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自行分配學位 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-8 00:07 |只看該作者


Hello, my daughter is now studying K2 at Scared Heart .This is a very good school but Scared Heart primary school is not a whole day school. That's why I am planning to apply a full day primary school for her.According to the score system,we should have 20mark. Can you suggest the chance to enter St Stephen's Girls' Primary School at the stage of自行分配學位?
Thank you for advice  

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-10 16:20 |只看該作者

Re: 自行分配學位

[typing error]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-10 16:27 |只看該作者

Re: 自行分配學位

Hi Reikapon,
My daughter has just been admitted to SSKG K2 and the school gave me a letter advising that if we have 30 marks, the chance to enter SSGPS will be higher.  I'm still considering whether to register or not.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-11 00:41 |只看該作者

Re: 自行分配學位

Dear Cinder,
Thank you for your reply. I  know if the mother is the graduate of SSGPS the chance will be very high. I believe only a few people will have 30 marks. If I accepted the offer from Scared Heart, I will lost the chance to enter other school. If I go ahead to apply 自行分配學位,the chance is not high(as I have 20 marks only) And I need to take the risk.I am still considering too.

Do you have 30 marks?
Is the letter from SSKG a official letter?
Do you think most of the students from the SSKG will apply for  SSGPS?
Besides SSGPS, what is your second choice?


Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-11 23:12 |只看該作者

Re: 自行分配學位

Hi Reikapon,
May I know why you think if you accept the offer from Scared Heart and you will lose the chance to enter other school? When we enter the lucky draw in K3, all the kindergartens will have fair chance(?)  I think most of the students from the SSKG will apply for SSGPS since the English and Potunghua level in SSKG is lower than many other kindergartens.  However, the students from SSKG have no priority except for the knock-door letter.

The letter from SSKG is an official acceptance letter for my daughter to enter the school, and they advise me to think clearly before register because only those which have 30 marks or more will have higher chance to enter SSGPS.  Even worse than you, I have only 15 marks, as they count only SHK( not Christian) as their same religion.  My second choice is Victoria as they train students to be smart enough for interview.  As for SKH, I think their may be to few girls in one class.  It is really very difficult to decide!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-12 02:45 |只看該作者

Re: 自行分配學位

Dear Cinder,

I heard from many parents.They said  if the students of Scared Heart kindergarten apply for the private section (am),our admission chance is 100%.At the same time, if we apply for the afternoon school of Scared Heart,we must follow the rule of the education department( 自行分配學位 and the "Lucky draw")Actually, I confirmed it with the school directly.And some parents said if we accept the offer from the Private section(am),the school will NOT allowed us to apply 自行分配學位 and the "Lucky draw".

That's mean if I accept SH, I cannot apply SSGP.
It is so difficult for me to make a decision.

I know 20 marks is not high but at least we should try.
Of course, at the same time I will also apply 2-3 private schools for my daughter.I read from some magazines and newspapers that the population is getting lower and lower,that's mean the chance to enter "good"school is much higher than before.
If we fail at the stage of 自行分配學位 ,we still have chance at the "Lucky draw". And I know some parents will knock the door.For example ,letter from the church if you belong to SHK. Your daughter is studying at SSK so the priority is higher than other people if you knock the door.

How do you think about SSGP? My friend's girl is now studying at P3. She said her daughter has no pressure at all and she enjoy very happy school life!! Scared Heart has a lot of homeworks.You know since K1, we need to do newspaper cutting and book report every week. And start from K2, the students need to copy chinese,English characters and numbers.Honestly speaking, it is a very good school. My daughter can speak very native Cantonese now (She only knew some simple Cantonese before entering Scared Heart)I must thank the school.My daughter like Scared Heart very much and she told me she want to enter Scared Heart Primary!!If it is a whole day school, it is prefect!!

It is difficult to decide.I believe it is better to hear more advices .


Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-12 20:28 |只看該作者

Re: 自行分配學位

Hi Reikapon,

you may need to see the following link to compare SH and SSKG.


I'm now considering SKH as my daughter's chance to go to SSPG is too low even if she go to SSKG.  Does anyone knows whether there are really too few girls in SKH?  

Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-6 08:43 |只看該作者
i know this response is a bit late..everyone has probably made their own decision..
but i just wanted to say
i have spent most of my life at st. stephen's girls'...
from kindergarten to f.7 graduation this year...
well..so what if your girl can't get into ssgps or something? she will still have a great time at kindergarten..and i had a classmate in ssgc that didn't go to ssgps but went to our kindergarten...
and our kindergarten also accepts some boys...they will not get into ssgps in the end anyway..but their parents sent them to ssgckg because of its excellence!!
we have a kindergarten programme that emphasizes on developing the whole child instead of making children write all the time..i had a great time there and am thanking my parents for sending me there!!!
i had 0 marks for P.1 admissions...so what...i think most kids get in anyway..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-7 22:59 |只看該作者
Hi! pineapplegirl1
我的囡囡今年係k3學生, 只得15分還未獲小學取錄
可否分享吓你對這間學校的感覺? U may send me a mail, thx!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-19 12:26 |只看該作者
想請問今年有冇小朋友係自行分配學位時 25分或以下(連適齡兒童分)入到架?

發表於 08-1-30 11:53 |只看該作者

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