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有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-16 09:30 |只看該作者

有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

;-) :cheeze:

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-24 22:15 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

My son has taken the playgroup last year when he was 13 months old.  The environment is good and spacious. The classroom is with individual washroom! Indoor and outdoor playground are well-equip. The teachers are kind and their language standard is good.  Free car parking is just next to the entrance.  

It is ideal for rich people.  I am not, so I quit after 3 months.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-24 23:18 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

My daughter studied playgroup in Tutor Time WOW from Oct 05 to Jul 06.  The lesson are very good with nice and clean environment.  The teachers are professional. and let children enjoy a lot.  By the way, I met a lot of parents are nice to share idea of child caring.  My family (including my husband & BB) have enjoyed the school life there for 10 months and they arranged a lot of family activities like sport day, picnic, water day, parties.... for improve parent relationship with child.  

Personally, I feel it is a nice school to study especially only 6-8 child in a class.  But of course, the fee is a bit expensive by compare with other playgroup .......

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-25 22:21 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

Dear gkmyeung,

May I know why your kid quit studying Tutortime?  Does she/he start studying nursery?  Do you think Tutor time is useful for your kid in entering famous kindergarten?  Thanks a lot.

;-) :cheeze:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-25 23:14 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

The main reason why we don't let my daughter to keep study in Tutor time because she can have good English but can't speak Catonese well.  That why I moved her to normal kindergarten and not prefer to choose Int'l school.  By the way, the school distance and the school fee are our consider area, too.  But it is a good place for playgroup and I believe your BB and your family can enjoy it.  Moreover, their English teacher: Micheal is very good but I'm not sure whether he is still at TT WOW.

I haven't let my BB to join interview for famous schools but she can easy accept by 迦南,朗思 & 啟思AM class in last year interview.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-27 13:34 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

May I know the information about this organisation?

Any website?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-27 23:34 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

You can call them directly for school visit.
Their web-site is below:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-5 01:23 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

Finally, we have chosen Tutor time PG for our little baby - 13.5 month old...... he will start the 1 to 1.5 year old PG class in Dec (my baby is 14 month old at that time).

Hi BK mom, do you have any idea about the 2 school sites in Kln Tong, Dorset (old) vs Suffolk (new)? Which one is better in terms of quality of teachers?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-6 17:50 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

I visited both campus some time ago.  The staff in Suffolk told me that nursery students studing in Dorset campus will eventually move to Suffolk campus.  Upon which time, Dorset will confine to k1-k3 and Suffolk will take care pre-nursery students.  The quality is not a major concern.  BTW, which school you have enrolled?  How many days will your bb attend?  
;-) :cheeze:

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-6 18:06 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

i just want to know how much the course for bb, i have 8 months son want to join playgroup, where is the nearest school of tutor time? and what did they teach? but my son still not crawl now, so do u think it suitable for him to join?

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-8 23:34 |只看該作者

Re: 有無聽過Tutor time 呢間playgroup 及幼稚園,好唔好?

I'm currently taking their 18mth+ toddler class.   So far things has been good.  TT WOW in Saffolk is a new campus so everything is relatively new.  Both their indoor and outdoor facilities are well equipped and clean.  However, there is not enough parking space as compare to the other campus.
The class lasts for 90 mins and is broken into 2 parts, first 45 mins being English and the remaining 45 as Mandarin.  We sing songs, play mini games, do artworks, indoor playground & will have snack time.  I like it as it's quite all-rounded...my husband & I will take turn accompanying our daughter, I take English and he takes Mandarin.
Price is around $400/class.
I know they have classes for babies below 18mths, information not available online but they welcome your call and physical visit to their campus.  Staff there are very nice.
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