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[加拿大] 請教: 加拿大 Ontario Universities 安省大學一問 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-1 08:45 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-12-6 22:21 編輯

Source: 加拿大大學 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3570416&extra=&page=18

Ontario Universities' Application Centre OUAC Fees https://www.ouac.on.ca/guide/105-fees/

Reminder: There may be additional fees if you change your program choices after you have paid.
All fees are listed in Canadian dollars.


1. Base Application Fee: $156
  • For your initial 3 program choices.
  • Required of all applicants.

2. Additional Choice Fee: $50/choice
  • For each additional program choice beyond your first 3 (e.g., if you add 2 additional university choices, you must pay $100 in addition to the base application fee).
  • Notes:

    • There is no fee for replacing a program choice with another program choice at the same university.
    • You may apply to as many Ontario universities/programs as you wish; however, you are limited to a maximum of 3 program choices at any 1 university (including its affiliates). Some universities may further limit the number of programs you can apply to.

3. International Service Fee: $10
  • If you are not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant).

A) University of Toronto:https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/applying/ & https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/requirements/ & https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/requirements/international-high-school-secondary/?_sft_alphabet=h
Minimum Admission Requirements:
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE): the completed diploma, including
at least 2 elective subjects from Categories A and/or C. Subjects should include prerequisites for intended programs. Mathematics Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics) or Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus) is required for programs with the Calculus prerequisite.  Applicants who are not completing Module 1 or 2 may present Advanced Level Mathematics, AP Calculus, or SAT subject test Mathematics II as an alternative.

1) Management https://future.utoronto.ca/undergraduate-programs/management/
Scarborough Campus
Program Information

Degree(s): Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Management (Co-op, Specialist)
Management & Account (Co-op, Specialist)
Management & Finance (Co-op, Specialist)
Management & Human Resources (Co-op, Specialist)
Management & Information Technology (Co-op, Specialist)
Management & International Business (Co-op, Specialist)
Management & Marketing (Co-op, Specialist)

OUAC Admission Code: TSM (Management), TSB (International Business)

Academic Requirements
* Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U)

2) Commerce https://future.utoronto.ca/undergraduate-programs/accounting/
Mississauga Campus
Program Information
Degree(s): Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) / Honours Bachelor of Arts

Accounting (BCom) (Specialist)
Commerce (HBA) (Major)
Commerce (BCom) (Specialist)
Economics (BCom) (Specialist)
Finance (BCom) (Specialist)
Marketing (BCom) (Specialist)
OUAC Admission Code: TME (Commerce)

Academic Requirements
* Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U)

3) Economics https://future.utoronto.ca/undergraduate-programs/economics/
St. George Campus, Faculty of Arts & Science
Program Information
Degree(s): Honours Bachelor of Arts

Economics (Major, Minor, Specialist)
OUAC Admission Code: TAX (Social Sciences)

Academic Requirements
* Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U)

4) Strategic Management https://future.utoronto.ca/undergraduate-programs/strategic-management/
Scarborough Campus
Program Information
Degree(s): Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Strategic Management (Co-op, Specialist)
Strategic Management: Management Strategy Stream (Co-op, Specialist)
Strategic Management: Entrepreneurship Stream (Co-op, Specialist)
OUAC Admission Code:
TSM (Management)

Academic Requirements
* Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U)

5) Environmental Economics https://future.utoronto.ca/undergraduate-programs/environmental-economics/
St. George Campus, Faculty of Arts & Science
Program Information
Degree(s): Honours Bachelor of Arts

Environmental Economics (Minor)
OUAC Admission Code:
TAX (Social Sciences)

* Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U)

e.g. management in U of Toronto, it requires 'Calculus & Vectors' in High School. That means it is Calculus prerequisite ---- DSE needs M1/M2 elective subject studying

B) University of Waterloo

Accounting and Financial Management https://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/admissions/admission-requirements/accounting-finance/international-system/hong-kong/
Program requirements
Core Mathematics with extended Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus) with a minimum final grade of 4. Core English language with a minimum final grade of 4. Minimum final overall average of 4.

   1    0    0    0

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-1 08:51 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-12-6 21:16 編輯

請教一下: 申請多倫多大學 University of Toronto, https://future.utoronto.ca/academics/undergraduate-programs/ (All degree programs) 大學有 3 Campus, 想問問, 孩子應該會申請加拿大大學文學院或商學院, 3個 Campus 學術有咩野分別? 有無話邊個 Campus 係加拿大雇主認受性高啲, DSE 要求分數高啲難考啲?

St. George Campus
University of Toronto Mississauga
University of Toronto Scarborough

加拿大 Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) processes applications  web site - 105 All Other Undergraduate Applicants https://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-105/

Links to Ontario Universities https://www.ouac.on.ca/university-links/

University of Toronto
You may apply to a maximum of three U of T choices, but are limited to one choice within the faculties on the St. George campus or within U of T Mississauga, or U of T Scarborough.

Remember that a University of Toronto supplementary fee of $90 is required in addition to the application service fee.

