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教育王國 討論區 保良局陳守仁小學 tsl 新校長?
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tsl 新校長? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-26 14:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

只是好奇.... 而且一朝天子一朝臣,換了兩個話事人,不多不少都會有影響.....
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Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-10-27 00:30 |只看該作者

新校長好nice, 每朝都係學校門口迎接學生存。佢曾經係莊啟程小學校長。

原文章由 yymom07 於 07-10-26 14:19 硐表


Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-28 22:45 |只看該作者

回覆 #2 yymom07 的文章


Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-10-28 23:05 |只看該作者

原文章由 minnieleung 於 07-10-28 22:45 硐表
但為何副校長又年年唔同?這做法普遍嗎?(因真的未聽過有學校會這樣的做法。) ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-30 09:02 |只看該作者
What is the background of Mr. Yeun besides knowing that he was the principal of PLK school? Not a challenge!! Just curious and interested. Leadership will be quite a crucial factor in deciding the implementation and culture of the school though verbally said that there will have no change.  To be realistic, I expect new principal may have some change as according to his own vision on education and child development in primary school education.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-30 21:36 |只看該作者

The new Principal has reiterated that the core policies such as multi-cultural and multi-lingual characteristics of the school will not be changed.
Obviously, we expect something new to come up shortly.
The gifted programme seems to be something new.

It's only 2 months since the start of the school term.
Time will tell soon.

原文章由 ssdiana 於 07-10-30 09:02 硐表
What is the background of Mr. Yeun besides knowing that he was the principal of PLK school? Not a challenge!! Just curious and interested. Leadership will be quite a crucial factor in deciding the imp ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-10-30 22:18 |只看該作者
Where I can find the information for gifted programme?

原文章由 principal 於 07-10-30 21:36 硐表

The new Principal has reiterated that the core policies such as multi-cultural and multi-lingual characteristics of the school will not be changed.
Obviously, we expect something new to come ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-30 22:37 |只看該作者

Go to the school web site.
Click "Home" and then click "Circular" and then choose "E038 Gifted Programmer 07/08".

I think this programme is by invitation only.

原文章由 Fatty 於 07-10-30 22:18 硐表
Where I can find the information for gifted programme?


Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-31 08:23 |只看該作者
The major theme or philosophy behind multicultural perspective is a respect for "diversity" and "differences". It is not only about holding a event called "multicultural day". It's about everyday operation in managing the school. How the school will carry out this philosophy through it's implemtnations and how the school teachers are having the training in respecting "diversity" is a challenge. For example, I admire the principal Mr Yuen used different language to give speech in the parents' day. I felt his respect for the diversified body of parents. However, I also saw a Caucasian parents standing on the corner of the school hall seemed quite isolated as they were look different with the rest of the group. I felt a bit uneasy for them, would the school addressed them as a "minority", understood their feelings or needs?

As this is not a slogon or skills, it is about teachers' attitudes and exposures including the principal. If they do not have the multicultural or diversifed exposure or training, then how they will have difficulties in respecting "diversity". I am curious if the school will provide this kind of training to the teachers and school personnel if they hold this perspective? Teachers' self-reflection on their attitude is very important before they carry out this value of respecting for diversity.

Yet overall speaking, I treasure very much this value on respecting diversity and I hope my child be riased in a facilitative environment truely unholding this value.

原文章由 principal 於 07-10-30 22:37 硐表

Go to the school web site.
Click "Home" and then click "Circular" and then choose "E038 Gifted Programmer 07/08".

I think this programme is by invitation only.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-31 19:19 |只看該作者

In short, you worry too much.

Time will prove.

原文章由 ssdiana 於 07-10-31 08:23 硐表
The major theme or philosophy behind multicultural perspective is a respect for "diversity" and "differences". It is not only about holding a event called "multicultural day". It's about everyday oper ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-31 23:43 |只看該作者
原文章由 ssdiana 於 07-10-31 08:23 硐表
The major theme or philosophy behind multicultural perspective is a respect for "diversity" and "differences". It is not only about holding a event called "multicultural day". It's about everyday oper ...

Sorry, 善意答嘴.
為何你要質疑別人的, 而你又以單去衡量事情呢!

I also saw a Caucasian parents standing on the corner of the school hall seemed quite isolated as they were look different with the rest of the group. I felt a bit uneasy for them---- 點解你發現又唔去同他們談話呢?  咁他們便不會felt isolated & a bit uneasy. 學校始終hk人多, 如果學校太顧及他們, 你又會否說學校戴有色眼鏡呢?! 你有無叫你小朋友多ddddd同非hk人做朋友呢?! 難道還要日本語, 菲律賓語, 印度語…… .

‘multicultural day’ ‘halloween’ 只是每隔一年交替的萬聖節活動比大家開心下, 忙下(扮靚) . 唔好引發咁多擔心啦 . 我覺得你會好辛苦 .

比小朋友自己慢慢來. 如果去移民, 人地人種多, 開頭都會felt isolated , 但只要他們的小朋友樂於去適應, 相信他們是會安心和不會介懷的:loveliness: .

自然融入及體會就是最好的多元文化, 你我公平. 通常小朋友比較易做到. 無論在學習上argue都會做得好好   . 放心 !

