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St Cat vs Creative Primary which one better? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-28 22:44 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
any idea which one is better? we get offer on both Creative Primary seems very good with english and mandrain...
and St Cat only offer Cantonese vs English...
any hints for me?
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-28 22:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 fatma2222 於 09-11-28 22:44 發表
any idea which one is better? we get offer on both Creative Primary seems very good with english and mandrain...
and St Cat only offer Cantonese vs English...
any hints for me?

如果講名氣,梗係st cat响好多.st cat也有普通話堂,但應該不是很多.我覺得要看你以後打算比小朋友讀咩小學.如果打算讀普教中直資,或者不介意比啟思小學甘貴學費的話,啟思很不錯.但如果你打算去考各大最有名的小學,我覺得st cat好d

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-29 11:16 |只看該作者
i really like creative primary as the teacher seems very caring + their english/Mandarin environment and show and tel section
but i dont think i can afford their primary school , 6000 is a lot of money per month!!
i live in shatin, if i go to SC you think can apply good P1 in shatin later? as i heard from some friends if we study in Kln tong for K 1 to K3, it is easier to get into good school anywhere in Hong Kong... do you think it is true?

原帖由 share123 於 09-11-28 22:51 發表

如果講名氣,梗係st cat响好多.st cat也有普通話堂,但應該不是很多.我覺得要看你以後打算比小朋友讀咩小學.如果打算讀普教中直資,或者不介意比啟思小學甘貴學費的話,啟思很不錯.但如果你打算去考各大最有名的小學, ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-29 23:56 |只看該作者
hi share123

I got offer fm creative primary, I send pm to you.
would like to know more about this school.

super thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 09:19 |只看該作者
我都煩惱緊呢個問題。。。。有朋講叫我一定唔可以放棄st。 cat,但老公又好鍾意creative primary kg,但兩間學校模式各有好處,依家唔知點取捨好???

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 09:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 channgaki 於 09-11-29 23:56 發表
hi share123

I got offer fm creative primary, I send pm to you.
would like to know more about this school.

super thanks

Hi channgaki,

pls check pm.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 09:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 joyce1024 於 09-11-30 09:19 發表
我都煩惱緊呢個問題。。。。有朋講叫我一定唔可以放棄st。 cat,但老公又好鍾意creative primary kg,但兩間學校模式各有好處,依家唔知點取捨好???


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 09:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 fatma2222 於 09-11-29 11:16 發表
i really like creative primary as the teacher seems very caring + their english/Mandarin environment and show and tel section
but i dont think i can afford their primary school , 6000 is a lot of mone ...

如果你既target係官津小學,round 1 & 2都同幼稚園無關,只有round 3叩門可能會著數d,因為英文同PTH應該都比一般幼稚園好.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 11:30 |只看該作者
我三年前都有同樣的煩惱, 我hold住Creative Primary and St. Cat 兩個offer, 考慮咗好耐, 一方面好喜歡Creative Primary 的學校環境和理念, 老師的熱心和愛心, 小朋友的自信和有禮, 但令一方面 St Cat 又係一間名氣大和有信心保證嘅幼稚園, 好難取捨.  最後我選擇了 St Cat.  我的大女兒在 St Cat 過了三年, she built a very strong foundation in her academic, 現在可以好輕鬆地應付小學.  但我從來沒有聽她說很喜歡返學, (but I think in general she's ok happy la).  相信 St Cat 可以  well prepare their students for entering into famous primary schools. And also St Cat students do have a lot of advantages applying 直資/私小 since many primary schools like accepting St Cat students.

But I heard most Creative Primary students actually love going to school.  小朋友有創意, 主動學習, 有禮又自信, 是一間理想學校.

我星期六收到St Cat waiting list letter for my younger son, 感覺很平靜, 覺得上天比機會我去親身體驗這兩間好學校.  我現在真的好期待成為 Creative Primary 的新成員.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 12:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 jjbaby0307 於 09-11-30 11:30 發表
我三年前都有同樣的煩惱, 我hold住Creative Primary and St. Cat 兩個offer, 考慮咗好耐, 一方面好喜歡Creative Primary 的學校環境和理念, 老師的熱心和愛心, 小朋友的自信和有禮, 但令一方面 St Cat 又係一間名氣 ...

SC Waiting都唔代表無機會架,加油!!如果真係無,Creative Primary會是一個好選擇,你可以用阿囡SC d內容教下個囝,甘咪得lor


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 14:09 |只看該作者
My daughter is now studying at Maryknoll, and she can cope with it quite well, so I think she really did learn a lot from St Cat.  She said she found the English and Maths are easier than those in SC!!!!!

原帖由 share123 於 09-11-30 12:06 發表

SC Waiting都唔代表無機會架,加油!!如果真係無,Creative Primary會是一個好選擇,你可以用阿囡SC d內容教下個囝,甘咪得lor


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 14:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 jjbaby0307 於 09-11-30 14:09 發表
My daughter is now studying at Maryknoll, and she can cope with it quite well, so I think she really did learn a lot from St Cat.  She said she found the English and Maths are easier than those in SC! ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 16:04 |只看該作者
Well, she got into that school in the 2nd round lucky draw.  But before the lucky draw, Creative Primary School was my first choice private school.  I think Creative Primary is an ideal school for a child development, but the only downside is the expensive tuition fee.  So I chose MCS at the end because of the free education and good reputation.  But I would definitely go to Creative Primary if she was not lucky enough to get into MCS and I didn't consider any other schools.

