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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Renaissance College 啟新vs培僑書院
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Renaissance College 啟新vs培僑書院 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-4 14:18 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我的兒子七歲, 現在於北京就讀於國際學校(因為我在北京工作, 但8月份會搬回香港),所以我的兒子能說流利英語及普通話, 但沒有學正統英文grammar, 會寫看簡體中文, 而且習慣活動好學模式.   現在, RC啟新及培僑(在大圍) 都收了我的兒子讀3年班, 請問各媽咪那一所學校好d?
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-4 15:26 |只看該作者
①学費不是考慮範囲内?  因RC&PUI KIU相差遠了。
③PUI KIU相對応較有中国文化、在這受教育同在RC出来的学生完全不同、各有好処。
④我就会選択PUI KIU

Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-4 18:05 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 Mighty 的文章

Hi Mighty, 很感謝您的回覆, 你的意見對我非常有幫助.我看完培僑的網站及各論壇媽咪對該學校的評價, 好像這所學校几好喎. 校舍又大, 師資又好, 中英文都不錯, 學生又讀得開心, 學費仲要平過RC添...
(1) 學費也是考慮範疇之一,但不是最主要的. 如果RC比培僑好很多的話,我也願意省一點來交學費.
(2) 坦白講, 將來的升學計畫還未定, 如果能上本地大學就上本地大學, 否則就到國外讀大學.
有几個問題, 請教:
(a) 是否大部份培僑小學的學生都能直升培僑 學? 是否要同西灣河的培僑小學一起爭位升中?(b) 知唔知培僑的公開考試成績怎樣呀? 聽說考上本地大學率很高, 是真的嗎?
(c) 如果哥哥讀培僑, 妹妹是否明年申請報讀該校小一有優先呢?

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-4 23:32 |只看該作者
如果你注重英文程度, RC會遠遠高於 Pui Kiu. (RC是一間 International School, 全是用IS模式教學, 有別一般傳統學校, 你自己都必須接受西方文化和欣賞外國教學方法才行.)
如果你注重中文程度和中國交化, Pui Kiu一定較好.
選擇前要想清楚方向. 另外, 學費都是很重要一環.  你有兩個小寳貝, 中學學費加通漲又貴很多, 是一項長遠投資.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-8 15:15 |只看該作者
Hi Chingyu,  thanks a lot for your feedback!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-9 07:37 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-9 08:05 |只看該作者
If both schools accept your son to year 3, it means PK is one year ahead.  (PK uses local system while RC uses UK system, Year 3 = local Year 2).

Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-9 08:14 |只看該作者
Why you say this, please explain more?

原文章由 destiny+ 於 08-7-9 07:37 發表

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-9 13:28 |只看該作者
sorry, actually I think we should not compare in this way.
Anyhow, if you would say IS year 3 = local primary 2.
In this case,  PK is one-year lagged rather than one-year ahead.

原文章由 Brent 於 08-7-9 08:05 發表
If both schools accept your son to year 3, it means PK is one year ahead.  (PK uses local system while RC uses UK system, Year 3 = local Year 2).

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-9 13:43 |只看該作者
Why said so?  I really would like to show you the video we took on the last day in RC before summer holiday.  In my daughter's class, they all are Year 1 student and most of them are Chinese.  However, I am surprised that they all can speak fluent good English with each other.

My daughter was studying in St. Catherine.  After she switched to RC, her reading level was jumped to 3-4 levels.  The teacher inspired her a lot  to explore knowledge by herself.  She loves to question us about the space, the weather, the world; etc.  She likes to present in the front, do drama and feel confidence to perform on the stage.

Regarding Mandarin, now she becomes willing to learn and sound quite accurately.  In the past, she was reluctant to learn Mandarin.  Now she is eager to hold the books and speak the content by herself.

Ar... however, if you are talking about THE SPELLING or THE CHINESE CHARACTERS,  kids' performance in IS may be NOT so well.   I observe now kids in my daughter's class can write sentences and even a whole story with their imagnations.  Certainly there must be many spelling mistakes.  Maybe my expectation is not that high.  To be impression, generally they are doing quite good in this way.  Building vocabulary may take time to practice.  Kids are not requested to recite a word.  They will try to sound out and spell the word by their ability.  This way is completely we learned in traditional school.  

Honestly I am very satisfied with RC.  I also believe that most of IS in HK can provide this environment and inspiration to kids.  

That's all my sharing only.  Perhaps my daugher is so lucky to have a good teacher in her class.  I believe there will be much variation on the standard of kids with different support of family.

