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GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and V [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-11-19 00:01 |只看該作者

GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Victori

Hi all, currently my daughter is attending Pre-Nursery in Victoria and she just got an K1 offer (p.m. class) 2006 from St. Paul's Church and waitlisted for S.K.H (p.m. class) & still waiting for a chance at S.K.H. The Ling Liang Church K1 result still not out.

Which one do your think is the best among (1)Sheung Kung Hui (2)St.Paul's Church (3)Ling Liang Church and (4) Victoria Kindergarden, please give advice/comments whether good, bad, better or worst.

I appreciate your says ! Thanks

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-20 00:37 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

Hi, couldl you help me clarify, St Paul's church application is already over? Cos I called and they said Nov 20. Could you please help? Is this St Paul's church kinder in Leighton road? are they connected to the St Paul's primary?
would appreciate your reply.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-11-20 23:34 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

Yes, St.Paul Church's interview result is out already. This SPC is in Central. The one in Leighton Rd is called St. Paul's Kindergartens and I think this one is connected to St. Paul's primary.

Hope this helps!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-22 01:31 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

我都煩緊點幫我細女揀學校, 我細女已被SKH收了AM正取生, 而我也幫她報了VICTORIA, 維記是一定入到的, 我大女正讀K2英粵下午, 而細女又好得維記班先生/主任等等鍾意, INTERVIEW又係同一班先生, 所以我好放心. 說維記好, 他們能令我怕羞的大女不怕對人表達自己, 日日面對外籍老師/外籍同學3小時, 好像國際學校的生活, 即使不明白的英文也能儘量去理解, 比一般小朋友提早接觸英語, 令他們不會討厭英文; 他們樣樣都為小朋友想得周到, 幫你搵興趣班, 幫你訂英文書, 幫你訂玩具/圖書, 幫你安排暑期活動...當然樣樣要錢, 但都真的很方便. 校規不太嚴, 但有應有的紀律, 學生很開心, 大女好鍾意返學, 細女亦日日跟住返學校唱完校歌及體操歌才走, 好像日日都去玩一樣. 老師都比較後生, 有些還幾靚, 亦好好人, 個個先生都讀IB課程, 即使未教過我女的也會記得我兩個小朋友的名字, 好有親切感. 一般大部份家長都想子女在維記讀英普班, 學校著重普通話. K1一星期3-4樣功課, 有些是親子習作, 要家長幫手剪貼找資料, K2日日都有1-2樣功課, 現在學寫字, 在學校做一半, 先生即時糾正, 回家做餘下的. 如果你想小朋友將來出國留學, 維記會幾好, 因他們是IB課程. 你可登入他們的網址看以往的升小學成績, 我認為大部份也不算太差, 半日學費現為$3882/MTH, 以上資料希望可以幫到你.
不知SKH的教學/升學如何? 是否會比起維記更好? 可有家長在此發表一下? 幫幫忙......     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-22 02:14 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

Your situation is very similar to mine.
My young girl is accepted by SKH am, KC am and also Victoria pm (my elder girl in Victoria K2 Eng/Putonghua class).
But as I don't like pm class, I would rather pick KC for Eng/Putonghua environment or SKH for brand name.
KC's putonhua is better, but of course Victoria's english is better.
Actually Victoria is really good, but because i already have all the textbooks and materials from my elder girl, I prefer my younger girl goes to a diff kinder.  I can teach my young girl Victoria's stuff by byself.
I would consider LLC too simple.
Don't know much about SPC. My preference is Victoria (Eng/Putonghua), Sheung Kung Hui, LLC.  
I think that paying $3882/month to study Eng/Cantonese class at Victoria is too much.  So preference will change to Sheung Kung Hui, Victoria (Eng/Cantonese), LLC.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-22 03:01 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic


唉....我大女衰講野唔太正, 有少少痴脷根, 我想佢說話好些才教佢普通話, 費事佢百上加斤太辛苦, 所以至讀英粵咋! 佢k1啲同學仔好多個都轉讀k2英普班了...
我都係諗住比我細女出去試下其他好學校, 唔想兩個都係維記出品, 多啲機會搵小學, 第時可能大女帶HIT細女, 又可能細女帶HIT大女啦. 想問你一下: SKH是否勁名校? 升小學除了盛傳有機去ST. PAUL CO-EDU 之外還有哪些?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-22 08:17 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

check pm pls.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-22 13:38 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

Dear All,

My preference kindergartens for my girl are Sheng Kung Hui and Sacred Heart Canossian College.  Could you please advise which one is better?

