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Which one will you choose for K1, ESF TY, Anfield or YMCA? [複製鏈接]

發表於 09-11-24 23:38 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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發表於 09-11-24 23:56 |只看該作者
it depends upon your destination.

發表於 09-11-25 00:04 |只看該作者

回覆 1# vvnpo 的文章

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發表於 09-11-25 00:11 |只看該作者

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發表於 09-11-25 00:27 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-11-25 10:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 vvnpo 於 09-11-25 00:27 發表
Well, my son is studying at YMCA nursery.  We have also applied Anfield K1 for him next year.  For ESF TY application, he is classified as Category 1, so I suppose the chance to get in is ok.

To stud ...

Personal Comment:
1. Don't expect "academic" from ESF TY; play play play and learn thro' play...is it your cup of tea?
2. In Anfield you will have your own classroom while ESF TY is open "classroom" for 4 classes;
3. If "discipline" means "sit down and not run away", have a classroom should be better;
4. YMCA - I've no kindegarten experience there. As a mom, if u feel good, it should not be bad; I guess it can help u to make your dream come true.
5. Amongst ESF game, Cat. 1 applicants  have higher priority for interview than Cat 2 ESF kinder students. So, if u are a real Cat. 1 applicant, studying in ESF kinder or not makes no big  difference...
5. If i had enough $$$, i would have tried GSIS whether it is so difficult to enter...haha...
7. As a greedy mom, u still need to make your decision by yourself...

發表於 09-11-25 10:55 |只看該作者

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發表於 09-11-25 12:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 cuteb 於 09-11-25 10:55 發表
I've sent you pm, please check.


please check pm.

發表於 09-11-25 13:12 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-11-25 13:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 vvnpo 於 09-11-25 13:12 發表
please check pm.

Thank you very much for your sharing and your thoughts.

From the day I decided to put my son to study in an international school, academic is not the biggest concern ...

I may share a little bite more as I was YMCA Toddler World parent, I was an Anfield parent and I am now a ESF TY parent.
My personal feeling from Anfield is that I didn't notice I got anything "solid" during my stay but I can find quite lot inside my children while they were growing up (do u get what i mean?)
Yes, Anfield is really strict in certain extent. U may feel if u join them eventually. Your friends experience was a good example. It will be great if you can stay in full-day class there. Your children will benefit a lot. (Regarding teachers, there are always good teachers and less good teachers in any schools. Whether it is good depends it "matches" you/your children or not. I do not comment on this)
ESF TY : of course my child has been improving there but their "style" suits every parents/children? I don't think so. I noticed (during the school tour) some parents felt that was not their cup of tea. As u have already submitted application, why not join the school tour to investigate yourself when u have had an offer and before accept/reject the offer?
ESF Admission policy. Please go through it again:
Cat. 1 applicants from ESF kinder of course has a higher priority than Cat. 1 from non-ESF kinder but Status of "Cat 1" is already good enough to secure a interview chance.
Amongst Cat. 2 applicants, the status of "ESF kinder" play a more important role for an interview chance...

發表於 09-11-25 17:48 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-11-25 20:34 |只看該作者

This is just my personal opinion which I would like to share.

If GSIS is your dream school, then I think you should work on that and I think you know what to do.

Personally, I do not like the ESF schools. They have the so call "cat 1, cat 2.." system but no one really knows if they really follow the rule. I live in an area full of caucasian expats and I know a few of my friend's children did not even have an interview wheras I also know a few chinese kids got in the same school this year and they were not from an ESF kiddy.

Apart from that, the ESF school has a relatively BIG class compare with most of the other IS.

Good luck in finding the school that you want for your child and I know the decision is not easy.
原帖由 vvnpo 於 09-11-25 17:48 發表
Thank you oooray!!!  Really want to give you big hug of your valuable sharing!

發表於 09-11-25 22:08 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-11-26 11:20 |只看該作者
I do have some saying about this line of reasoning:

"Personally, I do not like the ESF schools. They have the so call "cat 1, cat 2.." system"  Fine, that the author does not like the separation of cat 1 and 2.  In fact, ESF takes the students on spot if the kids comes from aboard and not fit to the local education, provided that he or she can speak fluent English.

"but no one really knows if they really follow the rule."  Fine too!  The principals made all the decisions.

"I live in an area full of caucasian expats and I know a few of my friend's children did not even have an interview"  That is very common nowadays with ESF.  I have many friends who are CAUCASIANS that did not get the chance for the interview.  But CAUCASIAN does not equal Cat 1.

