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RC switch to BHS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-19 10:55 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My kid s studying in RC Y3 but received a call from BHS telling to offer my son an interview.
Shall i take the place if successes? So headache.

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Rank: 2

發表於 12-9-19 11:46 |只看該作者
Does he/she enjoy studying at RC? Are you happy with his progress? Want to know more about getting into an ESF primary school. Thanks

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-19 13:42 |只看該作者
Pls see PM, thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-19 14:14 |只看該作者

回覆:kaka1228 的帖子

You better ask yourself, or your boy, does he happy studying in RC, and what is your expectation? I think RC has a stronger Chinese than BHS. Personally, if I were you I will switch to BHS.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-19 15:12 |只看該作者
点解要転? RC的中/英都強、又是ESF的。 
love you for you

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-19 21:51 |只看該作者
kaka1228 發表於 12-9-19 10:55
My kid s studying in RC Y3 but received a call from BHS telling to offer my son an interview.
Shall ...
Why the headache? Schools don't call people for nothing, they called you because you applied to them at some point in time, and you must have had a reason to apply. So you just need to remember what that reason was, and if that reason is still valid and if your son passes the interview, then make the switch. If that reason is no longer valid, then don't bother to attend the interview and forget about the whole thing, simple isn't it? {:1_1:}

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-19 22:33 |只看該作者


原帖由 kaka1228 於 12-09-19 發表
My kid s studying in RC Y3 but received a call from BHS telling to offer my son an interview.
Shall ...
bhs 好多人走左?不停叫人interview.  rc 校舍一流啊!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-20 01:40 |只看該作者
真係好奇怪, 我都聽到好幾個由RC轉入BHS, 但有個其中一個小朋友後來想入返RC, 但己經無位, 所以真係考慮清楚.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-20 07:55 |只看該作者
Daphne^^ 發表於 12-9-20 01:40
真係好奇怪, 我都聽到好幾個由RC轉入BHS, 但有個其中一個小朋友後來想入返RC, 但己經無位, 所以真係考慮清 ...

我都覺得好奇怪, BHS只得3班(90個位)一個年級, 但今年八月尾開始就見身邊好多RC家長 (我估有其他學校家長)收電話約話interview, 當中有人住九龍+個大女都同時考到BHS, 所以就一齊轉左, 有朋友turn down左個interview, 都有朋友in完決定唔轉.  樓主, 我諗想當年, 多數人都會報定兩間, 是但一間收左先算, 但依家你仔仔讀左兩年RC而你覺得煩惱=你對RC有保留? 如果係, 你都係轉啦, 唔好第時後悔呀.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-20 09:02 |只看該作者
  Actually I applied few schools for my son 2 years ago and now I have 2 kids in RC, both are happy with RC.

There are few things I concern:

So if I switch my elder son to BHS, don't know how big the change is to get a place for my younger one.

Concerning KGV has a better result on IBDP these years as I will not send my kids study aboard that soon.

RC provides stronger Chinese curriculum.

Dear all mama, I just feel like would I miss anythings in the future? Don't know how to choose in-between. 我真的庸人自擾

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-20 09:45 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Mighty 於 12-9-20 04:46 編輯

個個人都会有庸人自擾的時刻、説出来譲局外人聴聴、可以幫你走出這個困思胡同。 隣居的草永遠是較緑的、我看楼主的文章、似乎都是針対其他学校怎様怎様好、並没有特別提到対RC不満的地方、即是説対RC満意、対嗎? 説到KGV的成績好、這並不代表楼主的小朋友同様也可取到好成績、好成績的給吹捧了、其実中遊的才是主流啊!! 我不認識RC OR BHS的「内容」、只看「外表」、真的没有転校原因。 況且RC注重中文、実在是很多国際学校父母求不到的呢。 数年前、我曾経在晩上9時左右収過一封来自RC老師的電郵、因我有個個別CASE、老師想我尽快給她一個電話傾談一下(当時我身在外地)、後来才知悉她当晩有INTERNET CONFERENCE,所以晩上也在工作。 非常熱誠的一位老師、我同老公都詺記心中。 結果電話也談了近半小時、好彩是用SKYPE,要不然電話費用不非呢!!


