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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 簡体字
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簡体字 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 04-7-5 19:37 |只看該作者


Are most international schools teaching students to read and write 簡体字 only.

Do not know why ?

I wish they will teach TC instead.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 04-7-6 12:33 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字

My son's Mandarin teacher also recommend him to learn Simplified Chinese. Her rationale is that China is up-rising, and that's the reason why Mandarin is getting popular worldwide and in international school. If you want your child to learn Mandarin/Chinese so that he can cope with the "China trend", then you should consider Simplified Chinese.
Another reason she raised is that, Simplified Chinese is easier to learn, especially for those kids studying in international schools.

Hope this help.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-7-6 13:45 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字

Thanks Ruby

But i still think TC is the best.
SC is just a Communist Party Thing.

TC is the original Chinese word form used thousands of years. TC retain the China Culture too.

TC retain best the  " shape " meaning of Chinese words.

I discuss this with other people.
They all think that a person can understand SC easily if he know TC. But not vice vera.

In Hong Kong, Mandarin may become more popular.
However, I do not think SC will replace TC. Unless the Mainland China start another rule over Hong Kong to abandon TC completely.

The kid may still need to learn TC again at home because these are the words that he sees everyday everywhere in Hong Kong.

When the kid need to learn TC at home and on the streets, but SC only in school, he is under more burden and confused too.

I guess they teach SC is because the teachers may be come from Mainland China, therefore they teach what they use/know, SC.

And we are using TC MS Window in Computer too.

Please share your thought.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-7-6 16:46 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字

Dear Ruby1219,

Actually your last point:
"Another reason she raised is that, Simplified Chinese is easier to learn, especially for those kids studying in international schools."

The fact is, Chinese characters are more readily recognizable with the TC 楷書 format. And this is a generally well accepted theory. Many kindergartens (like Kentville) also make use of this, and hence developed a very successful curriculum of teaching young children to "recognize" the Chinese characters at an early age.

SC, on the other hand, due to its simplicity, is easier to "write" but not as easy to "recognize" as the TC.  TC happens to be like word pictures that children can master more readily.

Nowadays with the advancement of computer and printer, the pressing need to change from TC to SC is becoming less evident.  For HK, which has a long history of using TC, there decision to change is SC would be more of a political concern.


Rank: 4

發表於 04-7-9 09:21 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字




Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-7-9 10:35 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字



our point here is not 拒絕認識簡體字,
We are trying to consider the problem for our kid's situation.

The kid is living in Hong Kong.
He see TC everyday everywhere.
It is very practical if he understand TC.

If he know SC only.
He go walking on the street,
he cannot understand many words he sees.

I have pointed out the following case:
if i know TC, i can understand SC easily without much effort.
if i know SC only, then it is not easy to understand TC.  
Thus, to get the best of both worlds,
it make sense to learn TC first.

Chinese Characters are very difficult to memories already.

i do not wish to my kid need to learn SC at school. And he have to learn TC again at home. this may be too heavy for the kid.

I learned TC only at school when i was young,
i could master SC very easily by reading a few SC books when i left secondary school.

>> 其實全世界的華人社會,只有香港和台灣現在是用繁體字的.
But we are living in Hong Kong.

>> 普及教育和掃盲方面,的確發揮了很大的作用.
Not agree. If the kid do not have opportunity to receive education at all , no matter how simple the words are, he will not understand.

e.g. i do not understand Japanese,
even though Japanese characters are very simple.

>> 也會先入為主,

We do not have 先入為主,
We are thinking in practical viewpoint.

If we are 先入為主 parents,
we will not plan to send our kid to int'l school to learn English.

>> 例如覺得簡體字醜怪,冇文化.

no such feeling at all.
i like to write SC too, fast.

>> 但其實有些簡體字(當然不是全部)在制定過程中,反而是用回古字,或借用"六書"造字方式來設計的,並非一味反傳統.好像"塵"的簡體字就由"小土"上下合成,的的確確就是塵的意思.

Good example

>> 有很多書(特別是學術性較重的)

Are they translated from English books ?


SC books are so much cheaper.
But i am not so poor that i cannot afford to buy TC books in HK.

>> 文化的角度

TC has been used thousand of years till now.
Except Mainland China.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-7-9 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字





Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-7-9 12:24 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字

>> 不認識簡體字當然不是大問題

We are talking about there is big problem if
不認識 TC in Hong Kong.


We use English nowadays to communicate with people in China too.

In India, there are far more different local languages used than Chinese. But English is the Official language for India.

>> 其實就算學校教繁體字,自己多看幾本簡體字的書,也很易上手.

But we are talking about 學校教 SC now,
then it is a problem for the kid.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-7-9 13:50 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字

1。 要識寫同讀中文﹐起碼高于小六程度而不是只識10劃以下就算﹔
2。 中文要學繁體字 (識繁體字的﹐看多幾本簡體字書已經可以掌握﹐掉轉就難喇)

我認識很多朋友係中學先開始接觸英文學ABC﹐但放洋幾年﹐已經可以流利聽講寫讀英文﹐甚至有native accent。 但我從來沒有見過有人大左先學中文﹐而可以流利地聽講寫讀。我識既例外只有一個好有心既英國人係London U讀完中文先再去大陸讀﹐他而家可以識講流利普通話﹐但寫&認簡體字都只是50%-60% 左右。

至于學校﹐你可以留意下泓立學校 (ISF Academy). 光[簽]之父高琨搞的。他們教繁體字的。他們的小學環境是全普通話﹐中學是全英文。我認同他們的教學理念。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-7-9 14:09 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字

Thanks Ms M

The ISF Academy - Pok Fu Lam

If you know any other schools teaching TC,
please add to this thread too, thanks

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-7-13 10:14 |只看該作者

Re: 簡体字

Canadian International School of Hong Kong, www.cdnis.edu.hk, they teach in TC.
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