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Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-7-21 17:17 |只看該作者

Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

[img align=left]http://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD5/82641/84971.5658369.16127.jpg[/img][img align=right]http://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD5/82641/84971.6133754.17923.jpg[/img] [img align=left]http://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD5/82641/84971.7067918.00228.jpg[/img][img align=right]http://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD5/82641/84971.7067921.91191.jpg[/img]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-7-21 23:20 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

我呀b出世就玩零階段LU. 愈早愈好架.
教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。 (箴言22:6

Rank: 2

發表於 05-7-21 23:21 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?


what is this?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-7-21 23:29 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

twinmama 寫道:

what is this?


你可以到<<<開心家庭網>>>, 入"家庭教育", 再入"詳談如何教寶寶閱讀"參考.
教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。 (箴言22:6

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-7-22 00:07 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?


bb玩成點 ?  我進度很慢, 好難吸引到 亞女睇. 佢成日四維走. 下星期上堂睇下有咩方法...

Rank: 2

發表於 05-7-29 08:46 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

It's very hard to attract my bb too~ She will just look at the 1st card and will turrn away from the 3rd flash card...

Is there any suggestion to get bb's attention?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-7-29 10:56 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

由2個半月開始玩, 到現在已經2個月了.  其實由我坐完月開始返工之後, 才真正有時間上網, 第1次接觸是由Tina處啟發的, 真的很感謝她的貢獻.


其實我都想分亨您們的經驗, 因為我的進度都幾慢
moondream3003 寫道:
twinmama 寫道:

what is this?


你可以到<<<開心家庭網>>>, 入"家庭教育", 再入"詳談如何教寶寶閱讀"參考.[/quote]       

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-7-29 17:51 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

Hello all


Rank: 4

發表於 05-7-30 09:08 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

我不是幼兒教育的專家﹐ 但看大家對flashcard的期望又好像覺得高了一點。6/7個月見你在做flashcard然後東張西望是絕對正常。可能我自己比較笨﹐所以我媽說我六個月大時只是懂得叫爸媽而已

其實對六個月大的小朋友來說﹐讓他認識身邊的事物和提高他手部的靈活度可能對他的長遠發展會有更大的幫助。教他觀察環境﹐有時候小朋友看著風扇都會看很久﹐那是因為這對他來說已經是learning的一部分。因我表姐要上班﹐我常常要看她不足一歲的BB﹐她說BB跟著我後變聰明﹐問我跟他做了什麼﹐答案是--什麼都沒做。我通常只是看著他﹐他拿玩具拿不到我也不幫他﹐讓他自己想辦法啦﹗我發現有時他知道自己解決了"難題"後真的很開心﹐那時我通常都會抱抱他﹐讚下他﹐慢慢他就會做個problem solver.

Flashcard其實只是學習的一個很小部份﹐如果讓我選﹐我寧可教BB "baby sign language"因為BB手部的發展跟腦部的發展有更大的關係。如果flashcard吾work,試試其他方法啦。

Rank: 2

發表於 05-7-30 11:15 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

HI Vernique2005,

Thanks for your suggestions. I totally agree how you say we should develop the indenpendence and problem solving skills of BB, but I think we should not easy give up on flash card.

Yes, flashcard is only a very small part of learning but it is important, at least to develop BB's attention. Actually, flash card should not take up a lot of time cos the rule is to flash each cars not more than 1 sec. Just like the math dots flash card I am playing with my BB, I will only flash 5 cards each time (5 secs) and 6 times a day, so that's a total of 30 secs only. Thus, I think we, parents need to think of a way to get BB's attention for just this short period of time. Exactly like how the bb of your cousin focused at the fan!

Of course, we should also take care of baby's physical, mental and emotional development through various other means at the same time. I believe these can be achieved through simple means so parents don't need to be over anxious. The crucial thing is for us, parents, to aware of such development, right?

Add oil, parents!

Rank: 4

發表於 05-7-31 12:51 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

Dear noelor:

This discussion is getting interesting! I kind of understand where the viewpoint of flashcard comes from now.  Your description of teaching BB flashcards reminds me of a famous linguist who sticked name tags on every object that he could find at home so that his boy could associate the actual objects with the words.  

I agree that flashing cards in front of a BB may provide him with some forms of stimulation, yet it may still be difficult for a baby to develop a longer attention span in just 30 secs (according to your teaching method).  Do you also use books? Books seem to capture BB's attention longer, esp those that have different textures.

I guess this is still pretty much different from my nephew's behaviour.  My nephew found the fan by himself, observed the fan on his own, and eventually showed me his wonder by a big smile.  Throughout the whole process, he was the one who took control of the whole event.  I was more or less a by-stander.  That whole process lasted for at least several minutes.  

He did the same thing when he accidentally found my keys, saw a fountain or came across my piano. :evil: (even though his banging of my piano should not be encouraged!)

If I had to use flashcards as materials, I would actually give the BB my cards and let him choose on his own.  Maybe some pictures/colours would appeal to him.  I'd give him time to explore the colour/pictures/texture of the cards and let him give me the ones he loves. It is at this stage that I would begin teaching him. Eventually, he may develope some preferences.  These preferences are a strong indication that he has known the materials. In addition, a BB would have different preferences as time goes by, so he will gradually finish the whole stack of cards.  

Actually, we trying mixing my nephew's books with his toys, but no matter how we hide his favourite books, he still manages to find them out and ask us to read them for him!  This is how I know that my nephew understands the materials, and as soon as I know he likes something, I'll find books of similar layout so that I can teach him something new while making him happy at the same time.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-7-31 13:56 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

Hi Vernique2005,

Yes, I am enjoying the discussion too! I agree that books can capture BB's attention longer, so I do read books together with my BB besides flash cards.

