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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 上K1啦!!!返開Fxnny Workshop的2003媽咪朋友入來啦! ...
樓主: ferriswheel

上K1啦!!!返開Fxnny Workshop的2003媽咪朋友入來啦! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-5 18:17 |只看該作者

Re: 上K1啦!!!返開Fxnny Workshop的2003媽咪朋友入來啦!

Hi all,

你地仲會繼續 返 FW 嗎 ??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-6 13:35 |只看該作者

Re: 上K1啦!!!返開Fxnny Workshop的2003媽咪朋友入來啦!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-7 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: 上K1啦!!!返開Fxnny Workshop的2003媽咪朋友入來啦!

我要澄清我小朋友沒有上過fanny 的playgroup , 只是我自己一個上過林生的家長phonics班同fanny 的seminar, 以下只是我的個人意見

大家都知道st cat 同根德園係九龍塘的名牌幼稚園, 家長當然希望自己的小朋友入讀這兩間幼稚園

但係我覺得奇怪, 為何d家長會認為上咗某一間的playgroup會一定入讀到st cat同根德園, 如果是這樣的話, 請告訴我, 我都希望我自己的小朋友可以入讀這兩間名牌幼稚園的其中一間

我亦都同過fanny傾過計, 在談話中佢提到好多學校的名字, 我覺得這只是代表佢對九龍塘的學校熟悉, 佢所講的資料, 我會作為參考, 但係唔等於我會完全盲目相信, 自己亦會從其他途徑去取學校的資料

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-9 10:07 |只看該作者

Re: 上K1啦!!!返開Fxnny Workshop的2003媽咪朋友入來啦!

I just want to say something for FW.

First, my little one joined a few playgroups in Kowloon Tong, and it turns out that FW is the best, though the environment is the worst. I strongly believe that the teachers there really know how to teach the children. At least, my little one can tell me what she learned in the class when she was not yet 2. She can tell me the story that the teacher told them the day. And the most important is, she really enjoy the class, pay attention.  Even those playgroup that cost me HKD400/class, most of the kids cannot focus and the teacher will make the parents responsible to find them back and continue the lesson.

I am sure that many of you have the kids study at Pre-nursery class now.  And your kids probably won't cry for a month or months before he / she likes to go to school, right? I strongly believe that the training from FW contribute a lot to that.  (Referring to those attend the Sunday 10am class)

If you remember, she did help us to get the application forms, and done a mock-interview for us.  These are part of her services to us and FOC.

All the kinder talks and the kinder tour, though marketing function to her, has given us quite a lot of info on the kinder.

To be fair, when we all call Fanny for help, those are the days that we all got a letter from SC or KV, or we just completed the interviews.  It is understandable that she cannot talk for long.

My message is not to defence for FW but want to let others to know that there are also +ve things of this playgroup, though sometimes hard selling.

Wish everyone can finally got into the school that we want. Good Luck!
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