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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 收到德望取錄通知書
樓主: kamen

收到德望取錄通知書 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-21 00:14 |只看該作者

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

You're right. Every one has his/her own choice to choose the school he/she deem it suitable for his/her daugher.

Anyway, I was delighted to accept by GH which is a famous and historial school in Hong Kong. GH is benchmark that it could not build in a short time.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-23 11:48 |只看該作者

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

summer媽媽 寫道:
My daughter is P.3 student of GH. 成績average, but Chinese 比較弱.
today 派考試成績, her Chinese Fail, 老師當眾告訴全班她中文不合格、向阿女講叫mummy找定學校轉校!! 豪不顧及兒童的自尊心!

我地有個同學, 校外唱歌比賽always win prizes, 又入倒演藝CHoir, but  GH choir就不揀她!! 老師事後講成績差的不能加入choir!! can't understand 呢間學校教學理念!! 不是因材施教!

Speech Festival 又唔係個個都比參加, 因為老師無咁多時間操咁多學生, 但又唔比人在出面找外籍老師教! 唔係好outstanding 的學生就唔係咁易有機會發揮其他方面所長!

有同學讀到半邊頭甩頭皮, summmer holidays 則無事!!

樣樣野都要家長教, 個女個個詞語都唔明, it's impossible that the 1st day after exam, 阿女回家要做30 個新成語填充, 你話老師有乜可能一日教倒曬! 交咁多$學費到頭來要自己教翻!!

上年都想轉校, 但因為個虛名!! 現在真係好心淡!!


Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-23 12:42 |只看該作者

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

Personally I don't know much about GH (but my wife knows the reputation of this school is good in both academic and sports)

I had registered my baby into this school last week. Ever since then, I saw so many contradicting comments on this site about GH, some decent comments but mostly are basically quarels in the street.  

This leaves me with uncertaintise and confusions about this school. May be I should stick with my lucky draw result of MaryXXXX then.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-24 13:09 |只看該作者

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

她的孩子是2007年入這校的waiting list。寫衰學校可能令正選生退學,自己就可以執死雞!真係想創佢!在放鎊前後好多人都用呢條橋,好多學校高層都知。無稽之談!   
BallBallMaMa 寫道:
Then I modify the reasons as follows:

(1) 佢好明顯 only receive the waiting list letter but not the offer letter la, 食不到的葡萄是酸的
(2) 佢博有人睇完信佢and then release the offer to her/his daughter.
(3) 佢好明顯有壓力未解決, short short 地

不過, so far好似冇人收到gh reject letter喎, 即是否一係收, 一係就waitlist呢?


Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-24 13:31 |只看該作者

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書


bricks 寫道:
她的孩子是2007年入這校的waiting list。寫衰學校可能令正選生退學,自己就可以執死雞!真係想創佢!在放鎊前後好多人都用呢條橋,好多學校高層都知。無稽之談!   
BallBallMaMa 寫道:
Then I modify the reasons as follows:

(1) 佢好明顯 only receive the waiting list letter but not the offer letter la, 食不到的葡萄是酸的
(2) 佢博有人睇完信佢and then release the offer to her/his daughter.
(3) 佢好明顯有壓力未解決, short short 地

不過, so far好似冇人收到gh reject letter喎, 即是否一係收, 一係就waitlist呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-24 14:37 |只看該作者

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

Sorry, sorry.
I think you have some misunderstanding la.
I am just a pass-by.
I am not as lucky as you whose girl are accepted by GH or invited by "GH governor" la.

jojogh 寫道:

bricks 寫道:
她的孩子是2007年入這校的waiting list。寫衰學校可能令正選生退學,自己就可以執死雞!真係想創佢!在放鎊前後好多人都用呢條橋,好多學校高層都知。無稽之談!   
BallBallMaMa 寫道:
Then I modify the reasons as follows:

(1) 佢好明顯 only receive the waiting list letter but not the offer letter la, 食不到的葡萄是酸的
(2) 佢博有人睇完信佢and then release the offer to her/his daughter.
(3) 佢好明顯有壓力未解決, short short 地

不過, so far好似冇人收到gh reject letter喎, 即是否一係收, 一係就waitlist呢?


Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-25 00:25 |只看該作者

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

The aim of this forum is to share and exchange ideas and points of view on some primary school.

I don't know wht some parents (may be or may not be) to rasie a hot argument or personal attack.

I urge the guys who want to have a quarrel, please create a new topic to fight each other.

The topic we just want to share the sincere and welcome favorable comments.

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