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Oxbridge offer [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 18-2-2 11:50 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Many parents here like me are looking for good boarding schools in uk. We will look at many information like school website, ISI report, gce result, ranking, etc. Another is oxbridge offer which the schools will also showcase as an indication of success. Here is the result for some popular schools discussed here for 2018.
Brighton 30+
Bromsgrove 4
Caterham 13
Cheltenham Ladies College 21
Concord 21
Epsom 4
King’s Canterbury 21
Lancing 7
Oundle 20
Sevenoaks 42
Shrewsbury 14
Ruthin 8
Roedean 5
Warwick 17
Wellington 22
Wycombe Abbey 29

Feel free to add more as you wish. This is just to generate interests.
   4    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-2-2 11:56 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 英子 於 18-2-2 12:29 編輯
Eddie1997 發表於 18-2-2 11:50
Many parents here like me are looking for good boarding schools in uk. We will look at many informat ...

Here is the result for some popular schools discussed here for 2018.
Brighton 30+
Bromsgrove 4
Caterham 13
Cheltenham Ladies College 21
Concord 21
Epsom 4
King’s Canterbury 21
Lancing 7
Oundle 20
Sevenoaks 42
Shrewsbury 14
Ruthin 8
Roedean 5
Warwick 17
Wellington 22
Wycombe Abbey 29
+Ipswich school 7

Feel free to add more as you wish. This is just to generate interests.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-2-2 12:19 |只看該作者
英子 發表於 18-2-2 11:56
Here is the result for some popular schools discussed here for 2018.
Brighton 30+
Bromsgrove 4

wow, already announced 2018 offers results? where could u find these?

My son school seems not performing as well this year and we haven’t hear any figures/data from school yet.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-2-2 12:27 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 英子 於 18-2-2 12:28 編輯
Ruby1219 發表於 18-2-2 12:19
wow, already announced 2018 offers results? where could u find these?

My son school seems not per ...

學校校內通訊有寫,6個入Cambridge ,1個入Oxbridge

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-2-2 12:35 |只看該作者


How many in a cohort ?  20 or 200 or 2000?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-2-3 19:49 |只看該作者
想分享少少經驗。當年考慮比孩子去英國讀書時,亦做過類似 research.  首先 identify 幾間心儀嘅學校,跟著去學校網站睇吓過去幾年入 Oxbridge 嘅 admission rate. 雖然年年唔同,不過通常都會在某個 range 之內。但再深入睇落去就發現有問題,因為英國學生讀嘜野科都有,例如 Classics, History, English 及 Languages...... 好似 Westminster School 咁,入 Oxbridge 嘅 admission rate 可能多過 50%, 但如果申請好多香港人想讀嘅科目例如醫科及法律等,有時都只係得1至2個人。咁就算有50% 嘅 admission rate,睇嚟又沒有甚麼作用。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-2-3 20:24 |只看該作者
回覆 bobbycheung 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-2-3 21:18 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 18-2-3 21:23 編輯

我只是將自己行過嘅路,講出嚟同大家分享。仲有一點就係嗰d去英國讀 Year 12 嘅學生。相對於嗰d由細讀上嚟嘅學生,你入去讀 Year 12, 差不多一年後就申請大學。人地喺學校讀咗10幾年,重要位置肯定已經比人坐咗,而老師對佢地亦有好深嘅認識。而你只去得一年,除非你係特別出眾,否則老師寫 recommendation letter 時,你或會比較蝕底。基本上,你同佢地唔係 on an equal footing. 咁依d所講嘅 Oxbridge admission rate 亦未必用得著。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 18-2-4 23:03 |只看該作者
perfect. My friend son went to Cambridge to study philosophy. Now he regretted and attempted HKU medi again.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-2-4 23:08 |只看該作者
corkwok 發表於 18-2-4 23:03
perfect. My friend son went to Cambridge to study philosophy. Now he regretted and attempted HKU med ...

why he regretted?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-2-5 11:13 |只看該作者
bobbycheung 發表於 18-2-3 21:18
我只是將自己行過嘅路,講出嚟同大家分享。仲有一點就係嗰d去英國讀 Year 12 嘅學生。相對於嗰d由細讀上嚟 ...
Now you are exactly answering your previous query to the article writer ( https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3597383&extra=page%3D1 ) why the general admission statistic should not be used as an indicator or apply to any individual application, because just like what you said "基本上,你同佢地唔係 on an equal footing. 咁依d所講嘅 Oxbridge admission rate 亦未必用得著。". Not not oxbridge applicants are equally strong in every aspect.