希望唔好介意我咁直:) .

你地個個打英文我都felt a bit uneasy .

[ 本文章最後由 mamimummy 於 07-10-31 23:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-2 08:55 |只看該作者
Good discussion here!

I won't mind challenges and angers or discontented comments. I hope my child will be able to develop critical mind and multiple perspectives. As parents, we set good models for them.

I think all kinds of opinions are free to express in the forum except those with personal attack. That's why I am here. Otherwise, I will shut my mouth up. If a place can shut up one's mouth, then it is meaningless to be there.

We can express our fear, our suspicious feelings, anxiety as a P1 mum, your anger, their discontent or appreciation towards the school or principal!! Through this process, we will have more diversifed opinions  instead of ony one voice. We can understand the school from a holistic view.

This is the reason that I chose this school where I though it was different from other traditional schools where I received education. I received limited perspectives, mono voices from my own education until I entered into my undergraduate program where my eyes opened. I treasure very much the value of diversity.

If this school is focusing on multicultural perspective, that's what I am looking for and I truely hope that the spirits of multiculturalism be uphold in the school.

Sorry, I am not able to type Chinese, this is the only reason that I use English here!! I wish I can type Chinese. If I offend you, I apologize!


原文章由 mamimummy 於 07-10-31 23:43 硐表

Sorry, 善意答嘴.
為何你要質疑別人的”一”時, 而你又以單”一”去衡量事情呢!

I also saw a Caucasian parents standing on the corner of the school hall seemed quite isolated as they were look differe ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-2 10:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 ssdiana 於 07-11-2 08:55 硐表
Good discussion here!

I won't mind challenges and angers or discontented comments. I hope my child will be able to develop critical mind and multiple perspectives. As parents, we set good models for ...

Hi, Ssdiana
If I offend you, I apologize!---沒有, 言重了, 其實我學緊併音, 所以有d都未識併. 唯有用其他字代替或同音字, 所以可能你會覺得我的文筆怪怪和無禮貌 .
我女p.1 那時, TSL比現在更新, 更受disputed, 直資新校的老師流動比率更是焦點, 我要在德望 TSL之間make decision, 開學頭幾天我8到的第一個消息是這樣的----“我個女作天說老師上上下堂收到個電話就好開心咁走左去無上堂 :( .”
雖然我覺得咁不負責任的老師就左重好, 但一開始就聽到呢d說話真係好驚, 尤其人人都話我應該揀德望的時候, 我心想難道我真的錯了.
所以我覺得問題應題出, 但不要太擔心.

其實都好睇小朋友本身. 學校其實已經有環境提供到.
因為我女女久唔久就會同我講, mummy你知唔知原來某某 國家是這樣的.,
是某某同學他是那國家的人, 是他同我講的. 作天她又說同某某argue.
還有其實學校有好多看似黃皮膚的其實是白芯的, 唔識講中文. 所以能感受幾多?! 慢慢來吧.

This is the reason that I chose this school where I though it was different from other traditional schools where I received education. I received limited perspectives, mono voices from my own education until I entered into my undergraduate program where my eyes opened. I treasure very much the value of diversity.----這也是我為女兒揀這校的原因之一. 現在我覺得我女女所得到的比預期多.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-2 12:12 |只看該作者
Apart from its  EMI environment, its multiculturalism and diversity are among the reasons why I like this school.

[ 本文章最後由 Bluestar 於 07-11-2 12:13 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-2 16:10 |只看該作者
其實小朋友很容易適應唔同的環境,小兒已是p.5, 一開頭入學已受到轉第一任校長的改變,開頭我都有擔心,但係慢慢睇到一間學校的成功不是單單依靠校長一人,是全部老師,學生,辦學機構都是很重要的.而保良局辦學已是有很久歷史,其能力是不用擔心的.
我還記得上任校長有一段時間因sick所以休假一段時間由兩位副校負責,一樣可以過到. 所以換校長不是很大的事.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-5 07:18 |只看該作者
Thanks all, for all your different voices and supports as well as response to my posting. I beleive we are in the same boat to care for our kids. This is a place for open discussion, muti-perspectives are welcome!!

I hope the school will have implemented the value of multi-culturalism in their daily operation. Child will be able to respect himself if he learns how to respect the differences in life. The school will set a very facilitative atmosphere and the teachers/parents will set good role models for the children to cultivate the value.

I learned that the school is respectful as some of my mix couple friends are interested in sending their children to this school for the reasons of their emphasis on bilingual learning and multicultural values.


原文章由 JSCfamily 於 07-11-2 16:10 硐表
其實小朋友很容易適應唔同的環境,小兒已是p.5, 一開頭入學已受到轉第一任校長的改變,開頭我都有擔心,但係慢慢睇到一間學校的成功不是單單依靠校長一人,是全部老師,學生,辦學機構都是很重要的.而保良局辦學已是有很久 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-21 20:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 Fatty 於 07-10-30 22:18 發表
Where I can find the information for gifted programme?

you may contact miss anita low for further info

Rank: 1

發表於 08-1-12 10:44 |只看該作者
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