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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC中咗豬流喎!!
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RC中咗豬流喎!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 09-6-20 11:40 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-20 11:56 |只看該作者
posted yesterday already.

http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/red ... o=lastpost#lastpost

So is year 10? which class? (Or please PM me, as I have friend's kid study there, so want to know)

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-21 00:43 |只看該作者
RC has 1 more today, plus American IS & Australia IS too. And actually YMCA HKCC (at Lantau Island) is an IS too.

本 港 新 增 20 宗 人 類 豬 流 感 個 案  

2009-06-20 HKT 19:57

本 港 今 日 新 增 20 宗 人 類 豬 流 感 個 案 , 令 總 數 增 加 至 255 宗 。
5 宗 是 外 地 傳 入 , 其 餘 是 本 地 個 案 , 包 括 大 埔 靈 糧 堂 劉 梅 軒 中 學 的 教 師 ; 啟 新 書 院 、 港 青 基 信 書 院 、 美 國 國 際 學 校 以 及 澳 洲 國 際 學 校 亦 有 學 生 確 診 。

患 者 送 往 公 立 醫 院 接 受 隔 離 , 現 時 情 況 穩 定 。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-21 11:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 popolung 於 09-6-20 11:56 發表

So is year 10? which class? (Or please PM me, as I have friend's kid study there, so want to know)

Many RC students know who that girl is. My kids know, I know and many other parents know. It is not anything secretive within the school community.
If you or your friend is curious, ask your friend's child to ask around his/her friends.
I do not think it appropriate to approach people in BK asking for such information.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-6-21 11:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-21 12:53 |只看該作者

回覆 1# almom 的文章

Ouch!  I just went there on Thursday for an interview........So lucky, no fever.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-22 00:36 |只看該作者
I know you will jump out and say something when we talked about RC.....

I already said PM la. It is not me who said class 10....:;pppp:

Anyway, hope the RC kid and everyone who has H1N1 will get well soon!

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-6-22 01:02 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-22 11:24 |只看該作者
I know you would put this thing into this "RC vs popolung" thing out again.

I did not post my message because of "you" or anyone. There have been discussions about RC that I have not replied to.

Even if in the future anyone posted anything about RC, whether right or wrong, I will not reply. I am just no longer interested. I promise I will not appear wherever you are. OK? Happy? So just have fun and do what ever you want.

And, do not make it a "we". It is a singular "you". Do not drag "jui" or "tong123" into this thing.

Whether it is RC (or other schools that has got H1N1), I do not see why you want to know which class the girl is. And, if you really want to know, ask your friend you claimed to have.

You seem to think that I was upset someone said RC has got H1N1. No you were wrong. In fact, if you know RC well, you will know that everything happening around the school is very open to everyone to know. The school website is totally open to everyone to read. Everything is updated there. Parents get SMS and email about the case. In fact, we were alerted of the incident when it was still a suspected case. And we were alerted again when it was a confirmed case. The same information is also still on the school website.

The only thing not on the website is which class the girl is in and her name. I think these are information quite sensitive and to protect the girl and all children in her class, I do not think it appropriate to share such information even if it is through PM. Someone has already said it is girl in Year 10. Is that good enough for everyone? I really do not see what the differences of whether the girl is in 10.1 or 10.4.

I have already said that many people actually know who that girl is. My older kid in secondary has the name, and so do most other people. The girl is doing well, if anyone is interested, and she has been sharing her situation with friends on the web (MSN, email, etc). If people want to know, ask within the community. Ask RC students or parents.

Never mind. I see that you did not get the whole point of what I was talking about. Everyone has his own sets of standards. You have rights to maintain your own sets of standards. I was here to merely raise my views. Well, do what ever you want. You can take over everything. Have fun.

PS. I like the little emotion icons. The one with a tongue sticking out probably shows your personality.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-6-22 12:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-22 15:16 |只看該作者
you copy my msg when you reply. So you are against what i said. you always say you will not speak, and you will go away. etc, etc. And you are always coming back to say something. So it proved you are not consistence. And you are the one who can talk about the RC stuff, queen of RC you are, right? I didn't drag other into this, you are. This is not RC vs PoPoLung, and other may not agree with you also. This is about almom & popolung. Make it clear, you are dragging RC into it.

And I didn't ask for name. PM is PM, it is none of your business. Yes, this icon is for you, and this is from BK forum, officially! :;pppp:

Keep your promise, don't come back when I am here, ok!

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-6-22 15:21 編輯 ]
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