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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 k1之前的教育問題
樓主: Radiomama

k1之前的教育問題 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-3-20 13:21 |只看該作者

Re: k1之前的教育問題


Yes my boy is 0411BB!  

Where is 盧峰畫室?  

By the way, will the IEC course end in June?  
Two teachers replacement happened on last sat! :evil:  This situation is so bad.  Would you continue the course?   I hope we could join the MW in Tom Lee!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-20 17:21 |只看該作者

Re: k1之前的教育問題

Hi Hi 妤妤,

我仔仔而家2.5yr, 我想問對仔仔嚟講三字經同唐詩會唔會太深呢! 請比些意見!
我仔仔而家讀緊n1, 佢已經識晒A-Z (大,小楷)識串一些簡單既字句如(Apple,bear,boy,red,black,blue,purple...),咁我仲洗唔洗買認字咭比佢呢?
但係中文字就乜都唔識,如果三字經適合既話我都想比佢試吓! 我見電視都有播唐詩架但係好似好深呀!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-21 09:28 |只看該作者

Re: k1之前的教育問題


盧峰畫室 - a centre in Kwun Tong and the other one is in Tin Hau.

I haven't attended IEC last Sat because of getting fever of my daughter that day. Really, both of Cherry 姐姐 & "??" 姐姐 (I forgot her name) are replaced    I don't know about that.

My hubby always want to stop IEC course because its content is not valuable to $200/class and the situation in Oi Man is not convenient to us. However, I am not still considering. How good is MW in Tom Lee   Though the person-in charge of IEC said that the teachers will choose potential candidates to choir at the end of IEC Level 4, but how many candidates are successfully being chosen in the past? I am wonder.
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-21 09:40 |只看該作者

Re: k1之前的教育問題


Your son is great, he can recognize A-Z and can spell those words, my girl still cannot recognize A-Z but she only can sing ABC song.

For Chinese, I havn't investigated but i only bought the 三字經 & 唐詩 CD for my girl to hear. I haven't taught her any words and teach her to recognize.

In her nursery, there are some chinese word cards, my girl even cannot recognize the chinese words, she should refer to the picture and then says the words.
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-21 11:35 |只看該作者

Re: k1之前的教育問題


可能家陣d人都比較注重英文啦,所以好多小朋友中文都比較差掛, 我仔仔而家都有上中文堂,但佢返咗成半年n1 都只係識得"天,口,耳" 所以真係要補補啦!
我仔仔係10月都會返柏斯既小小莫扎特既課程, 唔知好唔好呢? 而tom lee 果個佢都排緊,我聽好多cmnt 都話e個好好架,排咁耐都係抵架!

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-3-21 16:54 |只看該作者

Re: k1之前的教育問題


Yes both Cherry and Kalms were absent on last Sat!

The course of IEC is not worth for $200.  For the choir, only 20-40% of the applicants would be successful.  Not because of the potential but the vacancy.  (heard from the director of HK Children Choir)

And I don't think my boy's performance is good enough to be chosen to choir.  (girls are better than the boys in my observation: self confidence is the main concern)  So we will quit probably till June.

For MW and JMC in Tom Lee, the reputation is very good.  Aural training, music theory and piano would be introduced to the kids.  That's what I want!  But both kid and parent need to practice hard.  (Need to practice piano at home.)

Besides, we try to encourage my boy to play tri-cycle to develop his muscle better.  Any comments?  He doesn't know how to step on the paddles.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-22 09:20 |只看該作者

Re: k1之前的教育問題


Do you mean only 20%-40% IEC students promoted to choir? The rate is low and I may also want to quit it after the level 1.

What is different between MW and JMC?

Yes, my girl's is also very weak in sport, she also don't know to play tri-cycle right now. And she is always fear to try to climb high at the playground. I want to find some 體操班, somethings like that, hope to develop her confidence and develop her muscle. Any suggestion?
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-3-23 13:44 |只看該作者

Re: k1之前的教育問題

妤妤 ,

No, no I mean only 20-40% of all applicants could be successful! Only few students in IEC would be chosen.
MW is for 3 yrs old and JMC is for 4 yrs old.  
No need to join any gym class, I just take my boy to playground.  He will run and play football.  

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