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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ICS小學中文堂?
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ICS小學中文堂? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-11 15:21 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
請問ICS小學部, 每天小朋友會上多久中文? 是否全堂用普通話上堂呢? 中文程度又如何?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-12 13:54 |只看該作者

The kids have 2 sessions (35 min @) of Putonghua in every 6-day cycle which isn't much really.  Classes are conducted in Putonghua.  In pre-grade one (5 year olds), the kids are expected to be able to understand and to respond to simple questions, e.g. greeting, counting, days of the week, body parts, family, pets, etc.  They are given a CD and a textbook compiled by the teachers to review at home.  No writing is taught.  By the end of pre-grade one, the students are streamed into either "Foreign language" or "Chinese literacy", depending on the expectations of their parents.  The no. of sessions will gradually increase.  The two streams use different textbooks.  Please visit their website for more details.

原文章由 hellovicky 於 07-12-11 15:21 發表
請問ICS小學部, 每天小朋友會上多久中文? 是否全堂用普通話上堂呢? 中文程度又如何?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-12 15:20 |只看該作者
原文章由 Sandrine 於 07-12-12 13:54 發表

The kids have 2 sessions (35 min @) of Putonghua in every 6-day cycle which isn't much really.  Classes are conducted in Putonghua.  In pre-grade one (5 year olds), the kids are expected  ...

Hi Sandrine,
Thank you to let me know. Is your child study in ICS too? Do you think this school is good or not? Since I am planning to apply Grade 1 for my daughter. Thanks!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-12 22:09 |只看該作者
Hi Sandrine,
I'm planning to let my girl go to ICS when she is 6, when should I apply for the school? Do you have any idea about the interview? I'm a bit worry since we mostly speak Cantonese at home (she goes to international kindergarten).

原文章由 Sandrine 於 07-12-12 13:54 發表

The kids have 2 sessions (35 min @) of Putonghua in every 6-day cycle which isn't much really.  Classes are conducted in Putonghua.  In pre-grade one (5 year olds), the kids are expected  ...
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-13 00:16 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 hoeve 的文章

hi hoeve

I know U are 0409 mama,me too.
I am also planing to let my babe study in ICS kindergarte.  Would U tell me why U choose this school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-13 11:56 |只看該作者
Hi eve,
I know your daughter is studying in KIC/KCIS now, but what reason makes you to plan transfer to ICS?


Hi vicky,
Why doesn't consider the SIS?

原文章由 hoeve 於 07-12-12 22:09 發表
Hi Sandrine,
I'm planning to let my girl go to ICS when she is 6, when should I apply for the school? Do you have any idea about the interview? I'm a bit worry since we mostly speak Cantonese at home  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-13 14:16 |只看該作者
Yes my child is studying there and we are happy with the school.  Class size is small, up to 20 for Pre-grade 1 (5 year olds), 25 for Grade 1 – 5.  The teachers are caring and the children are taught to love one another. The school emphasizes character development.  As it's a Christian school, Christian values and principles are integrated into the curriculum. The teacher sends out weekly newsletter to let parents know what's been taught and what will be introduced in the following week.  No homework but since the kids learn phonics and do journals in school everyday, they already can read and write independently after a very short time which I'm really amazed.

When you say you want to apply for Grade 1, how old is your child? The entry year of elementary school is Pre-grade 1 (K3 in local kindie) and your child needs to be 5 before Sept 1.


原文章由 hellovicky 於 07-12-12 15:20 發表

Hi Sandrine,
Thank you to let me know. Is your child study in ICS too? Do you think this school is good or not? Since I am planning to apply Grade 1 for my daughter. Thanks!

[ 本文章最後由 Sandrine 於 07-12-13 14:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-13 14:24 |只看該作者

Please note the cut off date regarding age requirement. Kids turned 5 before Sept 1 will go to Pre-Grade 1, 6 will go to Grade 1, etc. There's no specific application period and so I'd say apply early. The application fee is due only upon admission testing, which is usually scheduled at the beginning of the year of entry. I don't think it should be a concern whether your child speaks English at home as long as she can communicate fluently in English. The interview is actually an admission test conducted by 2 specialist teachers separately. Parents will chat with the principal in his office when the kid is doing the test.

原文章由 hoeve 於 07-12-12 22:09 發表
Hi Sandrine,
I'm planning to let my girl go to ICS when she is 6, when should I apply for the school? Do you have any idea about the interview? I'm a bit worry since we mostly speak Cantonese at home  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-13 23:01 |只看該作者
[quote]原文章由 evatsoihk 於 07-12-13 11:56 發表
Hi eve,
I know your daughter is studying in KIC/KCIS now, but what reason makes you to plan transfer to ICS?