"wheras I also know a few chinese kids got in the same school this year and they were not from an ESF kiddy."  So, those poor CHINESE who got in ahead of CAUCASIANS must be the reason for the author's frustration with ESF, "but no one really knows if they really follow the rule."  So, the ESF school in "area full of caucasian expats" should not take in those poor CHINESE.  

The author seems to be making an assumption that his Caucasian friends should get the place ahead of the mentioned Chinese students who did not even attend the "ESF Kiddy".  I guess the author really want to find out who they are and do a justice for her caucausian friends.  Why they got ahead of her Caucasian friends.  Did the ESF school in the "area full of caucasian expats" made a mistake.  Because of this mistake and the big class, she does "not like the ESF schools".  

To make the author like the ESF schools, the ESF school should:

1.  Abolish the Cat 1 and 2 system.
2.  Enforce the rule and only take on the Caucausian expats.
3.  Abolish big classes.
4.  Bar anyone looks or feel like Chinese from ESF or at least behind her caucasian friends in areas "full of caucasian expats."

Does it really occur to her that the definition of Cat 1 does not equal to caucasians?  In fact, all the so called "Chinese not from ESF Kiddy" are in fact Japanese, Korean and kids with Chinese origin coming from the UK, US and Australia?  This is in fact the case.  That ESF school in "an area full of caucasian expats" is the leading school in terms of academic achievement, racial harmony and pride of cultural diversity.  The principal and the vice-principal are top educators that I admire (I know the quality to be a good principal, I hired 3 myself.).  This kid of accusation is an insult to their integrity.  

I found the author's comment to be degrading and it just reflects her inferiority complex of being a Chinese and her ego of having so many caucasian friends.  This is an unjust accusation to the ESF school in "an area fullof caucasian expats".

Wake up!  The author should check out about the academic background of those Chinese parents that she had mentioned, the number of caucasian subordinates they have, the previous elite schools in their own countries (not ESF Kiddy) that the Chinese kids came from, before making her caucasian friends look embarrasing.

[ 本帖最後由 Onsen 於 09-11-26 11:31 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-11-26 12:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 Onsen 於 09-11-26 11:20 發表
I do have some saying about this line of reasoning:

"Personally, I do not like the ESF schools. They have the so call "cat 1, cat 2.." system"  Fine, that the author does not like the separation of c ...

A name tag for every ESF student (or high-tech micro chip in my dog) detailling Categories, races, ...may make ESF admission system more "transparent" and "fair"...
BTW, are u one of POOR Chinese you described???

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發表於 09-11-27 09:46 |只看該作者
原帖由 oooray 於 09-11-26 12:07 發表

A name tag for every ESF student (or high-tech micro chip in my dog) detailling Categories, races, ...may make ESF admission system more "transparent" and "fair"...
BTW, are u one of POOR Chinese you ...

Poor taste.

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發表於 09-11-27 17:34 |只看該作者

I do not know what is WRONG with you to have such a big and long response over what I said on the previous post. It is just a personal opinion. If you don't like it, fine. Btw, the opinion was NOT made for your consideration in this topic.

As for what I said about the ESF school in my area is all the truth. When I said caucasian friend and what I meant was English is the first language children. Nothing to do with their races, so you are thinking far too much in here.

I believe Cat 1 student are suppose to be using English as their first langauge and so they have the needs to go to an English school wheras others would have other choices like Japanese could go to Japanese International etc.

As for those children who got in the school and English is not their first language. I know them personally and of course I am happy for them to get into a good school too. But REMEMBER, we are taking about the school here. All I am saying is that no one really knows if the school really follow their guideline.

What I am going to say now might really drive you up the wall. So don't read it if you can't take it. I believe that the school has their own reason to catergorize their student. But by doing so also drawing lines and cause seperation of different student. Everything has its pros and cons, but I don't agree this is a good policy.
原帖由 Onsen 於 09-11-26 11:20 發表
I do have some saying about this line of reasoning:

"Personally, I do not like the ESF schools. They have the so call "cat 1, cat 2.." system"  Fine, that the author does not like the separation of c ...

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發表於 09-11-28 16:03 |只看該作者
Hi happy-ma,

Sorry for the over-reaction.  I thought caucasian means white people originating from the alpine mountain that speaks not only English, but German, French and other nordic languages.  If what you meant caucasian = english as their first language, then I can understand your frustration.

I do not like the policy of catagory policy myself too.  It separates two classes within a school admission system while they use the PIS to equalize the situation.  

Don't want to drag on for this issue any more.  If my saying causes harm to you, sorry, really.

發表於 09-12-2 16:27 |只看該作者
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