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[中學] -- [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-8-26 09:58 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 lovebb2 於 20-8-27 10:36 編輯

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-8-26 16:53 |只看該作者
As far as I know, the application date makes no difference.  The system will randomly assign a queue number after closing.   

Regarding priority, this is what's on ESF website :
Students applying for enrolment to an ESF school, including the two PIS, are placed on a waiting list. Priority for an admissions interview/assessment will be based on the following ranked criteria.

Students who are able to benefit from an English medium education and who (in order) are:
1. Corporate Nomination Rights Nominees;
2. The children of full-time teaching staff at ESF or ESF Educational Services Limited*;
3. The children of full-time support staff at ESF or ESF Educational Services Limited*;
4. The siblings of students already attending an ESF primary or secondary school, private independent school (PIS) or Jockey Club Sarah Roe School;
5. Individual Nomination Rights Nominees;
6. Current students requesting internal transfer;
7. Children of former students who have attended an ESF/PIS school for a minimum of three years or are former ESF/PIS students returning from a period overseas or siblings of former students who have attended for a minimum of three years and graduated from an ESF/PIS secondary school in Year 13;
8. Children attending an ESF International Kindergarten** [Note: contingent upon the child studying in the kindergarten continuously until the end of Term 3 prior to entry into primary school];
9. Children nominees from universities with collaboration agreement with ESF; and
10. Other applicants who can benefit from an English-medium education.
* Staff are given priority according to employment terms for ESF or the private independent schools.
**Priority for interview is subject to having attended ESF kindergarten for a minimum of two terms prior to the applicable January Year 1 interview period. Students recently arrived from overseas are exempt from the two terms requirement.
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