Once U of T receives your OUAC application, you will be sent an acknowledgement by email providing your U of T id and next step instructions in the application process.

Applied Science and Engineering - St. George Campus
Program TitleProgram Code
TrackOne, Undeclared Engineering (including PEY Co-op option) - St. George CampusTEO
Chemical Engineering (including PEY Co-op option) - St. George CampusTB
Civil Engineering (including PEY Co-op option) - St. George CampusTV
Computer Engineering (including PEY Co-op option) - St. George CampusTCS
Electrical Engineering (including PEY Co-op option)  - St. George CampusTE
Engineering Science (including PEY Co-op option) - St. George CampusTK
Industrial Engineering (including PEY Co-op option) - St. George CampusTI
Materials Engineering (including PEY Co-op option) - St. George CampusTTM
Mechanical Engineering (including PEY Co-op option) - St. George CampusTM
Mineral Engineering (including PEY Co-op option) - St. George CampusTG

Architecture Landscape and Design - St. George Campus
Program TitleProgram Code
Archit ectural Studies (BA) - St. George CampusTLA
Visual Studies (BA) - St. George CampusTLB

Arts and Science - St. George Campus
Program TitleProgram Code
Computer Science - St. George CampusTAD
Humanities (Arts) -  St. George CampusTAH
Life Sciences (including Psychology) - St. George CampusTLG
Physical & Mathem atical Sciences - St. George CampusTPG
Rotman Commerce - St. George CampusTAC
Social Sciences - St. George CampusTAX

Bachelor of Information - St. George Campus
Program TitleProgram Code
Bachelor of Information - St. George CampusTTW

International Foundation Program - St. George Campus
The International Foundation Program is open to academically qualified international students whose English facility test scores do not meet the University of Toronto's English language requirements https://internationalprograms.utoronto.ca

Program TitleProgram Code
Intern ational Foundation Program - Arts and Science - St. George CampusTUG
Intern ational Foundation Program - Applied Science and Engineering - St. George CampusTUH
Intern ational Foundation Program - Archit ecture, Landscape, and Design - St. George CampusTUI
Intern ational Foundation Program - Music - St. George CampusTZA

Kinesiology and Physical Education - St. George Campus
Program TitleProgram Code
Kinesiology & Physical Education (BKin) - St. George CampusTPK

Medical Radiation Sciences (Joint programs with the Michener Institute of Education at UHN) - St. George Campus
Program TitleProgram Code
Medical Radiation Sciences - Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Technology - St. George CampusTRN
Medical Radiation Sciences - Radiol ogical Technology - St. George CampusTRS
Medical Radiation Sciences - Radiation Therapy - St. George CampusTRT

Music - St. George Campus
Program TitleProgram Code
Music - Artist Diploma - St. George CampusTO
Music - Music Bac. - St. George CampusTZ
Music - Music Bac. Music Education - St. George CampusTD
Music - Music Bac. Performance - St. George CampusTX

Nursing - St. George Campus

Program TitleProgram Code
Nursing - St. George CampusTN

University of Toronto Mississauga
Program TitleProgram Code
Chemical & Physical Sciences - U of T MississaugaTMW
Commerce (including Accounting, Finance, Marketing) - U of T MississaugaTME
Commun ication, Culture, Information & Technology - U of T MississaugaTMC
Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics - U of T MississaugaTMZ
Forensic Science - U of T MississaugaTMK
Humanities - U of T MississaugaTMH
Life Sciences - U of T MississaugaTML
Management - U of T MississaugaTMG
Psychology - U of T MississaugaTMP
Social Sciences - U of T MississaugaTMS
Theatre & Drama (Joint program with Sheridan College) (audition required) - U of T MississaugaTMT
Visual Studies - U of T MississaugaTEV

University of Toronto Scarborough
Arts: Social Sciences & Humanities

Program TitleProgram Code
Social Sciences & Humanities (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTUD
French (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTUA

Arts: Visual and Performing Arts, Arts Management & Media
Program TitleProgram Code
Journalism (Joint program with Centennial College) - U of T ScarboroughTSJ
Visual and Performing Arts, Arts Management & Media - U of T ScarboroughTUC

Business: Management, Economics
Program TitleProgram Code
Management (BBA) (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTSM
Management and Intern ational Business (BBA) (co-op) - U of T ScarboroughTXB

Double Degree (BBA/BSc)
Program TitleProgram Code
BBA (Management & Finance) and BSc (Statistics - Quanti tative Finance) (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTXQ

Sciences: Computer Science
Program TitleProgram Code
Computer Science (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTXC

International Development Studies (co-op) BA/BSc
Program TitleProgram Code
Intern ational Development Studies (co-op) - U of T ScarboroughTSD

Sciences: Life Sciences
Life Sciences (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTSL

Sciences: Mathematics
Program TitleProgram Code
Mathematics (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTXS

Sciences: Physical & Environmental Sciences
Program TitleProgram Code
Physical and Enviro nmental Sciences (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTSP

