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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Please help!
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Please help! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-4 03:16 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

Dear All,

My son is on the waiting list of KTS too.  If there are places available after the first round registration day (24/12/07), will the school inform the successful candidates on waiting list right away?  Or they won't do it till 12/6/08, since on the letter I recd, they asked us to submit the application form for waiting list members on 11&12/6/08.  Of course, I hope they will do it after the first round registration.

So far, my son only got the acceptance from Pui Kiu, a DDS at Tai Wai.   Since it is rather ne=

w, established on 2005.  Not sure it is good enough.  Can anybody comment on this school?  

Besides KTS, he is also on waiting list of Kowloon Rhenish School.  Both KTS and KPS are good traditional schools.  And I worry it'll be difficult for my son to go back to the traditional secondary schools stream from Pui Kiu.  Because there'll be no banding classifications for a DSS.  And Pui Kiu has only one exam per year, without ranking.

I'm still in the struggling process, can anybody help please?

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Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 07-12-4 07:47 |只看該作者
Pls read under " KTS RECEIVED RESULT".

原文章由 carsondaddy 於 07-12-4 03:16 發表
Dear All,
My son is on the waiting list of KTS too.  If there are places available after the first round registration day (24/12/07), will the school inform the successful candidates on waiting list r ...
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