Hi vicky,
Why doesn't consider the SIS?

Hi Eve,
SIS is too far from my home la.....And the school fee is more expensive than ICS.......:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-13 23:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 Sandrine 於 07-12-13 14:16 發表
Yes my child is studying there and we are happy with the school.  Class size is small, up to 20 for Pre-grade 1 (5 year olds), 25 for Grade 1 – 5.  The teachers are caring and the childre ...

Hi Sandrine,
Thank you to let me know more about the school.
My girl is 4 yrs 9 months old in Sept 2008 so she cannot study Pre-grade 1 next year....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-14 23:40 |只看該作者
Hi Abbie, 你都係0409媽媽,你小朋友想下年入ICS嗎?我揀ICS,其實我一路都想呀女入國際學校,因為我唔係好鍾意傳統教學,我好想呀女求學唔求分數,個人活D有自信D。以前我唔知有ICS架,我有D驚讀國際學校唔知會唔會好壞(其實都係人地講 ),不過我HUBBY在百特利神學院上堂時成日見到ICS學生,佢話佢地好純好有禮貌,我就有信心了。佢個老師到有小朋友讀ICS,都話D老師好好。我諗唔到除ICS外有邊間學校係可以唔傳統教學,重要係著重信仰。

原文章由 abbie 於 07-12-13 00:16 發表
hi hoeve

I know U are 0409 mama,me too.
I am also planing to let my babe study in ICS kindergarte.  Would U tell me why U choose this school?
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-14 23:42 |只看該作者

原文章由 evatsoihk 於 07-12-13 11:56 發表
Hi eve,
I know your daughter is studying in KIC/KCIS now, but what reason makes you to plan transfer to ICS?


Hi vicky,
Why doesn't consider the SIS?
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-14 23:47 |只看該作者
Hi Sandrine,
Really thanks for your advice. My girl is now 3, since she born in September, she will finish K3 and can go to Pre-Grade 1 when she is 5 yrs and 11 months old.
So I can apply now

原文章由 Sandrine 於 07-12-13 14:24 發表

Please note the cut off date regarding age requirement. Kids turned 5 before Sept 1 will go to Pre-Grade 1, 6 will go to Grade 1, etc. There's no specific application period and so I'd say ap ...
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-15 18:04 |只看該作者

回覆 #3 hoeve 的文章

Hi hoeve
same reason as yours.  
As I know , in our case 0409 baby, they will go to
Kinder R1 at 3Y11M on 1st Sept 2008
Kinder R2 at 4Y11M on 1st Sept 2009
Pre-grade1 at 5Y11M on 1st Sept 2010
Grade1 at 6Y11M on 1st Sept 2011,
and so on.

hope this information can help.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-23 23:03 |只看該作者
May be our child will be classmate someday
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-24 22:09 |只看該作者

ICS application

原文章由 hoeve 於 07-12-14 23:42 發表

Hello hoeve,

Exactly same case as yours.  We lived at Island East before and moved to Shatin in March this year because of ICS!  You may not believe, my son sent his application when he was 4 months old!  We are now living at Royal Escot, just 5 minutes away from ICS and hope that my son could join the ICS family in the coming August.  Interview will take place in Feb.

You are not alone.  We have also made the same changes.

[ 本文章最後由 Cheerfulmama 於 07-12-24 22:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-27 09:33 |只看該作者
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-27 15:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 hoeve 於 07-12-27 09:33 發表
你也是東區搬過去嗎,呢個真係好大的決定。我都係最近一年才考慮ICS,現在小女都3歲幾了,所以想等佢讀埋K3即5歲11個月先讀ICS。預祝你仔仔面試順利 ...

Hello hoeve,

If you move to Shatin one day, I could share with you more about the district so that you could get used to it quickly.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-27 15:19 |只看該作者

原文章由 Cheerfulmama 於 07-12-27 15:07 發表

Hello hoeve,

If you move to Shatin one day, I could share with you more about the district so that you could get used to it quickly.
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-28 11:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 Cheerfulmama 於 07-12-27 15:07 發表

Hello hoeve,

If you move to Shatin one day, I could share with you more about the district so that you could get used to it quickly.

Hi Cheerfulmama,
我同你一樣想法, 我個女而加4 薉, 等個女5薉11個月先比佢入ICS, 請問你知唔知應該幾時申請報名呀? 而我又係可能要由九龍東搬入沙田方便佢返學.:
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