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樓主: ANChan59

科技業投資銀行寒冬降臨   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 24-8-23 08:55 |只看該作者
回覆 poonseelai 的帖子

我知道這是冰山一角,點止恆大一間。國內在港上市公司經常要脅d會計師partner 妥協,不然轉會計師,好多都屈服。

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 24-8-23 09:16 |只看該作者
ANChan59 發表於 24-8-23 08:55
回覆 poonseelai 的帖子


做奸嘅可以收好多$, 出事苦嘅係員工

要睇下新managing partner如果帶領水記重新出發, 之前那位6月30日已退休

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 24-8-23 09:28 |只看該作者
poonseelai 發表於 24-8-23 09:16
做奸嘅可以收好多$, 出事苦嘅係員工

要睇下新managing partner如果帶領水記重新出發, 之前那位6月30日已 ...


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 24-8-23 09:41 |只看該作者
ANChan59 發表於 24-8-23 09:28

我都開心阿仔好早睇到這個現象,在香港再升上去,就要面對部份弄虛作假的所謂report, ...

今天嘅水記係包括price Waterhouse 同 coopers 合併, 再之後加入因enron事件爆煲的Arthur Anderson, AA 人出名marketing勁 , 同水記作風唔同, 聽說水記老闆原本唔建議接恒大這個job, 但前AA的老闆堅持

4月那封告密信也有講, 水記最高領導小組有十人, 全是前AA。講明先, 我無fact check過㗎

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 24-8-23 09:48 |只看該作者
poonseelai 發表於 24-8-23 09:41
今天嘅水記係包括price Waterhouse 同 coopers 合併, 再之後加入因enron事件爆煲的Arthur Anderson, AA 人 ...


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 4

發表於 24-8-23 16:51 |只看該作者
ANChan59 發表於 24-8-23 08:55
回覆 poonseelai 的帖子



【彭博】-- 曾經聲名遠播的英國科技大亨邁克·林奇,隨著他的豪華游艇在義大利西西裡島海岸沈沒而失蹤。他因把自己的軟件公司出售給惠普,而在美國捲入了刑事欺詐的官司,直到最近才全身而退。

這艘游艇名為「貝葉斯」(Bayesian),以一位英國數學家的名字命名。當風暴來襲時,59歲的林奇和他的妻子,還有他的幾位財務和法律顧問正在船上。他們正在慶祝兩個多月前林奇來之不易的無罪釋放,當時舊金山的一個陪審團裁定,對於他欺騙惠普以過高價格收購其軟件公司Autonomy Corp.的指控不成立。


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 24-8-23 17:21 |只看該作者
RoseRosa 發表於 24-8-23 16:51

【彭博】-- 曾經聲名遠播的英國科技大亨邁克·林奇,隨著他的豪華游艇在義大利西西 ...

只是. 粉飾.



e d笑話.


Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 24-8-23 17:27 |只看該作者
我做咗fact check,略略查吓wiki ,已經睇到HP告唔入,英國美國商業犯罪,監管機構及FBI都認為冇足夠證據告Autonomy 或者會計師作假。


Takeover of Autonomy

See also: Autonomy Corporation § Hewlett-Packard

In November 2012, HP recorded a write-down of around $8.8 billion related to its acquisition a year earlier of the UK-based Autonomy Corporation PLC. HP accused Autonomy of deliberately inflating the value of the company prior to its takeover, which the former management team of Autonomy denied.

At that time, HP had fired its previous CEO for expenses irregularities a year before, and appointed Apotheker as CEO and president. HP was seen as problematic by the market, with margins falling and having failed to redirect and establish itself in major new markets such as cloud and mobile services.

As part of Apotheker's strategy, Autonomy was acquired by HP in October 2011. HP paid $10.3 billion for 87.3% of the shares, valuing Autonomy at around $11.7 billion (£7.4 billion) overall, a premium of around 79% over market price. The deal was widely criticized as "absurdly high", a "botched strategy shift" and a "chaotic" attempt to rapidly reposition HP and enhance earnings,[79][81][82] and had been objected to even by HP's own CFO.[83][84]: 3–6  Within a year, Apotheker was fired, major culture clashes became apparent, and HP wrote off $8.8 billion of Autonomy's value.[83]

HP claimed that this resulted from "accounting improprieties, misrepresentations and disclosure failures" by the previous management, who in turn accused HP of a "textbook example of defensive stalling"[84]: 6  to conceal evidence of its own prior knowledge, gross mismanagement, and undermining of the company, noting public awareness since 2009 of its financial reporting issues[84]: 3  and that even HP's CFO disagreed with the price paid.[83][84]: 3–6  External observers generally stated that only a small part of the write-off appears to be due to accounting mis-statements, and that HP had previously overpaid for businesses.[83][170]

