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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 anybody help! Pui ching and SFA, which one is bette ...
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anybody help! Pui ching and SFA, which one is better? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-23 13:14 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Hi Mum,

Anybody help, if pui ching and SFA, you will choose which one for yr children, my children is a daughter, pui ching has secondary school but it is in Chinese!  SFA is without secondary school, how to choose?  Pls help.  Tks!
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Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-23 14:13 |只看該作者
I will definitely choose English Secondary School, so if I choose, I will take SFA, coz most girls can go to band 1 English School and school currirulum is far better than Pui Ching especially in English.

原文章由 lumhk07 於 07-11-23 13:14 硐表
Hi Mum,

Anybody help, if pui ching and SFA, you will choose which one for yr children, my children is a daughter, pui ching has secondary school but it is in Chinese!  SFA is without secondary school ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-23 14:46 |只看該作者
SFA is better coz it is an english primary school and the english standard higher than other school coz if ur child is primary 1,and it is the second term,the english book will be nearly teach book 2a

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-29 22:03 |只看該作者

我看到很多家長很多時只注重學校是否用英文教學, 語言只是一種工具, 知識應用的正確思想 / 分析能力 / 領導才能 / 開心 / 有愛心 / 會主動關心國家社會 /
有國際視野 /
才是最重要, 請記住我們是中國人, 當然要並且要考慮以下情況.

如要英小, 不如讀英基 / ICS / HKIS / AIS etc.,為何用培正 / HKBUAS / 音小 / 傳統學校 比較呢!

再者, 我們想小孩 開心上學學習,及讀書是求知識, 語言是次要, 教師要有愛心, 辦學理念合乎家長要求, 要家校合作, 這才是重要.

本人為小兒選讀培正及HKBUAS而放棄ICS全因為這些原因. 另外這兩所學校有一個與眾不同的地方,培正學生在升級後會分散到不同的班, 不會原班升級, 六年後他們會各自認識, 試想一吓, 一個小六學生有272個朋友, 再者中學另外六年時間共處(272*.8=217), 請問有217個朋友, 以後工作或做生意會很方便,

在培正可以學到基本英文, 與其他小學並無太大分別, 不要以為培正英文會比較. 英小只是多一學科用英文-算術, 皆因小學只有 中 / 英 / 數 / 常 而已.

要有一口流利英語, 一定要在外國生活一至兩年或上國際小學才可以, 不然只會一口香港口音英語.

我們在美國生活多年, 在白人眼中, 無論如何我們都是中國人, 如果不會說或書寫, 在他們心中是不可以理解的.
原文章由 jsammi122 於 07-11-23 14:46 發表
SFA is better coz it is an english primary school and the english standard higher than other school coz if ur child is primary 1,and it is the second term,the english book will be nearly teach book 2a

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-30 17:45 |只看該作者
Dear all,

Thanks for every mum.  I decide to take Pui Ching finally
since their net for secondary school is better!  Their graduated students can admit to  English Secondary school; however, most of them are not the best one.

Some can enter DPS; however, I don't think that my daughter can become one of them!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-30 17:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 lumhk07 於 07-11-30 17:45 發表
Dear all,

Thanks for every mum.  I decide to take Pui Ching finally
since their net for secondary school is better!  Their graduated students can admit to  English Secondary school; however, most of ...

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