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Anfield playgroup [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-3-29 16:00 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I've found that lots of parents think that Robert is a good teacher. I would like to know which class and which time slot he is teaching in playgroup. Thanks!
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-31 08:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 charlottg 於 08-3-29 16:00 發表
I've found that lots of parents think that Robert is a good teacher. I would like to know which class and which time slot he is teaching in playgroup. Thanks!

Teacher Robert teaches Playgroup Classes (the one for 1year6months - 2years3months) - all the time slots on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
I am not quite sure his Saturday schedule.
He is a good teacher shown by his patience to children, his attention to details, his enthusiaism, and his person experience in bringing up a child.
My daughter is stuying the second term in the playgroup since her age of 1.5.

(Ava mama)

發表於 08-3-31 21:04 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-1 09:31 |只看該作者
原文章由 Joshua0318 於 08-3-31 21:04 發表
When should I launch an application if I want my boy attending a playgroup at Anfield once he reaches 18 months?

Thanks in advance.

Anfield playgroup classes are run on quarter basis.
Spring Term: Jan - March
Summer Term: April - June
Autumn Term: End of August/ September - December

As long as I remember they are open to public enrollment 1 - 1.5 month before the class commencement date.
I think you can apply for the quarter term closest to your child's 18 month-old-birthday.

For example, my daughter was 18 months old in Early December 2007.
We then let her join the playgroup class in their spring term 2008 (their spring term start date was on 8January 2008).
We enrolled by end of November. (right after their open day at that time)

I'd like to sugguest your asking their administration personnel for more details.
Miss Elsa
[email protected]
Elsa is warm welcoming person to approach.

Hope this helps!
Maria (Ava mama)

發表於 08-4-2 00:48 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-2 08:56 |只看該作者
原文章由 Joshua0318 於 08-4-2 00:48 發表
Many thanks! Very helpful!

How old is your child? Still studying at Anfield?

She is 21 months-old at the moment, and still in the Playgroup Class (Tue & Thurs class, at 8:30am).
Yesterday (1 April) was the first day of her second term "playing" in Anfield playgroup.
Some of her classmates in last term (Spring Term) have shifted to 3-days-a -week class (mon+wed+fri). I can say the child can meet new classmates in each term period.

If you rchild has reached the age, you now may call up Miss Elsa to see if there is any vacancy for you to join this term.
There are 8 children in my child's class - it is supposed the max. number is 10.
I know 3-days-a week class are ususally quickly filled up.

I initially learn that they may have Summer Camp starting in July. Not quite sure of the details. I suggest you ask their Miss Elsa in June.

Hope helpful.

發表於 08-4-3 23:35 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-5 09:35 |只看該作者
原文章由 Joshua0318 於 08-4-3 23:35 發表
Thanks very much indeed for your information and sharing. Learnt a lot from it.

By the way, how far is it from an MTR station? We live in Tseung Kwan O and don't own a car.

When I hold my daughter in my arms, I reach there on foot from Kowloon Tong MTR in10 minutes.
If I she also walks together with me, then slower - 15 mintues definitely.
I believe if I walk alone, it should be within 5 minutes.
Hope helpful.
Maria (Ava mama)

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-13 11:01 |只看該作者

Saturday playgroup

I have just been informed that there is a place in one of the playgroups in Anfield. I am still thinking of whether I
should enrol for my kid or not as the uniform matter
seems to be a bit strict to me.

Do all playgroup students (including those who are only 1 and a half years old) wear uniform?

I would like to know if long trousers are allowed in this
summer term if the weather is cooler than expected?
Actually I prefer long trousers for the purpose of keeping warm and getting away from mosquitoe bites.

Will long trousers be available for
sales at the general office. Pls advice.

Any comments about the teacher called "Meena"? Is she a westerner or an Indian?

Thanks for your help.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-13 21:32 |只看該作者

回覆 #9 charlottg 的文章

Only can I answer your first half question : They are required to wear their polo-shirt only. The bottom part (the length of the pants) is up to the parents.
In winter I have my daughter to wear the jeans or fleece pants or 2 tight pants.
In spring and summer, I let her put on calf length pants, and even shorts.