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and the SEC joined the FBI in investigating the potential anomalies. HP incurred damage with its stock falling to its lowest in decades.[171][172][173] Three lawsuits were brought by shareholders against HP for the fall in value of HP shares. In August 2014, a United States district court judge threw out a proposed settlement, which Autonomy's previous management had argued would be collusive and intended to divert scrutiny of HP's own responsibility and knowledge. It essentially engaged the plaintiff's attorneys from the existing cases and redirected them against the previous Autonomy vendors and management for a fee of up to $48 million, with plaintiffs agreeing to end any claims against HP's management and similarly redirect those claims against the previous Autonomy vendors and management.[174][175] In January 2015 the SFO closed its investigation as the likelihood of a successful prosecution was low.[176] The dispute continued in the US, and is being investigated by the UK and Ireland Financial Reporting Council. On June 9, 2015, HP agreed to pay $100 million to investors who bought HP shares between August 19, 2011 and November 20, 2012, to settle the lawsuits over the Autonomy purchase.[177]
Another term of the shareholder settlement was to sue Autonomy management, which occurred in London in 2019. HP "failed to produce a smoking gun for the fraud it alleges",[178] and its accountants admitted that they "never formally prepared anything to attribute the irregularities to the amount of the fraud".[178]
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 4

發表於 24-8-23 17:46 |只看該作者
"What you would do if you're a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, which hopefully all of you will be, is if it took off, then you'd hire a whole bunch of lawyers to go clean the mess up, right? But if nobody uses your product, it doesn't matter that you stole all the content."

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt


Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 24-8-23 19:02 |只看該作者
RoseRosa 發表於 24-8-23 17:46
"What you would do if you're a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, which hopefully all of you will be, is i ...

多謝你提出一個好juicy 嘅話題,我先至去睇番d資料。


因為這單訴訟,所以法官及三個會計師事務所化很多時間解釋何謂銷售入帳,係有瑕疵,包括hardware sales, OEM sales ,reseller sales double count 或者冇recurring sales,但不是全部misrepresentations 。可能想告HP的當時CEO,因為溢價67%係天價,但搵唔到貪污證據,當時HP CFO不建議收購,當然要起身走人。

幾間大學商學院用這個cash study教學生M&A的注意事項。我特別感興趣係個溢價,因為基於收購後嘅synergy,但M &A之後的效益出唔到嚟,先用Autonomy做籍口,write off 85億'不是撇溢價,係total losses ,這個好難告得入Lynch。

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 24-9-12 20:50 |只看該作者

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 24-9-12 20:53 |只看該作者
ANChan59 發表於 24-8-23 09:48

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 24-9-13 19:08 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 24-9-13 19:09 編輯


水記恆大的final judgement 。

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 6 天前 |只看該作者
Here is the full memo from Amazon CEO Andy Jassy:

Hey team. I wanted to send a note on a couple changes we're making to further strengthen our culture and teams.

First, for perspective, I feel good about the progress we're making together. Stores, AWS, and Advertising continue to grow on very large bases, Prime Video continues to expand, and new investment areas like GenAI, Kuiper, Healthcare, and several others are evolving nicely. And at the same time we're growing and inventing, we're also continuing to make progress on our cost structure and operating margins, which isn't easy to do. Overall, I like the direction in which we're heading and appreciate the hard work and ingenuity of our teams globally.

When I think about my time at Amazon, I never imagined I'd be at the company for 27 years. My plan (which my wife and I agreed to on a bar napkin in 1997) was to be here a few years and move back to NYC. Part of why I've stayed has been the unprecedented growth (we had $15M of annual revenue the year before I joined—this year should be well north of $600B), the perpetual hunger to invent, the obsession with making customers' lives easier and better every day, and the associated opportunities these priorities present. But, the biggest reason I'm still here is our culture. Being so customer focused is an inspiring part of it, but it's also the people we work with, the way we collaborate and invent when we're at our best, our long-term perspective, the ownership I've always felt at every level I've worked (I started as a Level 5), the speed with which we make decisions and move, and the lack of bureaucracy and politics.

Our culture is unique, and has been one of the most critical parts of our success in our first 29 years. But, keeping your culture strong is not a birthright. You have to work at it all the time. When you consider the breadth of our businesses, their associated growth rates, the innovation required across each of them, and the number of people we've hired the last 6-8 years to pursue these endeavors, it's pretty unusual—and will stretch even the strongest of cultures. Strengthening our culture remains a top priority for the s-team and me. And, I think about it all the time.

