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Sharings on Int'l Kindergarten back to Local Primary School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-7 00:06 |只看該作者

Sharings on Int'l Kindergarten back to Local Primary School

Dear all,

Can anybody give me some advice on the topic?

1) My family would like to send my son to Int'l Kindergarten in the 1st 3 years, strength his English Language and build up his interest in English Reading.

2) But due to financial issue, we plan to send him back to Local Primary School

3) for pt.1, is this worth? Is this effective? Or they will forget the things they learn in Kindergarten Level?

4) Will those 私校 or 直資 consider the Int'l School student? Any parents experienced that before....

Tks for your advice!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-7 15:26 |只看該作者

Re: Sharings on Int'l Kindergarten back to Local Primary School

我囡囡k1是在普通幼稚園讀, k2的時候轉了去讀Int'l Kindergarten.  現在就讀英文直資小學.

1.) 讀Int'l Kindergarten的確可替小朋友打好英文底子, 英文進步得好快, 聽及講尤其明顯.  但因為沒有中文學, 以至進小學會追得較辛苦. 最好自行在家多加補習.

3) 小朋友吸收得很快, 只要你一直放他在一個英語環境, 有得活學活用, 當然不會忘記所學的.  我囡囡在英文小學可以跟得上都是在Int'l Kindergarten底子打得好.

4) 如你心儀的學校是英文直資小學, 讀Int'l Kindergarten是較有利, 因為大多此類學校都以英文interview.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-2-8 02:00 |只看該作者

Re: Sharings on Int'l Kindergarten back to Local Primary School

hi Golf,

我的一對仔女都是好似你所講, 幼稚園是讀國際班, 全英語和很小中文, 中文也是用普通話的. 以我經驗之談, 我絕對贊成, 我的想法和你第一個point 一樣, 小朋友的語言能力很高, 你唔需要擔心他們唔適應, 反而你要留意是國際學校的中文及數是很淺的, 你就要在這方面落d功夫了, 比如我的仔女為例, 我的女兒都是k3近尾才找普通話老師以普通話教中文, 如果你擔心的話, 就學似我的仔仔一樣, 大約4歲多d開始學中文, 他們未必是全級最好, 但已肯定是全班最高分的一個. 至於數學方面, 因為國際學校始終是以遊戲為主, 所以小朋友的專注力一般都比主流學校的學生為差, 所以你便要揀一些可訓練專注力的課外活動給他. 以便他將來上主流學校也沒問題出現. 私校和直資都會收這些學生的, 我的仔女也是讀私校的, 當然啦! 你申報小學時要給與正明你的小朋友除了英文方面好之外, 還要在其他科目上有一定水準, 否則, 學校都會擔心小朋友的中文程度追唔追得上. 最後, 多些給他看書, 這可以幫助他的認字能力的.     

Golf 寫道:
Dear all,

Can anybody give me some advice on the topic?

1) My family would like to send my son to Int'l Kindergarten in the 1st 3 years, strength his English Language and build up his interest in English Reading.

2) But due to financial issue, we plan to send him back to Local Primary School

3) for pt.1, is this worth? Is this effective? Or they will forget the things they learn in Kindergarten Level?

4) Will those 私校 or 直資 consider the Int'l School student? Any parents experienced that before....

Tks for your advice!!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-2-18 23:18 |只看該作者

Re: Sharings on Int'l Kindergarten back to Local Primary School

Anyway, you can try to apply.  If your ideal school accept your application, then you can try.  But you need to do some more on their Chinese.  I see that the logic of thinking for those kids in Int'l school is different than in local, unless you are using Spoken Chinese in their daily life.  Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to pick up, especially, for those leading primary school.

If you are using this file (good English) to apply for P1 is not enough, you better strengthen their overall ability.

Good Luck!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-2-18 23:19 |只看該作者

Re: Sharings on Int'l Kindergarten back to Local Primary School

Anyway, you can try to apply.  If your ideal school accept your application, then you can try.  But you need to do some more on their Chinese.  I see that the logic of thinking for those kids in Int'l school is different than in local, unless you are using Spoken Chinese in their daily life.  Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to pick up, especially, for those leading primary school.

If you are using this file (good English) to apply for P1 is not enough, you better strengthen their overall ability.

Good Luck!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-22 01:35 |只看該作者

Re: Sharings on Int'l Kindergarten back to Local Primary School


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-24 23:38 |只看該作者

Re: Sharings on Int'l Kindergarten back to Local Primary School

Dear G-ma

My child is studying at an international kinderagerten at K.2. This kindergarent also has K.3. She also got accepted in English School Foundation to do P.1 next year. I also plan to let her study local primary school after. Do you suggest me to let her continue K.3 at present kindergarten or go to ESF to do P.1 in order to get into a local primary school???
Many thanks!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-25 23:40 |只看該作者

Re: Sharings on Int'l Kindergarten back to Local Primary School

Dear all,

Tks so much for all of your advices.  I still hestiate whether I need to send my son to International Kindergarten.

Dear G-ma,

Would U mind to pm me which 英文直資 your son is studying?  Lots of my friends said that the presentation of those Int' Kinder's kids will be lower than those studied in Local Int'l Kinder coz the teachings in those Local Int'l Kindergarten can touch some common knowledge that is useful in Primary Interview.  It is so difficult for those kids of Int'l Kindergarten to present out in Cantonese.  How about your opinion?

Tks so much!

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