The teacher on weekdays in playgroup is Teacher Robert. So I can hardly tell who Meena is.

Maria (Ava mama)

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-14 00:09 |只看該作者

Anfield enquiry

Thanks so much for Ava Mom . Your information
are all helpful to me.

I'll wait and see if other parents can give me comments
on teacher Meena. A relative told me that Robert is the
best in teaching playgroup but she gave rather negative
comments to the others. She even advised me
not to join other than Robert. The comments I heard
were that some playgroup teachers just let unsettled
children wander around without paying any attention to
help those adrift to get used to the school routine.

Pls advice.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-14 01:11 |只看該作者
My bb (will turn 1 2wks later) is now having her playgroup in Tutor Time and I'm considering to apply the Anfield playgroup when she turns 1.5.

Ava Mama, are u satisfied with Anfield's quality (coz it's quite expensive compared with other playgroups)?  And if yes, may I know in what aspects/area you believed Anfield worths the money??

原文章由 charlottg 於 08-4-14 00:09 發表
Thanks so much for Ava Mom . Your information
are all helpful to me.

I'll wait and see if other parents can give me comments
on teacher Meena. A relative told me that Robert is the
best in tea ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-14 10:00 |只看該作者

回覆 #11 charlottg 的文章

Dear Charlottg.

I witnessed the approach of the teacher in the playgroup and hope to be able to tell you more.
(I have accompanied with my daughter almost 2/3 of the classes in Spring Term - Jan to March 2008)

In my case:
Teacher Robert was a class teacher hosting 2/3 of the class time.
There're other teachers joining to conduct some other subjects, like music and Mandarin.
The time of music seesion or  mandarin seesion is only 15 minutes out of 2 hours.

As a class eacher, Techer Robert was like this:
In the first few weeks of the term, teacher Robert would not force the children to sit down when doing circle-time on the floor as he thought the children needed to take time to get settled in a new environment. Discipline is not a focus this time. He said it may take at least a month to get the children used to it.
His target was to let the children be comfortable and feel good.

Yes, I can say 10 out of 10 children would not sit and/ or stick to the parent/ auntie properly.
I have asked Teacher Robert what the role of the "carer" is in the classroom.
He told me "not to restrict them to wander around in the circle in the first place" until he really tells the parent/ auntie to do so.
Just like my daughter, she is very sociable - she walks to the teacher and the other aunties, dances in front everyone.
The tecaher will say "Ava, sit down please", she does not do so and he holds her then let her sit on his laps then.
He targeted to train up the children "listening to the discipline" rather than "helpful / interventionfrom parent/ auntie".

I have also seen some children really out of control (crying and shouting all times) and Teacher robert will use "Time-Out" method.
This means he will ask the parent / the auntie of that "crying" child leaves the classroom.
Teacher Robert watches the response of the child.
If he / she stops, the teacher will ask the parent / auntie back.
If he / she keeps the same, the teacher will ask the parent/ auntie leave the classroom with the child.
The purpose is to let him/ her clam down and not to disrupt further.
Of course, they are supposed to stay in the corridor or the medical room for the "time-out", NOT in the playground.
As I see,  I can find this very effective.

Starting the second half of the term, he will put more focus on class discipline.
He mentions the children gets older than the time he/ she starts and the "getting -used" time has been given.
As the children being trained, they will usually understand what Teacher Roberts says.
This time Teacher Robert starts to "control" the class discipline.
He starts not to let the child wander around.
Time-out will easily appear by then.
Of course, he will continue what he is doing on hand - He cannot stops. Otherwise it is unfair to other participants.

The teacher has not ignored anyone even he / she is the naughtiest.
Teacher Robert really tells you what he thinks.
Of course as a carer you must open your ears and be open-minded.
Teacher is very happy to discuss with you about the school and the child.

Hope you find helpful.
Maria (ava mama)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-14 10:31 |只看該作者

回覆 #12 super8 的文章

Dear Super8.

Pardon me my saying this (I wish you did not get mad at me) :
"Tutor Time is also expensive. What do you think about them?"

I have not tried neither Tutor Time nor Yew Chung nor Kingston.

