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教育王國 討論區 番禺會所華仁小學 Finally school started
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Finally school started [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-9-7 09:26 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Just as I expected, the difficulty level for Wah Yan is lower than St Joe.  My son is very happy at school and he loves going to school everyday.
Orientation happened last week, saw the teachers for all classes.  I found 1A1 teacher has the energy for teaching and 1A2 teacher did not give me any good impression.  There are 2 English teachers for AM and PM.  The AM english teacher's english is not too accurate while the PM class teacher speaks really good english.
School's stuffs are easy for my son.  Probably because I had been sending him to Kumon for the past few years and most of the things taught in class he had already learned them couple years ago.
There is a difficulty for my son, his chinese is not really good, both reading and writing.  I gotta spend more effort on this side since this a chinese school afterall.

To other parents here, how are your kids doing?
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