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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 is it good - Creative Power (朗研社) playgroup
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is it good - Creative Power (朗研社) playgroup [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-5 19:08 |只看該作者

is it good - Creative Power (朗研社) playgroup

I am thinking to join 朗研社 playgroup or 親親Do Re Me音樂天地 while my son is 18個月 soon, any comment or experience can share?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-6 23:33 |只看該作者

Re: is it good - Creative Power (朗研社) playgroup

My son has joined 2 playgroups at Creative Power ( 朗研社)this summer.  The rundown of the playgroup is very similar every time.  Not much new thing!  But what I want to share is about the tutors there.  I can say most of the tutors there are very kind and patient (actually that's reason I joined 2 playgroups) but not Ms Sun. Maybe my son is  a bit active and sometimes does not follow her instructions.  Mind you my son is just 17 months!  She was trying to ignore him.  Whenever she distributes the toy stuff or food, my son is always the last one to get.   Last Saturday, I had a make-up lesson with her, the experiene was terrible.  Both my hunbby and I felt very angry.  She ignored my son as usual and worse still when she took the attendence of babies, as usual, my son is the last one to be mentioned, she even not to say my son's name (but say the rest of the babies' name and asked them to say hi to everyone).  She just asked my son to take back the name card and say it with his father.  At the end of the programm, there will be an evaluation form given back to the parents.  She gave it to all the parents but when it was my turn, she said she had no time and another tutor ( who is teaching my son another programme) will talk to me later.  How come???? My son has joined 2 programmes actually.

What I want to share with you is that I joined 2 playgropus there because I think my son, who is very active, needs kind and patient tutors.  But it comes out that the experience my son and I had there are not very good! I wish you luck having a good tutor if you join.   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-8-7 15:58 |只看該作者

Re: is it good - Creative Power (朗研社) playgroup


我都有上個佢地的playgroup..我真係感到佢地好有愛心同耐性, 現在沒有參加因想試下其他機構同佢地的配套唔足夠...

你唔好咁 住, 我之前都有你咁樣的情況, 但佢地同我講係想訓練佢地的耐性, 而我亦同意所以都沒有介意...
Whenever she distributes the toy stuff or food, my son is always the last one to get.

至於其他, 或者你試下同佢地傾下,係咪當中有誤會呀..


Rank: 2

發表於 06-8-8 01:11 |只看該作者

Re: is it good - Creative Power (朗研社) playgroup

我小朋友都參加咗朗研社有1年(嬰幼互動小組,語言社交小組,音樂班),本人覺得之前d playgroup都好好,但音樂班就一般.
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