We want to operate like the world's largest startup. That means having a passion for constantly inventing for customers, strong urgency (for most big opportunities, it's a race!), high ownership, fast decision-making, scrappiness and frugality, deeply-connected collaboration (you need to be joined at the hip with your teammates when inventing and solving hard problems), and a shared commitment to each other.
Two areas that the s-team and I have been thinking about the last several months are: 1/ do we have the right org structure to drive the level of ownership and speed we desire? 2/ are we set up to invent, collaborate, and be connected enough to each other (and our culture) to deliver the absolute best for customers and the business that we can? We think we can be better on both.

On the first topic, we've always sought to hire very smart, high judgment, inventive, delivery-focused, and missionary teammates. And, we have always wanted the people doing the actual detailed work to have high ownership. As we have grown our teams as quickly and substantially as we have the last many years, we have understandably added a lot of managers. In that process, we have also added more layers than we had before. It's created artifacts that we'd like to change (e.g., pre-meetings for the pre-meetings for the decision meetings, a longer line of managers feeling like they need to review a topic before it moves forward, owners of initiatives feeling less like they should make recommendations because the decision will be made elsewhere, etc.). Most decisions we make are two-way doors, and as such, we want more of our teammates feeling like they can move fast without unnecessary processes, meetings, mechanisms, and layers that create overhead and waste valuable time.

So, we're asking each s-team organization to increase the ratio of individual contributors to managers by at least 15% by the end of Q1 2025. Having fewer managers will remove layers and flatten organizations more than they are today. If we do this work well, it will increase our teammates' ability to move fast, clarify and invigorate their sense of ownership, drive decision-making closer to the front lines where it most impacts customers (and the business), decrease bureaucracy, and strengthen our organizations' ability to make customers' lives better and easier every day. We will do this thoughtfully, and our PxT team will work closely with our leaders to evolve our organizations to accomplish these goals over the next few months.

[By the way, I've created a "Bureaucracy Mailbox" for any examples any of you see where we might have bureaucracy or unnecessary process that's crept in and we can root out…to be clear, companies need process to run effectively, and process does not equal bureaucracy, but unnecessary and excessive process or rules should be called out and extinguished. I will read these emails and action them accordingly.]

To address the second issue of being better set up to invent, collaborate, and be connected enough to each other and our culture to deliver the absolute best for customers and the business, we've decided that we're going to return to being in the office the way we were before the onset of COVID. When we look back over the last five years, we continue to believe that the advantages of being together in the office are significant. I've previously explained these benefits (February 2023 post), but in summary, we've observed that it's easier for our teammates to learn, model, practice, and strengthen our culture;

collaborating, brainstorming, and inventing are simpler and more effective; teaching and learning from one another are more seamless; and, teams tend to be better connected to one another. If anything, the last 15 months we've been back in the office at least three days a week has strengthened our conviction about the benefits.

Before the pandemic, not everybody was in the office five days a week, every week. If you or your child were sick, if you had some sort of house emergency, if you were on the road seeing customers or partners, if you needed a day or two to finish coding in a more isolated environment, people worked remotely. This was understood, and will be moving forward as well. But, before the pandemic, it was not a given that folks could work remotely two days a week, and that will also be true moving forward—our expectation is that people will be in the office outside of extenuating circumstances (like the ones mentioned above) or if you already have a Remote Work Exception approved through your s-team leader.

We are also going to bring back assigned desk arrangements in locations that were previously organized that way, including the U.S. headquarters locations (Puget Sound and Arlington). For locations that had agile desk arrangements before the pandemic, including much of Europe, we will continue to operate that way.

We understand that some of our teammates may have set up their personal lives in such a way that returning to the office consistently five days per week will require some adjustments. To help ensure a smooth transition, we're going to make this new expectation active on January 2, 2025. Global Real Estate and Facilities (GREF) is working on a plan to accommodate desk arrangements mentioned above and will communicate the details as they are finalized.

I want to thank our leaders and support teams in advance for the work they will do to improve their org structures over the coming months. With a company of our size and complexity, the work won't be trivial and it will test our collective ability to invent and simplify when it comes to how we organize and go after the meaningful opportunities we have across all of our businesses.

Having the right culture at Amazon is something I don't take for granted. I continue to believe that we are all here because we want to make a difference in customers' lives, invent on their behalf, and move quickly to solve their problems. I'm optimistic that these changes will better help us accomplish these goals while strengthening our culture and the effectiveness of our teams.


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
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