原文章由 destiny+ 於 08-7-9 07:37 發表

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-9 15:02 |只看該作者
原文章由 destiny+ 於 08-7-9 07:37 發表

How many RC students do you know?
A few?
The full capacity of RC is 2100 students.
Just a few of kids YOU know cannot possibly be used as an indicator of the general standard.
In any case, I am almost sure I do not know any of the kids you know.

[ 本文章最後由 nintendo 於 08-7-9 15:57 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 16:05 |只看該作者

回覆 #6 destiny+ 的文章


I think you are upsetting/offending many RC parents by saying this. Wish you can provide more information/proofs.

My son was a RC student, until Year 3 3rd team. Then he changed to GSIS now. He did pass the assessments of GSIS. GSIS is 'well known' for its high standard in English. In its criteria for admission, the kid has to achieve upto native English level to be accepted. He was being assessed in terms of writing, reading and comprehension.

Answering so many RC parents' appeal, you better provide more information before you do the generalised comment.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 16:56 |只看該作者
RUBY, 有特別原因要転到徳瑞国際学校嗎? RC学校這様多学生、一定有好有不好的、何需介懷別人怎説!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 20:28 |只看該作者
Hi Mighty,

We switched our son from RC just becos we have to relocate from NT to HK Island side. Then we applied for few IS for him in HK. He got accepted by GSIS first, and GSIS is a very good school, so we are settled there. My son also got admitted by CDNIS and by their assessment, he achieved 2 year levels higher in terms of English.

I personally am not mad with this at all. Cos I agree with what you said, there are good and not that good students in the same school. Just that I want to stand up and speak for the RC parents who felt offended.

Thank you for your consolation anyway.

原文章由 Mighty 於 08-7-9 16:56 發表
RUBY, 有特別原因要転到徳瑞国際学校嗎? RC学校這様多学生、一定有好有不好的、何需介懷別人怎説!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 21:49 |只看該作者
Yes I know GSIS is a very good school and it is popular among xpats here in Hong Kong as well.  Sometimes we just got wound up by other members.  We dont see each other face to face, so it is easy just to type a few irresponsible comments but may be without any bad intentions though.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-10 15:45 |只看該作者
Ruby1219, Thanks for standing up for RC. That meant a lot. The majority of parents at RC would never come to BK to speak for themselves.

Those who have been at BK for long enough know that local parents will just not stop being mean when making comments about RC. RC has been a target for many parents since day one. And it seems that they still do not want to stop.

As a GENUINE RC parent that know the school well enough, I know better that although it is still too early to say that RC is a "very good school" (RC is only 2 years old), everyone (students, parents, teachers, principals, etc) is working hard towards that.

I have been a very "keen" mom. I went to the school almost everyday: dropping off and picking up children and doing volunteer work. I know a lot of teachers (both primary and secondary) well because I was always around at school. I even know the security men, the receptionists, the nurse, the librarians, the cafeteria people well. The teachers I know are all very good. Of course, they are not all the same. Some are extremely motherly and some are very stoney faced. But they are all "good teachers", they all have the heart for education. I have also dealt with Peter Kenny and Max Muller a couple of times because of a few trivial concerns (not trivial in my eyes at the times I raised them though). They dealt with my "concerns" with quick actions, including arranging for meetings at their offices ,etc.

I know quite a few RAPT (PTA) committee well. I know what they have been doing and am glad we have many parents that are willing to sacrifice their time for the school. They just need one more "professional" parent in their team: a PR,  just to polish their "image" a little bit.

Back to the discussion... Are students really that BAD at English? And for those that claimed that RC kids are bad at English, have you witnessed what's going on in classes?

My children speaks English most of the times (they are CBC raised the USA). They speak some Cantonese. I speak mostly Cantonese to them as much as possible since they were born, although they would almost mostly talk to be in English. They do not speak much Mandarin initially, but now sometimes I suspect that they speak better Mandarin than Cantonese. Their best friends, whether chinese or non-chinese, are all English speaking. French, Malaysian, Korean, Swedish, Indian, African..... all speak English in classes and at school. Although they would probably speak more of their own home language with their parents. In this respect, I must say I am quite a loser in respect of teaching my kids Chinese. In any case, my children have no problem with communicating with their friends at school. They have never said that any of the other kids have poor English.

One more interesting thing. It seems that those who commented RC students have poor English are mostly purely local Chinese parents. Chinese parents returning from another country(like me) or non-chinese parents seldom complain about that.

destiny+, Since you know so much about those RC kids with poor English, do you mind telling me more about details of those kids. For examples, which years are they from, so that I can talk to the school about it and ask them to investigate into the problem. If there are really kids with poor English, I think the school should provide more help with those kids next year. Thanks.
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