iseult    發表於 12-9-20 11:32
love you for you

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-20 11:15 |只看該作者
As far as i know, a few BHS students changed to Harrow this school year since BHS's catchment area matches with the location of Harrow.  Thats why the "Harrow effect" is apparently seen in BHS.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-21 01:45 |只看該作者
my son (studying in bhs) told me they have 2 classmates go back to their country and 2 kids change to harrow this year.  

Rank: 4

發表於 12-9-21 01:50 |只看該作者
I plan to apply to both ESF and RC. My catchment area would be BHS (and then KGV). I wonder how people would compare these two schools. This is my understanding based on what I've heard from other people and what I've seen from school visit:
- RC's Chinese is stronger and KGV's IB score is higher;
- RC has a big campus while BHS' is much smaller;
- RC has more local students, (I haven't got any chance to see many BHS students as a group, but I assume there would be more foreigners);
- RC is a through-train school, while BHS students will then go to KGV.

I wonder if anyone can comment on RC's IB performance. Do you know why its IB score is lower than other ESF schools'? (Would it be due to it has more bilingual diplomas? Or any other reasons?) Please understand I am not saying a high IB score is everything. I am just trying to understand more of both schools.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-21 11:19 |只看該作者
回復 missq 的帖子

For RC's IB performance, out of 88 graduates (2012), around 10% got 40 or above; the highest score obtained was 43 last year. As compared with other ESF schools, this is of course not good enough. But the rate of RC students receiving IB bilingual diplomas is good (among the best of ESF schools).

In short, 26 out of 88 graduates of RC have just been recognized by ESF as they obtained either "at least 40 points" or "at least 38 points with the award of the bilingual diplomas." Obviously RC aims to promote both English and Chinese language education (in line with the world trend that Chinese is getting important); on top of bilingual education, I think RC is working toward the pushing up of the IB score...

If parents are targeting the top 3 local universities, personally I think it's ok for RC graduates of 2012 with 5 going to CUHK; 5 going to HKUST and 11 going to HKU (out of 88 graduates last year).

Personally I think there are some other good (I mean to me, they are OK and acceptable!)universities that some RC 2012 graduates go to, including Imperial College London; London School of Economics; King's College London; U of Toronto (4), U of British Columbia (2); U of Southern California; U of Pennsylvania (one of the best in the States); and U of Washington.

I think RC is going ok at this stage (since it's still "young") but there's much room for improvement (I mean the overall IB score). The principal, Dr. Brown, seems to understand what we HK parents are expecting; during the seminar, he emphasized how and what the school would be doing for improvement... I hope RC would be as good as other ESF schools in terms of the IB scores!

RC is improving though, KGV is a very good school. The chance is rare, so think twice!


misskwokwok  absolutely agree.  that I do think RCHK will be the other school that could upto the IB scores such as KGV and Shatin College (hopefully in years).  發表於 12-10-16 10:02
iseult  They are far more than OK... Imperial College London; London School of Economics; King's College London; U of Toronto (4), U of British Columbia  發表於 12-9-25 10:10

發表於 12-9-21 13:26 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-9-21 18:14 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-9-21 20:25 |只看該作者
其実香港対化粧的態度好奇怪、有時見到一D香港高官、一面素顔、見人亞、上電視亞、我就覚得好肉酸、始終化点粧会適合D. 学生、当然不可太過分、但係始終不是本地学校、総有点同本地学校不同。 但化粧不等同壊。 反而学生的行為比較重要。 如果搭過上SC的小巴就会見過在小巴有告示説、如発現SC学生有破壊、請電学校電話NO. 等等字眼。 這個倒令我worry about their students' behaviours.  
love you for you

發表於 12-9-21 23:37 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 12-9-23 22:21 |只看該作者
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Much appreciated!
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