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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 What should be my options?
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What should be my options? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-30 00:17 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
hi, all BK moms,

My kid is now 4 years old and is studying in local kindergarten.  I would like to turn him to an international school and hence I need your valuable advice on the school standards.  Actually, I have applied ESF schools for my kid.  But very disappointedly, he didn't even have a chance for interview.  So, he is now on the waiting list.  Separately, I have also applied for RC.  Given the slim chance in getting the admission, I have to explore other schools urgently.  While I know there should be many good IS, I would prefer one in Kowloon side as we are living there.  Going through the discussion forums, I gather that many parents like CAIS in Kowloon City.  Apart from this, can anybody share your views on other IS, e.g. AISHK, AIS, etc.  I saw in other forums that the discipline of the secondary school of AIS may not be too good.  But how about its primary school?

i really need your valuable advice.  Any piece of information is really useful to me.  THanks a lot!

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