperative in the first few interviews.  Later on, I decided to let it go and let him relaxed. The results turned out to be better and began to receive acceptance letters, though not from my first choice.  

In June, we tried again one DSS which held a open to public 2nd round (even those failed in the first round could apply).  It was even tougher and it got 2 stages to go thru.  Unexpectedly he was accepted.  Right after I paid the school fee, another school of my first choice (which put him on the waiting list since last Dec) called and I chose this one as the final.

I just want to share with you that things will get better and better when you don't put pressure.  And like many BK parents said there are a lot of chances in Jun-Aug since many people like to hold several places till the last minute.  And in fact it is more or less the same group of kids to fight for the same number of school places. No matter there are 1000 or 2000 kids to submit the application for each school, a major portion of them are duplicated.

It is a painful and stressful process which we have to and will go thru.  But don't worry, trust your kids. They can make it.  

原帖由 mother904 於 08-10-20 12:28 發表

後來去得越多interview,我的心情相對地放鬆了。有一次去interview時,老師叫小朋友在禮堂排隊等候面見,女兒去了排隊,我不 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-20 13:20 |只看該作者
Agreed. Don't put pressure on the kids and relax and play with kids. Tell her that the school invite to play and meet the kid...
I think it is very useful......

原帖由 carsondaddy 於 08-10-20 13:13 發表
Absolutely agree with you.  My son is now in p1. I shared similar experience with you and I even had a lot of fights with my son when I asked him to do the rehearsals for interviews.  And he was very  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-20 14:14 |只看該作者
Believe majority of the parents share the similar feelings. Don't be too anxious or it will affect your normal daily life. There must always be the way out. Only sometimes it takes time for you to see.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-20 14:21 |只看該作者

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-20 22:18 |只看該作者
Dear all,

Thank you for your whole-hearted support!
It is a harsh time to my family.  In fact, 2 private schools had accepted my son.  However, they are not our first or second choice.

After getting your views, I need to adjust my cognition.  I regard the P.1 interview is a way to test out my son's ability and his talent.  Maybe, I am wrong.  The rules of game are actually unfavourable to those kids who are passive, shy and silent.  Therefore, I told myself that 'the interview could not clearly and correctly reflect my son's ability and this is only a chance for the schools to pick out those kids who are verbal, expressive and cheerful.... etc.'

There are still 2 interviews to go in coming Saturday (if I had good luck, I had 2nd interview??).  I think my family need to celebrate the success and braveness of my son during the past 2 months....
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