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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 日本大學EJU報考科目
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[其他] 日本大學EJU報考科目 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-8-2 21:39 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
想請問如果有意之後(嚟緊去英國讀A level)係日本大學修讀外語(日語及西班牙語)嘅話,係咪一定要考EJU,如果係,要考咩科?係咪淨係考日文語就得?目前有考慮大阪大學及關西大學等。除此之外仲有咩要提前考同預備。唔該晒!
   1    0    0    0

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-8-3 10:39 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-8-3 12:14 編輯
JPWCHa 發表於 20-8-2 21:39
想請問如果有意之後(嚟緊去英國讀A level)係日本大學修讀外語(日語及西班牙語)嘅話,係咪一定要考EJU,如果係,要考咩科?係咪淨係考日文語就得?目前有考慮大阪大學及關西大學等。除此之外仲有咩要提前考同預備。唔該晒!

日本升學四種途徑: http://asjas.org/dl/JapanStudyIntro_HK.pdf &

香港學生考EJU試去考日本用日文教授嘅大學課程有 2 個方法:
1)係香港讀 EJU 日文課程 (e.g. 係 The Japan Society of Hong Kong 學 EJU 日文) + 係香港自修自己操 EJU 理科/綜合科學/數學 卷 > 係香考EJU > 飛日本面試日本大學 > 飛回香港等收生通知(大學學校網站公佈)----- 呢個係第B途徑

2)係香港讀 EJU 日文課程 (e.g. 係 The Japan Society of Hong Kong 學 EJU 日文) + 係香港自修自己操 EJU 理科/綜合科學/數學 卷 > 係香考EJU > 係香港 SKYPE etc 面試日本大學 > 香港等收生通知(大學學校網站公佈)----- 呢個係另外一個途徑 E 途徑, E 途徑叫「渡日前入學許可https://www.jasso.go.jp/ryugaku/study_j/eju/about/publication/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2016/06/08/eju_guide2016_c.pdf

最新日本升學5種途徑: http://asjas.org/hk/j-study/?fbclid=IwAR1CbjZn4DYV2DvrIejDR2mE8a9jxD5hzIUWMLm2J7D5D_BGEg7rI2l7LWY#/Links

EJU Examination Subjects - JASSO https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/eju/examinee/procedure/subject.html

EJU Overseas Representatives in Asia e.g. Hong Kong - JASSO https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/eju/examinee/contact/asia.html
The Japan Society of Hong Kong https://www.japansociety.org.hk/tc
Address: 1st Floor, Fung House,19-20 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong
Phone Number: +852-2537-3797
Fax Number: +852-2804-6473
Email: [email protected]
Examination Fee: 1 subject HKD 450  2 or 3 subjects HKD 850
Postage: Actual expense
Application Form: Free of charge
Application Method: at the office

日本留學試験(EJU &「渡日前入學許可」)指南 http://asjas.org/dl/eju_guide.pdf

Guidelines for Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students(EJU) https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/eju/about/publication/guide_for_examinee.html

List of Schools Offering Pre-arrival Admission using EJU 渡日前入學許可- https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/eju/examinee/prearrival/uni_national.html

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-8-3 10:45 |只看該作者
請問我女兒是打算在英國讀完A Level(今年第一年)後往日本讀大學,除日文外,EJU還要考其他科?(打算修外語)謝謝解答(emoji)

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-8-3 10:54 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-8-3 15:09 編輯
JPWCHa 發表於 20-8-2 21:39
想請問如果有意之後(嚟緊去英國讀A level) 係日本大學修讀外語(日語及西班牙語) 嘅話,係咪一定要考EJU,如果係,要考咩科?係咪淨係考日文語就得?目前有考慮大阪大學及關西大學等。除此之外仲有咩要提前考同預備。唔該晒!

i) EJU …. 係咪淨係考日文語就得? --- 唔係啊, 你要去你要考嘅大學, 逐間大學逐個課程睇佢招生 EJU 要求考嘅科目及考 EJU 用英文抑或是用日文考. 詳情, 可以睇吓以下 EJU 資料.  你孩子打算係日本大學讀外文, 以我估佢好大機會EJU 考 Japan and the World 科目

ii) 係日本大學修讀外語(日語及西班牙語) 嘅話,係咪一定要考EJU --- 又唔係啊. 依家日本嘅大學有啲有用英文教學課程, 你又係要逐間大學逐個課程睇佢係咪英文 courses 而唔洗考 EJU

1) EJU Examination Subjects https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/eju/examinee/procedure/subject.html




Score Range

Japanese as a
                        foreign language

Measurement of the Japanese language skills(academic Japanese) required for studying at Japanese universities.


reading comprehension
                        listening and listening-reading comprehension



Measurement of the basic academic skills in science(Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) necessary for studying in a science department of a Japanese university.



