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點樣教早, 午, 晚...昨天, 今天, 明天的概念 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-9-20 10:28 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
點樣教早, 午, 晚...昨天, 今天, 明天的概念? 請教各位...
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發表於 11-9-20 12:00 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-9-20 12:42 |只看該作者

回覆 1# earlyeducation 的文章

but i used to read story with him everynite, but he still not understand, can u tell me more, how?

發表於 11-9-20 13:02 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-9-20 13:07 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-9-20 16:51 |只看該作者

回復 1# earlyeducation 的帖子

唉...其實我都日日同佢講吓啦, 可能佢發緊夢冇留心...我仲以為呢d概念番學就自然有學, 會學識, 點知原來佢咁多0野都未明未識, 點算呀...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-21 10:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 laicherry1030 於 11-9-20 16:51 發表
唉...其實我都日日同佢講吓啦, 可能佢發緊夢冇留心...我仲以為呢d概念番學就自然有學, 會學識, 點知原來佢咁多0野都未明未識, 點算呀...


How old your child?  Day and night are more easy to understanding.  But today, yesterday and tomorrow are quite difficult concept for them to understanding such as we also have this problem before and I asked the IP teacher when my son is 4-5 yrs old.  The teacher explain for me that this concept is quite difficult to understand and handle for normal child, too not just for special. So, child need older and they will be more easy to handle during the today will be change to yesterday due to the time is past.  Tomorrow same cases will be change to today and later will be yesterday.
Anyway, let them understand what is today first.
This they will not easy to handle. And later, use the calender which with 星期幾 and date. Stick a specail sticker with them for everyday (Today) such as eg : Winnie the pooh = Today (5/9,星期一), the next day : 6/9, 星期二 during they already understand what is today, then you can move the Winnie the phoon sticker to 6/9 and introduce another sticker such as : Mickey is yesterday on 5/9 星期一 and repeat this in a period and the child understand what is yesterday.  Then, as the same method to teach him what is the tomorrow. 最好tomorrow will do some special thing for the 1st time, then he will be more 期待. Then when tomorrow change to "Today" the child can do the special thing and explain to him. As this method, now the calender with 3 cartoon sticker everyday changing the position in a long period and do everyday.  Remind : The calender : plastic then can pull out the sticker and change the position.

If 深化 concept : use the schedule that means :eg :  Monday : swimming (Yesterday)
                     Tuesday : printing (Today)
             Wednesday : playgorund time (Tomorrow)

Then, you can explain for him more easier and the child will be 較深刻印象.

My child is handle this around 1 month.  But different person and age is different.  And teacher advise, too small child cant understand this.

Hope the sharing will be suitatble for you.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-21 11:19 |只看該作者

回復 1# samanthat38 的帖子

尋晚瞓唔到, 成晚唸好多0野, 越唸越驚. 好感激家長的幫忙, 我會加油, 亡羊補牢!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-22 00:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 laicherry1030 於 11-9-21 11:19 發表
尋晚瞓唔到, 成晚唸好多0野, 越唸越驚. 好感激家長的幫忙, 我會加油, 亡羊補牢!

Dear Laicherry,

One of the easiest way to teach today, yesterday & tomorrow concept is using FAMILY PHOTOS, if u are so keen to teach him day concept.
Photoseeing itself already teach about day concept unconsciously.
Before you teach day concept & if time is allowed, please read family photos with your kid first, probably before bed time. Of course, he himself should be the main theme in most photos. No need to say anything about day concept in the beginning. Just say like things like what he did during the last mooncake festival with a photo probably he is playing a lantern, what he did in last summer vacation with photos of course like swimming. This improves his time and day concept in the first pace.
If fundamental work is done well (probably 1-2 wks), then taking a photo with some function yesterday,  taking a photo today and a photo with a function to be carry tomorrow (Probably one week taken before). Two key things please bare in mind. 1st - this functions should be those he likes and very distinctive, best is having a routine, such as Yesterday (Probably Friday) playing in a playground near school. Today (Saturday) - go to grandma house dining. Tomorrow (Sunday) - going to church & tea with other kids. 2nd - he himself should have lots of involvemnt in the activity and th photos should be taken with him inside with doing such activity.
You may just describe the events with day concept with him in the beginning. (Probably on Saturday)By then, ask him what he had done yesterday with a imaged covered photo game, etc. By then, ask him in reverse if he is ok, like when did he go to church?If he just say Sunday, question him that is today or tom, etc. By then, add more events, and then, change the day (do it on Monday etc)
It should be a lot easier to teach day concept from looking at calendar.
I did not teach my son day concept but he seem monitor quite well since we have watched family photos many times , esp before bed.
This method I think it's a bit montessori.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-26 01:20 |只看該作者
我仔仔3歲,都係好亂. 唔好話尋日,今天...等等...就連之前發生既事,佢都會用"頭先"嚟講....不過我問過老師,佢話時間概念的確係好難架!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-26 02:07 |只看該作者
Dear Bebemon,

As u said the day concept i snot easy to monitor. I believe a 3 yr boy should not be stressed on day concept since it is not easy. As I said, my son is about 5, ok about yesterday, today & tom, understand it probably  about 4.5 - 5 yrs old to know, maybe he has a ok memory.
One thing I think u should be aware is that understanding the day concept is more important than whether he rememeber it is a fact in yesterday or today or tom though they are related.
Try my method if u think it's worth to do so and let me know if it works to yr kid.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-26 10:27 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 Capricorn2521 於 11-9-26 10:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-26 22:46 |只看該作者
My son reminds me that I had a headache yesterday. Hahaha... I dont know how comes he knew,, I just secretly took a panadol yesterday night. Strange???

原帖由 Capricorn2521 於 11-9-26 10:27 發表
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