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五級樂理作曲問題, 請指教 ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-11 11:20 |只看該作者

五級樂理作曲問題, 請指教 ?

My daughter’s teacher taught her to do this question as follows :-

1.        The 1st and 2nd bar are given .
2.        For 3rd and 4th  bar : Shift the notes of 1st and 2 nd bar for a 3 rd degree higher
3.        For the 5th to 8th bar just copy the 1st to 4th bar.
4.        then write down the tempo and add tie lines

Her teacher said that you will get about 10 to 12 marks out of 15 if you follow the said guidelines ?
Is it true ? I’m in doubt about it ? Your valuable advice please.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-11 11:31 |只看該作者

Re: 五級樂理作曲問題, 請指教 ?

As from the teacher training provided by ABRSM, yes or no to your question.

The examinar is not only look for "shape" of the melody, but they also look for the things that you've been covered in Grade 5 theory -- say like cadence, performance direction, tempo...etc. I would say that's ok to copy Bar 1-2 to Bar 3-4 in some arrangment (eg. as your teacher said, to transpose it 3 degrees upper). However, that's surely not ok to copy all bar 1-4 into bar 5-8.

I really don't understand why some teacher don't teach their students to approach 15 out of 15, only let them do a way in 10-12 only (while 10 is just only a passing score in this question).
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-11 11:49 |只看該作者

Re: 五級樂理作曲問題, 請指教 ?

Dear kaka0814,

Thanks a lot for your prompt advice.

I'm also in doubt on just copy Bar 1-4 to Bar 5-8. I guess some changes must make.  

By common sense, the ending of a song should be with a longer note. Can I teach my daughter to double the time of Bar 3 for Bar 7 & 8.  

Will be be more sensible ?  Sorry for such may be silly question ?  May I have your valuable advice again ?

Million thanks !!



Rank: 4

發表於 06-9-16 12:06 |只看該作者

Re: 五級樂理作曲問題, 請指教 ?

they give u 2 melody to choose only one to doing,
so many people w/compose a banque period,
some step must to following :

1) make sure "what is a tonalty", find  the key, is so
2) copy bar 1,2 to bar 5,6
3) bar 4 choose 5 note stay in dominant,
    (give a feeling unfinished.)
4) bar 8 go to tonic.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-16 18:14 |只看該作者

Re: 五級樂理作曲問題, 請指教 ?

Dear amy0107,

Thanks a lot for your great help !

Might I have some more details in :-

1. How to write bar 3 ?
2. What is the meaning of bar 4 choose 5 note stay in dominant ? Does it mean to end bar 4 with dominant ( i.e. the fifth note )
3. Does "bar 8 go to tonic" mean to end bar 8 with a tonic ?

Million thanks !!


Rank: 4

發表於 06-9-18 12:28 |只看該作者

Re: 五級樂理作曲問題, 請指教 ?

hi bbtung :

the following some information :

1) connect the melody :bar 2 last note to bar 3,4
    note also in stepwise. (no over 3rd leapwise)
    ex. 1st-2nd - stepwise.
          1st-3rd - small leapwise
          1st-5th - large leapwise
2) if a c major, the bar 4 the last note go to G note.
3) bar 8 is a naturally go to C note.
    ex.  tonic note in stepwise (m,r,d=e-d-c)


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-18 19:32 |只看該作者

Re: 五級樂理作曲問題, 請指教 ?

More things to concern:

1) Bar 3-4 should work as a Imperfect cadence (? - V), so the bar 3 should use the note as anyother notes other than (s, t, r), then bar 4 with (s, t, r), and better to be ended with the dominant (s).

2) Same case as Bar 7-8, work it as Perfect Cadence (V-I), so the bar 7 use (s, t, r) and then bar 8 use (d, m, s). Of course, again, better to end all things in its tonic (d).

3) One very important thing: Check if any bars with incorrect counts -- in other words, too many beats in one bar. This will turn the whole question in ZERO points (as said in the teacher training program).

4) NEVER write a note out of the instrument range! Marks deducted again! To be safe, write the music in the range of the first two bar.

It's ok to teach the student to end with a longer note, but not a must to be double. I would say, consider the ideas and materials covered first, think deeper and you will know how its end.

There are really some way in helping the students to get full points in this question, work hard.
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-19 09:11 |只看該作者

Re: 五級樂理作曲問題, 請指教 ?

Dear kaka and Amy,

Thanks a lot for your advice.

Million million thanks !


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