As simple as the situation you mentioned

"相對於嗰d由細讀上嚟嘅學生,你入去讀 Year 12, 差不多一年後就申請大學。人地喺學校讀咗10幾年,重要位置肯定已經比人坐咗,而老師對佢地亦有好深嘅認識。而你只去得一年,除非你係特別出眾,否則老師寫 recommendation letter 時,你或會比較蝕底。"

That already made a big difference in your application. So we can't say every application is equal chance when we look at admission statistic rate.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-2-5 13:37 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 18-2-5 15:14 編輯
manning2014 發表於 18-2-5 11:13
Now you are exactly answering your previous query to the article writer ( https://www.edu-kingdom.co ...


另外,作者話學生應該首先評估自己的入學機會是否比公佈取綠百份率高先去申請。我就話根本好難去評估自己的入學機會, 所以作者講嘅方法,連第一步都做唔到。Please tell me where and when did I say the general admission statistic should be used as an indicator?   要知道我話好難去評估自己入學嘅機會, but it is not the same as saying every application has an equal chance, is it?  打個比喻(未必好貼切,但 off hand 只想到這個example),我話好難估計自己唔食幾日野會唔會死,但這並不等如話所有人唔食幾日野都有 equal chance of survival喎。又或者有10個男仔追緊同一個女仔,我話好難評估自己追唔追到,但並不等如10個男仔都有equal chance.

至於你話 not all Oxbridge applicants are equally strong in every aspect, I did not suggest otherwise.


Rank: 4

發表於 18-2-5 14:19 |只看該作者
bobbycheung 發表於 18-2-3 19:49
想分享少少經驗。當年考慮比孩子去英國讀書時,亦做過類似 research.  首先 identify 幾間心儀嘅學校,跟著 ...

我有小小唔同意見。首先,我相信樓主拎呢樣數據出黎都係想比家長多一樣嘢去為小朋友㨂學校,尤其是本身成績和自我心態不錯,入oxbridge可以由夢想變理想,而呢個亦係好多家長想給予小朋友出國嘅理由。當然,如果小朋友係超級勁,咁去邊間都可以脫頴而出。至於話not on equal basis,尤其是一去就讀y12,呢個我同意一定存在,但亦可以係有利嘅地方,特別係香港或大陸學生,好多都係數理強,好多英國老師喜歡教外地生,係因為top嘅本地生好多時係百花齊放,即係話唔會好似香港咁側重於神科,所以一有好學生,佢地都好比心機教,佢地都想‘名師出高徒’,要寫recommendation letter一定唔會手軟。而每一個有機會入oxbridge嘅學生,大部分學校都好重視,可以比學校加分,而事實上英國學校喺呢方面嘅支持同資源都好好,所以不失為揀學校其中一個指標,但一定唔會係主要,畢竟唔同學生有唔同要求。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-2-5 14:36 |只看該作者
WeiSB 發表於 18-2-5 14:19
我有小小唔同意見。首先,我相信樓主拎呢樣數據出黎都係想比家長多一樣嘢去為小朋友㨂學校,尤其是本身成 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 18-2-5 15:07 |只看該作者
bobbycheung 發表於 18-2-5 14:36
唔好意思,我無意得罪樓主。當年我自己都有做過同樣的數據硏究,希望能夠幫孩子搵到一間最好嘅學校,只是深 ...


發表於 18-2-5 15:26 |只看該作者
corkwok 發表於 18-2-4 23:03
perfect. My friend son went to Cambridge to study philosophy. Now he regretted and attempted HKU med ...

Why?  Just curious to know.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-2-5 15:26 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 manning2014 於 18-2-5 15:28 編輯

回覆 bobbycheung 的帖子

I thought this is the easiest part to understand. When the writer said 7-8%, he was referring to the HK students applying Cambridge from HK. He said "據說同期赴劍橋面試的二十多名港生中,只有兩名獲無條件直接取錄,劍橋取錄率約7-8%. If that 二十多名港生 was 25 to 28 people, that made the offer rate from 7.1% - 8%. That's how writer came up the figure 劍橋嘅取錄率約7-8%.

