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蘇浙 am / pm 分別 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-4-27 13:36 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-4-27 21:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 YvonneEddy 於 09-4-27 13:36 發表

not much different.  For foreign students, both sessions.  Some only attend am session.  some will go for am international and pm traditional.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-4-27 21:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 YvonneEddy 於 09-4-27 13:36 發表

My apology - if this is a nursery then I would say more in morning but not as much as in KG as most family do not send their kids to school so early

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-28 08:24 |只看該作者
Thank you.  I choose pm class coz I think it is too early in the morning esp during winter....bb may want to sleep more...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-28 09:42 |只看該作者

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Some of my friends also think in your way.  Yes, it has really been a very difficult task to wake the kid up to school during winter time........she kept on crying "want to sleep" "No".  So, every morning is a fierce fight, I sometimes feel sorry too....  But if you let me choose again, I will still choose AM class as it is good to train the kid to "wake up early" and have afternoon sleep.....of course, if your kid does not have the habit to go to sleep in the afternoon (like some of my friends' children), then it makes no difference.

KCS PM does have more activities than AM class, for instance, Chinese Poem appreciation in PM, not AM class.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-28 20:53 |只看該作者
Yes I was attracted by its leaftlet that more activities would be arranged in pm class, so I chose PM class when interview....I am afraid my son will fall asleep in the class coz he used to sleep in the afternoon....any way I have made my final decision to let him study at KCS, I hope I made the right choice.

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-4-28 09:42 發表
Some of my friends also think in your way.  Yes, it has really been a very difficult task to wake the kid up to school during winter time........she kept on crying "want to sleep" "No".  So, every mor ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-4-28 22:38 |只看該作者
Opps.  I did not know there is so much difference.  My boys currently is in pm, there is poem appreciation.  But next year I will put him im am again, to train his sleeping habit :)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-28 23:11 |只看該作者
Hi GIPW & Sorb,

Given that both AM and PM class are also 3 hours per day, just wondering how can they have more activities for PM class? Does it mean PM class will have more but shorter (in terms of during) per activities while AM class has less but longer activities? This is what I cannot understand...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-29 00:21 |只看該作者
Esther, I don't know ah but this is what KCS said in the leaflet.  "We have more resource in the afternoon, so, will be able to organise more activities for PM class".

From the weekly class activity memo to the parents, I do note that there are a few activities for PM class only.....but overall, not too much difference for activities between AM and PM class.  I think this is why GIPW cannot note it even her kid study in PM class loh.

原帖由 esther.cy 於 09-4-28 23:11 發表
Hi GIPW & Sorb,

Given that both AM and PM class are also 3 hours per day, just wondering how can they have more activities for PM class? Does it mean PM class will have more but shorter (in terms of  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-29 09:40 |只看該作者

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Clarify - What I mean PM has more activities than AM is talking about PN only, I don't know if KG has any difference between AM and PM class.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-29 17:23 |只看該作者

Thank you for your note.

As I am a very "slow" mammy and I still not yet confirm if I should put my girl to Victoria or KCS... I hope I can get more information before I make the decision.

For PN level, just wondering what they will teach in their English class? Do they have homework to do at home?? (really concern their English level). THanks!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-29 18:16 |只看該作者

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It is really a difficult chose....I will say headache.  Last year, my baby had offers from Victoria (Habourview) PM and KCS AM, I have gone through the same headache as you......but, I have finally chosen KCS (a few reasons:  KCS has better campus environment, KCS is AM offer while Victoria's offer is PM, the Victoria playgroup experience gave me not very good experience of Victoria though it is famous, Victoria also gives me the feeling of too commercial, if the more expensive fee pay justify?, etc) If you emphasis very much on English, you go for Victoria lah......, I think KCS is weaker than Victoria if talking about English.  If you don't like Victoria after trial, you can apply KCS KG next year again (KCS KG has more places than PN, so, if your child can secure a place both in KCS and Victoria, he/she should be quite smart, I think not difficult for her to secure a place again in KCS KG if you want).  I know a number of Victoria students change to KCS or other schools after PN.

For the English class of KCS, just half an hour each day, the english teacher will teach the children songs, play with them in the playground, have some theme activities, such as water play.  Will also teach the children shapes, colours, letters, etc.

No homework at PN.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-29 22:42 |只看該作者

Thanks for your information, I now have the same problem as you in last year (KCS AM vs Victoria PM),  I like AM class but Victoria can't offer and my baby need afternoon nap everyday.  But do you think KCS is good after your 1-year experience?  Are you going to continue KG in KCS or you will try others. Thanks for your advice.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-30 00:43 |只看該作者
If you like Victoria, you can apply for waiting list to AM class.  Statistic:  2 of my friends' baby changed from AM to PM after 2 months in Victoria pre-nursery PM.  