原帖由 share123 於 09-11-30 14:47 發表


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 16:09 |只看該作者

回覆 4# jjbaby0307 的文章

你對CPS 的感覺, 跟我一樣. 我先生有朋友的一對兒女在此就讀.  他們的語言能力很好 (其中普通話非常流利), presentation 亦很有自信.  我唯一的考慮就是我沒有其他程度較深的學校課本為小兒補課. 起碼你有呀!

我打算將來替他考直資或私立, 不過就不是那些非常有名的小學.

Hi share123,
多謝你在另一個thread回答我的問題.  我仍是考慮中.  我知道他們沒有默書, 認字, 我想這不是重要 (對我兒來說, 因他非常愛閱讀, 他的認字能力很強).  但它們的教學課本內容/用字會不會太淺白, 還是適中.  另外, 更實際的是, 這所學校會否被小學(perception) 認定為淺 , 而影響面試結果?  謝謝你的回覆.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 16:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 cctung 於 09-11-30 16:09 發表
你對CPS 的感覺, 跟我一樣. 我先生有朋友的一對兒女在此就讀.  他們的語言能力很好 (其中普通話非常流利), presentation 亦很有自信.  我唯一的考慮就是我沒有其他程度較深的學校課本為小兒補課. 起碼你有呀!

我打 ...

由於我有兩個小朋友,負擔太重,不能留在CPS小學,其實都好可惜.我覺得在外面參加面試沒有什麼不利因素,最近我個女考左德望K3 AM,都好順利收左. 同阿女參加trinity guildhall朗誦班,老師都話阿女d英文好好,唔使擔心.德望考試要佢串自己個名,寫ABC,仲有聽故事.聽故事,講故事係CPSK成日都做,不會有任何問題. 如果你要考SFA果d,我就唔甘包喇

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 16:53 |只看該作者
你個女考到德望, 好叻女呀.  這樣我對Creative Primary Kindergarten 更加有信心.

我個女上年考德望都只是 waiting list (她讀 St Cat 的).  其實一間幼稚園有咁多學生, 唔係個個 St Cat 學生都考到名校, 同樣地, 其他幼稚園學生也會有很好嘅成績.  而且我覺得考唔到一間小學唔等於小朋友唔叻, 有好多其他因素.

share123, 謝謝你的分享!

原帖由 share123 於 09-11-30 16:18 發表

由於我有兩個小朋友,負擔太重,不能留在CPS小學,其實都好可惜.我覺得在外面參加面試沒有什麼不利因素,最近我個女考左德望K3 AM,都好順利收左. 同阿女參加trinity guildhall朗誦班,老師都話阿女d英文好好,唔使擔心. ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 22:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 jjbaby0307 於 09-11-30 16:53 發表
你個女考到德望, 好叻女呀.  這樣我對Creative Primary Kindergarten 更加有信心.

我個女上年考德望都只是 waiting list (她讀 St Cat 的).  其實一間幼稚園有咁多學生, 唔係個個 St Cat 學生都考到名校, 同樣地,  ...



creative primary有不少家長希望孩子愉快學習,而且也打算讓孩子在那裏讀小學,所以學習氣氛以啟發為主.我個女d創造能力很好,好動活潑,每天都很喜歡上學.她每星期都學會讀一本phonics的書,另外也定期派發中文課外書(當然是預先訂好的)回家. 還有很多show & tell的活動,孩子很多機會在大家面前演講.

如果打算等官津的話,讀什麼幼稚園都可以,反而是啟發學習興趣更重要.如果要考超級名校的話,可能CCKG, KV, SC更好一點.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 22:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 cctung 於 09-11-30 16:09 發表
你對CPS 的感覺, 跟我一樣. 我先生有朋友的一對兒女在此就讀.  他們的語言能力很好 (其中普通話非常流利), presentation 亦很有自信.  我唯一的考慮就是我沒有其他程度較深的學校課本為小兒補課. 起碼你有呀!

我打 ...

我覺得教材就在生活中. 家長可以透過日常生活教導孩子.例如我經常帶阿女坐地鐵,阿女依家幾條線d所有站都可以背到,而且也認得站名添.另外,最近我開始買一些非常簡單的中文書給她,希望她慢慢識多d字,效果也很不錯.

creative primary的學生K3能畫concept map,這是小學需要培養的能力呢!如果只看會寫幾多字,CPSK肯定不及KV一半,但講到創意同表達能力,CPSK一定會贏.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-30 22:18 |只看該作者
hi share 123

thank you very much for your information, It help me a lot.
As now I am waiting list of SC, if finally cannot go in. I will choose Creative primary kg (instead of york)

your kid is so good, she can go to GH k3. I like this school also,I will try on next year!

thanks for your sharing

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 22:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 channgaki 於 09-11-30 22:18 發表
hi share 123

thank you very much for your information, It help me a lot.
As now I am waiting list of SC, if finally cannot go in. I will choose Creative primary kg (instead of york)

your kid is so g ...

Dear channgaki,

So, remember to write a letter to SC asap. Hope it helps.

Wish you all the best!
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