另外,作者話學生應該首先評估自己的入學機會是否比公佈取綠百份率高先去申請。我就話根本好難去評估自己的入學機會, 所以作者講嘅方法,連第一步都做唔到。
That was the part that I referred to as "your query". You said "我就話根本好難去評估自己的入學機會". But you then gave your sharing on what might affect your acceptance rate.  You are now actually 評估自己的入學機會

In team of different subjects:
"想分享少少經驗。當年考慮比孩子去英國讀書時,亦做過類似 research.  首先 identify 幾間心儀嘅學校,跟著去學校網站睇吓過去幾年入 Oxbridge 嘅 admission rate. 雖然年年唔同,不過通常都會在某個 range 之內。但再深入睇落去就發現有問題,因為英國學生讀嘜野科都有,例如 Classics, History, English 及 Languages...... 好似 Westminster School 咁,入 Oxbridge 嘅 admission rate 可能多過 50%, 但如果申請好多香港人想讀嘅科目例如醫科及法律等,有時都只係得1至2個人。咁就算有50% 嘅 admission rate,睇嚟又沒有甚麼作用。"

In team of when where you went to study in UK schools:
我只是將自己行過嘅路,講出嚟同大家分享。仲有一點就係嗰d去英國讀 Year 12 嘅學生。相對於嗰d由細讀上嚟嘅學生,你入去讀 Year 12, 差不多一年後就申請大學。人地喺學校讀咗10幾年,重要位置肯定已經比人坐咗,而老師對佢地亦有好深嘅認識。而你只去得一年,除非你係特別出眾,否則老師寫 recommendation letter 時,你或會比較蝕底。基本上,你同佢地唔係 on an equal footing. 咁依d所講嘅 Oxbridge admission rate 亦未必用得著。
In fact, there is no absolute right or wrong as to how individual parents or students assess their success rate when it comes to applying Oxbridge (or US Ivies or any other top university in the world). I'm just trying to say, the key point is that individual candidates should assess their application beforehand: find out what is their strong/weak points and improve them before making a serious application. General admission statistic does not reflect individual true success rate. Not everyone has the same chance. Thank you

Please tell me where and when did I say the general admission statistic should be used as an indicator?   要知道我話好難去評估自己入學嘅機會, but it is not the same as saying every application has an equal chance, is it?  打個比喻(未必好貼切,但 off hand 只想到這個example),我話好難估計自己唔食幾日野會唔會死,但這並不等如話所有人唔食幾日野都有 equal chance of survival喎。又或者有10個男仔追緊同一個女仔,我話好難評估自己追唔追到,但並不等如10個男仔都有equal chance.

至於你話 not all Oxbridge applicants are equally strong in every aspect, did I ever suggest otherwise?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-2-5 16:40 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 18-2-5 20:18 編輯
manning2014 發表於 18-2-5 15:26
回覆 bobbycheung 的帖子

我的query係作者點解話"劍橋嘅取錄率約7-8%"I thought this is the easiest pa ...

作者話"同期赴劍橋面試的二十多名港生中,只有兩名獲無條件直接取錄,劍橋取錄率約7-8%"。你就假設係25-28人,所以就計到嗰兩個學生就係7-8%. 首先取錄率唔係計有幾多人面試而係計有幾多人申請。如果25-28人面試,咁申請嘅人好可能遠超40人。第二,除咗無條件直接取錄之外,大部分都係有conditional offer. 作者凈係講面試同unconditional offer嘅比例就叫劍橋取錄率,我覺得簡直係好笑。再者,咁嘅所謂取錄率有嘜用?仲有係只講佢"聽講"去面試嗰20幾人及二個獲得unconditional offer嘅學生,跟著計個所謂percentage, 咁嘅percentage又有嘜野意思? 其實每年大概有500個香港學生申請劍橋。例如2016年就有496個香港學生申請,success rate 係18.5%, 依d係劍僑嘅網站寫的,唔係憑空想像,事旦用d數字夾埋就當係取錄率。

作者叫人先去評估自己嘅入學機會,之後先決定去唔去申請。我就話好難評估自己的入學機會,但這並不等如叫人不去盡量爭取大d嘅入學機會。好似追女仔嘅example, 就算好難評估自己嘅機會,但都會盡量執正d,擺多d時間心思落去追佢,而唔係嘜都唔做。第一段關於個別學校入Oxbridge嘅人數,我只是解釋點解依d數字無嘜意思。第二段我係話Year12先入學,我覺得比較蝕底。當然好似WeiSB咁亦有唔同嘅意見which is perfectly fine and normal.


講真,我家吓都唔明點解你話 I said "every application has an equal chance"

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 18-2-5 20:34 |只看該作者
Why regret to study philosophy in cambridge. I dont know yet. But I will meet him in cambridge this lunar. Tell you later. I also want to know.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-2-6 22:46 |只看該作者
corkwok 發表於 18-2-5 20:34
Why regret to study philosophy in cambridge. I dont know yet. But I will meet him in cambridge this  ...

對香港人來講,Philosophy 真係外星來的東西,比你看一本David Hume 的書,你自然就會明白了。Medicine相對之下,容易得多,錢途無限啊!話說來,我也認識不少香港Cambridge graduates,但至今沒有一個是讀Philosophy的,我真是要見識見識一下。
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