Rank: 1

發表於 05-11-22 16:19 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

Thank you, KK991229:

Your comment on Victoria Kindergarten is really helpful. Just want to know which Victoria your daughter is attending? My son is on the waiting list for Causeway Bay, Eng/Cantonese class. He is also being accepted by SKH Mt. Butler. I was wondering if I shall call Victoria to try my best to let my son get in?

Samuerma :   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-22 17:11 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

Dear Bobocute and kk991229

Can you tell me which Victoria you are talking about please
my kid is accepted by Victoria CWB
I wonder if you know if it is good
thanks in advance

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-22 17:27 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

Hi ,

Just as I know Victoria Causeway Bay is the best among other branches. They don't have pre-nursery so many parents get their child to Victoria Harbour Heights (North Point) a year before K1 as they can be guranteed to promote to Causeway Bay from K2.
At present my son is in pre-nursery HH class, they have 2 teachers (one Chinese one native Engl) and one assistant teacher in one class, so children can have more chance to expose to English.

This is what I think is their merit and what we pay for.
蘿記 寫道:

Dear Bobocute and kk991229

Can you tell me which Victoria you are talking about please
my kid is accepted by Victoria CWB
I wonder if you know if it is good
thanks in advance[/quote]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-22 18:47 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

"日日跟住返學校唱完校歌及體操歌才走" is only possible at Belcher Victoria I think.  Belcher campus is a bit small, but you can have a good view of the class standing outside its windows.
Harbour Heights Victoria's layout cannot do that.

I heard people saying that Causeway Bay is the best, and some say Harbour height is the best, but I know belcher is most expensive.  School fee is only 3660  at harbour heights.
i just talked to a SKH mother whose daughter is at St. Paul's co-ed P1 now.  She said that the SKH syllabus is easy, and more emphasis on playing and fun.  Her girl was happy there and was accepted by all the famous schools she applied (including St. Paul's co-ed, DGS).
She thinks Victoria has more to learn.  SKH is chinese kinder.  She said that over 1/3 of SKH graduates enter private or DSS.  And if the target primary is DGS or St. Paul's co-ed, being at SKH has a slight advantage.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-11-22 20:55 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

My daughter joined Vic South Horizon's Pre-N since Sept 05 and she has been sick on and off. I was actually planning to quit Vic if she has another offer. As some of you mentioned Vic is also quite good, I really don't know what to do now.

Any one heard of St. Paul Church in Central (near SKH)? Should I pay the sear reservation fee this Sat?? My dauther got a PM offer in SPC but she only has a PM waiting list for SKH (not know until 28 Nov). LLC is a bit far away from us though.

Honestly, Vic is too expensive for kinder.....

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-23 00:01 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

係呀, 我大女係寶翠園分校, 我兩個女都可以日日一起返學的, 我地好多家長都係日日帶大又帶細返學校玩, 啲姊姊妹妹玩埋一齊好開心, 學校都好歡迎. 今日開信箱, 維記收了我細女啦.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-23 01:03 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

話時話, 維記好多名人仔女讀架, 上次去小西灣聯校活動時我見到榮文蔚同佢老公及仔, 大女k1時成日見才女梁芷珊及女, 早排halloween party又見到海馬翁嘉穗出現

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-23 10:15 |只看該作者

Re: GOOD/BAD K1 for Sheung Kung Hui, St.Paul's Church, Ling Liang Church and Vic

Dear all,

thanks so much for the information
I feel at ease to pay the registration fee now

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