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學之園(青衣)家長 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-8-11 16:46 |只看該作者


My little daughter will be K2 at Learning Habitat in Tsing Yi.
Any parents come here to say "Hi".

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-11 16:55 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(青衣)家長

hello, whfok,


1) 這校教學及老師質數如何?
2) 面試考d咩?是否很多人報名,難入嗎?
3) 環境如何?
4) 家住東涌,如搭mtr,應該點行呢?因為不知校門在那兒.


Rank: 2

發表於 06-8-11 17:35 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(青衣)家長

Hi clarachel,

My little daughter was 插班 for K2 in July.  She studied K1 at the activity approach kindergarten in Tsing Yi before.  Because no dictation, test or examination at the previous kindergarten so we went to apply for K2 and got a place finally.
I try to reply your questions below:

1) 這校教學及老師質數如何?
I just know there are two teachers (one cantonese/another English) as the class teachers.  During the interview, I saw there were many English native teachers in the school, at least one class one native teachers.  I know there will be Mandrain+English class teachers starting from nursey.  So if your child apply for K1 next year, he/she enjoys one Mandrain+English class teachers each class.  My little daughter is going to study there this Saturday (12/8) so I will tell you later about the teachers' performance and my daughter's feedback.
Please note that the school fee is $2980 x 12months.

2) 面試考d咩?是否很多人報名,難入嗎?
If my little daughter was 插班 for k2, there was only her to take an interview.  It was so easy that only story-telling, singing and count numbers in Chinese.  I know it is very difficult to apply for the nursey because it has Mandrain/English class from now on.  The school fee is only $3,200 x 12 months.  It is very attractive.  I introduced the school to some friends whose children apply for K1 next year.  She said to me that it seems quit full.  You can contact the school for confirmation.

3) 環境如何?
It is very acceptable.  樓底好高.  It looks like larger area inside.

4) 家住東涌,如搭mtr,應該點行呢?因為不知校門在那兒.
I don't know to tell you in words.  If you can reach 長安巴士總站 by bus, you can take 5 minutes on foot.  Or you take 10 minutes on foot to the school from Tsing Yi MTR Station.

Please note that the primary allocation result was very good from his homepage last year.  You may have a look.
I know the Principal is 進取型.  She is willing to help the parents to look for the primary school (private/DSS), organise the talks how to take the interview, and send the application forms as well.
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