Japan and the World

Measurement of the basic academic skills in liberal arts,particulary thinking and logical abilities, necessary for studying at Japanese universities.




Measurement of the basic academic skills in mathematics nessary for studying at Japanese universities.



The score range mentioned above, excluding the writing of Japanese as a Foreign language , will not be given in the form of the raw score but on a common scale. The writing will be scored based on the standard.

2) Examination Language https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/eju/examinee/procedure/language.html
The questions can be written in Japanese or English.
(The examination of Japanese as a Foreign Language will be written only in Japanese.)
Since the Japanese and English question booklets will be different, according to the requirements of the university they want to enter and the course of study they want to pursue, the examinee should notify which language they prefer in the application.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-8-3 10:59 |只看該作者

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-8-3 11:02 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-8-3 11:32 編輯
JPWCHa 發表於 20-8-2 21:39
想請問如果有意之後(嚟緊去英國讀A level)係日本大學修讀外語(日語及西班牙語)嘅話,係咪一定要考EJU,如果係,要考咩科?係咪淨係考日文語就得?目前有考慮大阪大學及關西大學等。除此之外仲有咩要提前考同預備。唔該晒!

關西大學 Kansai University http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/English/international/ad_foreign.html
3. Must have taken the subjects specified by each faculty in the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU).
*The Examination Language can be chosen from either Japanese or English, except for the subject of "Japanese as a Foreign Language."

4. Must submit grades or scores from the English certificate examination specified by each faculty as listed below when applying to the Faculty of Letters, Economics, Business and Commerce, Sociology, or Health and Well-being. For those who have completed the last 6-year curriculum of school education in English, and apply to the Faculty of Letters, Sociology, or Health and Well-being, the submitted certification is deemed to be equivalent to grades or scores from the English certificate examination.


English certificate examination

LettersCambridge English Qualifications/Practical English Proficiency Test/United Nations Associations Test of English/IELTS Academic/TOEFL iBT®/TOEIC®L&R
Business and CommerceTOEFL iBT®/TOEIC®L&R[/tr]
SociologyIELTS Academic score of 3.5 or higher/TOEFL iBT® score of 37 or higher/TOEIC®L&R score of 420 or higher
Health and Well-beingTOEFL iBT®/TOEIC®L&R
*The score or grade must be one achieved in the two years preceding the application.
*A score or grade from TOEFL ITP® or TOEIC®L&R IP is not acceptable.

EJU *1


Japanese as a Foreign Language (including writing)
Choose one subject from "Japanese and the World", "Mathematics (Course 1/Course 2)" and "Science (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) *2"
*1 Either of following EJU to be taken 2018 2nd session (in November) or 2019 1st session (in June)
*2 Need to choose two subjects from "Science".

Subjects for September Examination (Spring 2020 Enrollment)
Faculty of Law EJU

Examination Date


2019 1st session (in June)Japanese as a Foreign Language (including writing)
Japan and the World

Faculty of Letters EJU

Examination Date


A 2018 2nd session (in November) or
B 2019 1st session (in June)
Japanese as a Foreign Language (including writing)
Japan and the World
*Score or grade of the English certificate examination to be submitted with application form.

Faculty of Economics EJU


Japanese as a Foreign Language (including writing)
*Either of following EJU to be taken 2017 2nd session (in November), 2018 1st session (in June), 2018 2nd session (in November) or 2019 1st session (in June)
*Score or grade of the English certificate examination to be submitted with application form.

Faculty of Sociology EJU


Japanese as a Foreign Language (including writing)
Japan and the World
*Either of following EJU to be taken 2018 2nd session (in November) or 2019 1st session (in June)
*Scores of the English certificate examination are to be submitted with application form.

Faculty of Informatics EJU*1


Japanese as a Foreign Language (including writing)
Choose one subject from "Japanese and the World", "Mathematics (Course 1 or Course 2)" and "Science (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) *2"
*1 Either of following EJU to be taken 2018 2nd session (in November) or 2019 1st session (in June)
*2 Need to choose two subjects from "Science" .

大阪大學 Osaka University https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/admissions
i) Special Courses in English                       

ii)  Information for Privately-funded International Students                       
     2021-2022 Special Entrance Examination for Privately-funded International Students                                                                                                

iii) Special entrance examinations for privately-funded international undergraduate students living overseas                        
    Special Entrance Examination for Privately-Funded Undergraduate International Students Living Overseas

Acceptance Level or Minimum required scores of EJUhttps://www.jasso.go.jp/en/eju/examinee/prearrival/required_score.html

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