Sciences: Psychological & Health Sciences
Program TitleProgram Code
Psycho logical & Health Sciences (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTPS

Sciences: Statistics
Program TitleProgram Code
Statistics (co-op and regular) - U of T ScarboroughTXU

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-1 08:53 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-12-2 10:17 編輯

(OUAC) processes applications  web site - 105 All Other Undergraduate Applicants https://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-105/

Western University
Full-time study only. Campus Codes used below:
•Main Campus - MN
•Brescia University College - BR
•Huron University College - HR
•King's University College - KG

Main Campus
Applicants wishing to indicate Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) OR Scholar's Electives using the radio buttons, please note: these programs are available to those applying for first year entry ONLY. These two selections REQUIRE Supplementary Information Forms, please use the following links to access the correct form
Program TitleProgram Code
MN: Arts and HumanitiesEA
MN: EngineeringEE
MN: Fine Arts - Studio (portfolio required)EAV
MN: Foods & Nutrition BScEH
MN: Health SciencesEW
MN: KinesiologyEP
MN: Management & Organi zational StudiesED
MN: Management & Organi zational Studies - Commercial Aviation Management (Main campus only)EDN
MN: Media, Information & Techno cultureEI
MN: Medical Sciences (BMSc & BSc)ESM
MN: Bachelor of Music (BMus)EM
MN: Bachelor of Arts (BA Music)EMA
MN: Music Admini strative StudiesEMS
MN: Nursing BScN (Fanshawe site)ENF
MN: Nursing BScN (Western site)ENW
MN: ScienceES
MN: Social ScienceEO

Programs Requiring More than Secondary School Level
MN: Music Artist Diploma - one yearEMO
MN: Nursing (Compressed Program)ENS

Affiliated University Colleges
Brescia University College Brescia University College is Canada's women's university college with approximately 1,500 students. Brescia provides a student-centered, engaging environment that encourages active participation in learning, community involvement and the development of leadership skills. A pre-university Preliminary Year Program is available to both male and female registrants. Residence is guaranteed and generous scholarship and bursary programs are offered. Brescia is affiliated with Western University where students benefit from the small, supportive atmosphere at Brescia while enjoying the resources of a large scale institution like Western. Visit
Brescia University College.
Program TitleProgram Code
BR: Family Studies BA (Human Ecology)EBF
BR: Family Studies & Human Development BSc (Human Ecology)EBZ
BR: Foods & Nutrition BScEBH
BR: Health SciencesEBW
BR: KinesiologyEBP
BR: Management & Organi zational StudiesEBD
BR: Preliminary Year (Co-educational) Pre-universityEBC
BR: Social ScienceEBO

Huron University College Being the founding institution of Western University, Huron University College has had a truly distinct identity since 1863. Our strategically small university of approximately 1,100 students helps give students the advantages of small classes, personal attention from professors, a friendly community and access to elite education. Huron's extensive and competitive scholarship program gives our students many opportunities to receive financial aid. Our on-campus residence building also give our students the advantage of being close to both classes and friends. Visit Huron University College.
Program TitleProgram Code
HR: Management & Organi zational StudiesEHD
HR: Social ScienceEHO

King's University College King's University College is a small Catholic liberal arts campus that offers small classes and a true sense of community to a student population of 3,500. Many students choose King's because of its affiliation with Western, its friendly campus, outstanding teaching faculty, generous scholarship and bursary program, and guaranteed residence. Visit King's University College.
Program TitleProgram Code
KG: Childhood & Social Instit utionsEKC
KG: Finance and Wealth ManagementEKF
KG: Management & Organi zational StudiesEKD
KG: Social Justice & Peace StudiesEKJ
KG: Social ScienceEKO
KG: Social Work (Third Year Only)EKS

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-1 08:56 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-12-1 09:13 編輯

另外, Western University 又係分幾個 Campus, 呢幾個 Campus 學術方面有咩野分別呢? 如果申請文學院或商學院, 邊個好啲呢?

Full-time study only. Campus Codes used below:
•Main Campus - MN
•Brescia University College - BR
•Huron University College - HR
•King's University College - KG

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-1 08:58 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-12-1 09:14 編輯

(OUAC) processes applications  web site - 105 All Other Undergraduate Applicants https://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-105/

University of Ottawa 又係分2個 Campus, 呢2個 Campus 學術有咩野分別呢? 如果申請文學院或商學院, 邊個好啲呢?

University of Ottawa
•Main Campus - UO
•Saint Paul University - USP

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-1 09:39 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 20-12-1 08:51
請教一下: 申請多倫多大學 University of Toronto, 大學有 3 Campus, 想問問, 孩子應該會申請加拿大大學文 ...

St George Campus


小時了了    發表於 20-12-5 17:23

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-12-5 15:14 |只看該作者
St George campus 在downtown 又大又靚,感覺上競爭較大


小時了了    發表於 20-12-5 17:24

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-12-5 18:04 |只看該作者
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