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全新Amazon5★推介 - Leap Frog Phonics (適合2-5歲小朋友) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 12-8-3 16:10 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

Amazon五星好評的Phonics教材 ~~

Leap Frog Phonics 6DVD+1CD+26Flash Cards套裝!


售價 $390/套
包郵到商業區免運費﹐  住宅區另加$30~

1. Leap Frog- Letter Factory  跳跳蛙之字母製造廠
2. Leap Frog - Math Circus
3. Leap Frog - Talking Words Factory  
4. Leap Frog - Word Caper  
5. Let's Go To School
跳跳蛙LeapFrog (最新) -Math Adventure to the Moon
7. 音樂CD

1.     LeapFrog - Letter FactoryIn this entertaininginstallment from the hugely popular Leap Frog educational series, ProfessorQuigley, Leap, Lily and Tad arrive at the magical Letter Factory, where jumblesof sounds are miraculously shaped into letters. Aimed at children aged 2-5,"Letter Factory" teaches letters, phonics and listening skills.
2.     LeapFrog - Math CircusThe popular Leap Frogeducational series teaches early learning fundamentals topreschool children ina fun and friendly cartoon format. In this volume, ananimated frog family-- Leap, Lily and Tad -- demonstrates mathematical conceptssuch as counting,addition and subtraction while performing gravity-defyingcircus acts. Who wouldhave thought math could be this much fun?
3.     LeapFrog - Talking Words FactoryLily and Tad take afield trip to the Talking Words Factory, where wild and wacky machines takeletters and shape theminto words. Targeted at children 3-6 years old, "Talking WordsFactory" teaches vowels, consonants, word building and rhyming and helpstoddlers build their vocabulary.
4.     LeapFrog – Word CaperInstructs preschoolersin early learning fundamentals via a fun and unprepossessing cartoonformat. This videofinds the animated frog family of Leap, Lily and Tad demonstratingword-building skills (for which they have a definite knack) in a crime capermystery spiced with the usual musical interludes.
5.     LeapFrog - Let's go to schoolSchool startstomorrow, and Tad and Lily are nervous! Join Tad, Lily and their magicalfirefly Edison as he gives them a tour of the classroom and shows them that theclassroom is more nervous than they are! As the twins reassure the blocks,globe, clock and more talking "teachers,” they learn key lessons aboutphonics, counting, days of the week and animals.
6.     LeapFrog - Math Adventure to the MoonJoin Tad and Lily asthey blast off on an exciting educational adventure! Tad and Lily need theperfect collection of things to take to school for their math assignment. Whenthey finally decide on moon rocks, there’s just one problem — how will they getthem? With some magical help from their firefly friend, Edison, they board arocket ship to start their quest. Soon the twins learn that math is everywhere,even in outer space! Watch as they use their skills in counting, sorting, skipcounting and recognizing patterns to overcome obstacles, find new friends andmake the trip back to Earth!


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