In the playgroup selection process, I read many different comments in the forum.
Anfield is one of them receiving positive comments.

After having attended the class with my daughter for many times, I am satisfied with:
- the teacher quality  (Teacher Robert is patient and is so open to share his experience. In parents day, he even talkes to us about school selection and the education approach.)
- the school activities (there are1-2 field trips in each term, some interesting & impressive artwork, cooking in class, parents' day, etc.)
- the school atmosphere (Yes, it is costly but it is not commercial. What I mean is the school is not doing what the parents need BUT the school is doing what the child wants)

To be objective, I cannot give comments about other teachers.
I paste two links about Anfield for your reference and you can find the hints:

http://baby-kingdom.com/viewthre ... ;page=1#pid20773687

http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/vi ... page%3D1&page=1

Of course, my loss is the daughter learn "bad behaviours" from other children as her "value" is still very blurr.
To me, the role of the parent / auntie accompanying with the child is critical.

Like the first term of my daughter joining, the aunties and the parents of the children are considerate and palying together as well.
The children all have good and positive development and infuence.

Like the second term (as there are more than half of the students are new, and some old classmates may change to another time slot), some children hit / push others or crying on the floor, we find the daughter taking thses "mis-behaviour" up as well.

Hope this Helps.
Let me know if you want to know something more.
Maria (Ava mama)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-4-14 14:29 |只看該作者

anfield playground

My daughter is currently attending its Sat. playground conducted by Ms Meena.  I will say the class is only so-so.   I think it's not as good as those conducted by Robert.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-14 22:20 |只看該作者


Ho Mom Mom,

Can you tell me why you have such an opinion about this teacher? If it's the case I may not join her playgroup. How
does she conduct lessons in playgroup (i mean the
procedure and her attitude to students).


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-15 09:53 |只看該作者
Hi Ava Mom,

Yes.  Tutor Time is not cheap but seems it's half of the price of Anfield.  But to all of us, money is important and we all care about the quality of education of our child, right??

Thanks for your information and then I may enrol my daughter to Robert's class if possible and observe if my daugher is happy or not.

And here below is my sharing of Tutor Time of infant group (Age less than 1)

Teacher: depends.  But in general they are nice.  
Class room is clean.  But the open area (no matter it's indoor or outdoor) is not clean --- actually I should say dusty.
Course structure:  OK.  Circle Time, Singing, Painting, Playing, Simple exercise.  (And I love it separated in English and Mandarin)

In general, my overall comments is so-so.  But my daughter will be promoted to next class (Age 1 or above) very soon and I'll observe again.  And that's why I'm also planning my daughter to move to Anfield or try Anfield if it's good.

原文章由 YYFUNG 於 08-4-14 10:31 發表
Dear Super8.

Pardon me my saying this (I wish you did not get mad at me) :
"Tutor Time is also expensive. What do you think about them?"

I have not tried neither Tutor Time nor Yew Chung nor Kingsto ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-4-15 11:59 |只看該作者

I feel the Sat playgroup is so-so because first of all, Ms Meena is an Indian, which means her English is with a bit Indian accent. (Not to be offensive, but it's just not my cup of tea). To be honest, i am quite disappointed when i came to know that in the 1st lesson.  Secondly, she shows not much enthusiasm in class as she seldomly talk to or play with children.  Maybe I should say not much interaction with children.  
But the course structure itself is fine.
i) half hour free play time (15 mins outdoor and 15 mins indoor)  
ii) circle time -- mostly singing (15 mins)
iii) Mandarin -- singing and book reading (15 mins), the teacher Miss Hon's mandarin is very pure, i mean Beijing accent. i like that very much.
iv) Art and Craft time (20 mins)
v) Outdoor free play time (15 mins)
vi) toilet and snake time (15 mins)
vii) story telling (10 mins)

I do believe the host of the class has great influence on Children.  If i carry on to attend its playgroup in the next semester, I would definitely enroll my daughter in weekday classes which were conducted by Robert (as most mummy said he is good).

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-16 12:41 |只看該作者



Thanks so much for your detailed description. I'll wait for
the next term so that I can place my child in MR. Robert's class then. Thanks again.
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