Another reason why I did not choose Victoria is I am not targeting international school for my kid in primary school.  Mums of Victoria told me it is one year behind the curriculum of local KG........thus, quite harsh for the kid when they go to local P1.

KCS is quite good to me .......their activities are suprisingly diversify to me, such as water play, sand play, making popcorn, having hotpot, etc.......yes, I will let my kid go to KCS KG.  Of course, if I have offer from SKH or St Paul Convent, I may not stay.

Besides, the fee difference in KG between KCS and Victoria is quite a lot, I only need to pay around $700 per month in KCS after deducting the voucher, so, the $$$ saved can be used on many interest classes lah, this is also attractive for me though I can afford my kid go to Victoria : )

I cannot comment too much on Victoria, but a few friends of mine really will withdraw in the coming Sept to other KG's. I think Victoria has its strength, for instance, it has a full time English teacher throughout the lesson.  It is not that strict to the students as KCS.....KCS is quite traditional ga.

But for English, one of my friends has commented that the English teacher of her girl's class is very shy and passive, her girl's English did not improve after going to Victoria.  I think she is unlucky.

Hope you can make the right choice for your baby.

uote]原帖由 mickfan 於 09-4-29 22:42 發表

Thanks for your information, I now have the same problem as you in last year (KCS AM vs Victoria PM),  I like AM class but Victoria can't offer and my baby need afternoon nap everyday.  But do  ... [/quote]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-30 00:45 |只看該作者
Sorry, statistic should be "changed from PM to AM class after 2 months in PM class".

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-4-30 00:43 發表
If you like Victoria, you can apply for waiting list to AM class.  Statistic:  2 of my friends' baby changed from AM to PM after 2 months in Victoria pre-nursery PM.  

Another reason why I did not ch ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-30 01:22 |只看該作者

My case is just opposite to you... my girl has been accepted by Victoria AM and KCS PM. I like AM class coz my girl takes afternoon nap everyday and I think sleeping is so important to a small kid like ours.


Thx again for sharing.

I have written letter to KCS to apply change from PM to AM class, hope they will consider my application la. As mentioned in your thread, you know someone successfully changed from PM to AM class, does it mean there should be some withdrawal after a few months the school start??

I am actually thinking to put her to Victoria for PN coz not only they offer my girl AM class, also, it is a walkable distance to my home; but for KCS, I'll need to put her for school bus. In this case, do you think KCS will BLACKLIST me when I apply for their KG again next year?

Grateful if you should please share, thanks!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-30 09:43 |只看該作者
Esther, if so, I will choose Victoria as I have 2 very important selection criteria in choosing school.  First one is AM class so that my baby can have afternoon sleep at a more ideal timing.  Second criteria is it must be within walking distance as I think it is too dangerous for a kid of 2 to take school bus....unless you or your helper go with you.

For withdrawal case, I think this is common in the beginning for most KG's.  But for Victoria, at least, I know 3 cases lah, if not, 2 of my friends' kid may not be able to change to AM class 2 months later, and one of my friend's kid got an offer 1.5 months after school started.

Whether KCS will blacklist you, I doubt as KG and PN really operates very independently.  It seems the information sharing between the 2 entities is very limited based on my observation.

Ah, one scenario for you 2 to consider, as I know ther are such mum......but I will not follow, I think it is too "crazy".  They accept both offers, so, their children go to KCS in the morning and Victoria in the afternoon or vice versa. You can follow them at the beginning and make the decision after trial if you want : )

Oh, final information that worth of sharing is.......there are many non-chinese children studying in KCS PN (I don't know KG)......approximately 1/3 in my baby's class are non-chinese, so, KCS is more multi-national than Victoria in term of the this ga.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-30 12:08 |只看該作者
Sorb, thanks for your sharing.

Many people say KCS is a strict school, after your kid study there for more than 6 mths, do you really think it is a strict school?

If you think it is a strict school, what makes you think about this?

My husband studied there 3x years ago (hahaha!!!) he said the teacher used ruler to punish the kid... know that teacher can no longer beat the kid, so just wondering if KCS is still that strict?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-30 16:53 |只看該作者
I think nowaday, 體罰 is not allowed in school and unacceptable to most parents lah.  When I said strict with the students, I do not mean that the teachers will beat the kids.  I am not aware of such cases in the past 6 months.  The teachers of KCS are quite nice and friendly ga.  My sister-in-law's kid just graduated from KCS KG, I have never heard of any such cases from her too.

I think "old" KCS may have such cases, my husband is also an alumni of KCS 3x years ago.... may be my husband and yours are classmate : ),  he also has some bad memory of the KCS primary school (not KG) .......I think KCS has improved a lots in 30 years time.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-1 00:42 |只看該作者
Sorb, you are right, perhaps my husband and your husband were classmate in Primary (my husband studied in KCS KG & Primary). Btw, if he was in the same class as Kong Chi Lay (the ex-TVB artist), then I bet they should be in the same class, hahaha!
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