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[學校課本] 高中課本及補充 [複製鏈接]

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Tackling Problemsin Physics for the HKDSEE – Heat & Light 1

Physics 1000 – A comprehensiv#### Exercise for HKDSEE Students Compulsory Part

Physics WorkedExamples & Graded Exercises for HKDSEE 1 鉛筆做少頁

Physics WorkedExamples & Graded Exercises for HKDSEE 2 鉛筆做少頁

Physics WorkedExamples & Graded Exercises for HKDSEE 3 鉛筆做少頁

Physics RevisionNotes & Exercises for Elective Parts of HKDSEE E2全新

Physics Success Keyfor HKDSEE – Radioactivity & Nuclear Energy 5 Manhattan全新

Physics Success Keyfor HKDSEE
Electricity & Magnetism 4 Manhattan鉛筆做少頁

Physics Success Keyfor HKDSEE
Wave Motion 3

Physics Success Keyfor HKDSEE Atomic World 7
Manhattan 全新

Biology Success Keyfor HKDSEE – Applied Ecology 6 Manhattan全新

Longman Exam Series– Mathematics Mock Exam Papers (Compulsory)

Mathematics Todayfor HKDSE – New Senior Secondary – Multiple Choice Practice 多頁已做$20

Physics, Biology& Chemistry 高中課本

New 21stCentury Chemistry – Patterns in the Chemical World 5 鉛筆寫兩頁 $40

New 21st CenturyChemistry
Chemical Equilibrium 4B
鉛子筆寫少頁 $20

New 21st CenturyChemistry
Elective Part 6

New 21st CenturyChemistry Elective Part 8

Mathematics in Action
Module1 Calculus & Statistics 1 $30

Mathematics in Action
Module1 Calculus & Statistics 2 $30

Intensive Mathematics Supplementary Exercises Form 3 $40

Longman Exam Series– HKDSE Mathematics Mock Exam Papers (Compulsory) $20

Mathematics Todayfor HKDSE – New Senior Secondary (MC Practice) $30

Key to Mathematicsfor HKDSE Paper 1 Conventional Questions 1 $40

Key to Mathematicsfor HKDSE Paper 1 Conventional Questions 1 Suggested Solutions $20

New Progress inSenior Mathematics (Compulsory Part) 6A – HK Educational Publishing $40

New Progress inSenior Mathematics (Compulsory Part) 4 – HK Educational Publishing $40

New Progress inSenior Mathematics (Compulsory Part) 5 – HK Educational Publishing $40

New Progress inSenior Mathematics (Compulsory Part) 1A – HK Educational Publishing $20

New Progress inSenior Mathematics (Compulsory Part) 1B – HK Educational Publishing $20

New Progress inSenior Mathematics (Compulsory Part) 2A – HK Educational Publishing $20

New Progress inSenior Mathematics (Compulsory Part) 2B – HK Educational Publishing $20

New SeniorSecondary Mastering Biology Second Edition 1A – Oxford $20

New SeniorSecondary Mastering Biology Second Edition 1B – Oxford $20

New SeniorSecondary Mastering Biology Second Edition 2 – Oxford $20

New SeniorSecondary Mastering Biology Second Edition 3 – Oxford $20

New SeniorSecondary Mastering Biology Second Edition 4 – Oxford $20

New SeniorSecondary Mastering Biology Second Edition E1 – Oxford $20

New SeniorSecondary Mastering Biology Second Edition E2 – Oxford $30

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology Second Edition E4 –Oxford $30

Biology Success Key for HKDSE Applied Ecology 3A – Manhattan$20

Biology Success Key for HKDSE Applied Ecology 3B – Manhattan$20

Biology Success Key for HKDSE Applied Ecology 2&4 –Manhattan $20

Biology Success Key for HKDSE Applied Ecology 1 – Manhattan$20

The Essentials of School Algebra – MacMillan $30

Original Maths for Able Students 3A全新$40

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