I am very interested in the linguist you mentioned. From my understanding, Glenn Doman's flash card is based on the same important principle: association. The point of flashing math dots or words in front of BBs is to exercise their right brain to generate pictures which will be stored in their memory. When they come over those words again in later stages, they can easily recall and associate meanings to them. It is this process which will facilitate the so-called learning process.

For instance, it is quite meaningless to teach BBs the arabic symbols at this stage. What does 1, 2, 3 mean exactly? The concept is very abstract. It is us, human, who added meaning to these symbols. Wouldn't it be easier to the articulate concept of "many" and "a few" by math dots instead? In later stages when the BBs are more able to comprehend our language, they can quickly associate the symbols to the meanings.

Flashing words is only the first stages in Glenn Doman's theory. In later stages, parents need to let BB choose their "favourite" cards to make phases, clauses and sentences. That is exactly what you said you would rather do: let the BBs take their own initiatives and control~ Of course, these all stages will prepare the BB to have interest and ability to read books. Parents will need to make some "home-made" books to read with their BBs in the eventual reading stage (You can refer to Glenn Doman's "How to teach BB to read?" for more details).

Letting BBs take their own control in their learning process and to discover the world by themselves are crucial in devloping BBs' own characters and independence in child development.

My BB is very curious and she always find new things to play with, e.g. discovering how to open the lid of a box, opening the gliding door of a cupboard, untying a ribbon on her bed... and she found that very interesting too!

However, in this developed world full of human establishments (rules, laws, classroom learning...), I think it is also important to let her learn how to receive messages sent from outside (i.e. not their own discovery).  I would see flash card as such an opportunity.

I guess we really need to blend in more ingredients in order to make a nice dish. Of course, we have to achieve harmony in such process. As parents or guardians, we can give more varieties and direct BBs' development! Maybe beacuse we take care of BBs of different ages and stages, we have different perspectives. However, it is the different perspectives which enriches the discussion so much. I learnt a lot from your sharing, Thanks so much!

Rank: 4

發表於 05-7-31 15:11 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

Hi noelor:

Yeah! Nice to know that I can actually predict Doman's next step in teaching flashcard! I actually agree with you that a child needs to know "how to receive messages sent from the outside" because this is exactly what we consider communication.

I was mostly educated in Canada, so I guess I was given more freedom to explore on my own (while my teacher was just a helper when I needed guidance).  I think the case in HK is different though; maybe that's also the reason why many gifted children in HK have behavioural problems at schools.

You're right! The biggest achieve of both Doman and the linguist I mentioned is to teach children how to associate words with objects.  Association occurs everywhere around us--road signs, symbols, words,etc.

If you're interested in "communicating" with your child more deeply so that she knows exactly what you're doing, you may also think about the idea of
scaffolding.  This educational idea has 4 steps:
1) You do an activity, and your child observe.
2) You do an activity, and you ask your child to help you.
3) Your child does the activity, with your help.
4) Your child does the activity, and you observe.

This is a basic principle that we use for second language acquisition, and it can be applied on babies, too!  For example, I sometimes tickle my nephew, and then I teach him how to tickle me!  It's very fun and rewarding because my nephew really loves me for teaching him that!  I guess our relationship improves a lot because he feels that he can do me the same thing that I do on him. Now we are in equal status!

I also try teaching him how to open the lid of his own milk bottle. He learned very quickly.  Once, I forgot to give him milk (sorry...).  He searched through his own little bag for his milk bottle and gave it to me.  I was reading on my own, so I didnt' know what he meant.  He looked mad and started yelling at me (still not crying), went back to his bag and gave me his milk powder!  It was so wonderful to see him trying to solve his own problems!! I guess he learned the process of making milk since I always did that in front of him, and I always allowed him to hold the milk powder.

Other activities that I do scaffolding with my nephew includes:
1) clapping hands
2) packing up toys
3) playing the piano. (At 11 months, he knows how to play the same key that I touched!)
4) wearing shoes (He only knows how to take it off though...)
5) giving me the remote control for TV!

Isn't it wonderful to see a baby developes each day?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-8-1 05:34 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

Vernique2005 寫道:

其實對六個月大的小朋友來說﹐讓他認識身邊的事物和提高他手部的靈活度可能對他的長遠發展會有更大的幫助。教他觀察環境﹐有時候小朋友看著風扇都會看很久﹐那是因為這對他來說已經是learning的一部分。因我表姐要上班﹐我常常要看她不足一歲的BB﹐她說BB跟著我後變聰明﹐問我跟他做了什麼﹐答案是--什麼都沒做。我通常只是看著他﹐他拿玩具拿不到我也不幫他﹐讓他自己想辦法啦﹗我發現有時他知道自己解決了"難題"後真的很開心﹐那時我通常都會抱抱他﹐讚下他﹐慢慢他就會做個problem solver.

Flashcard其實只是學習的一個很小部份﹐如果讓我選﹐我寧可教BB "baby sign language"因為BB手部的發展跟腦部的發展有更大的關係。如果flashcard吾work,試試其他方法啦。

Rank: 4

發表於 05-8-1 05:44 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?

Hi Vernique,

"I also try teaching him how to open the lid of his own milk bottle. He learned very quickly.  Once, I forgot to give him milk (sorry...).  He searched through his own little bag for his milk bottle and gave it to me.  I was reading on my own, so I didnt' know what he meant.  He looked mad and started yelling at me (still not crying), went back to his bag and gave me his milk powder!  It was so wonderful to see him trying to solve his own problems!! I guess he learned the process of making milk since I always did that in front of him, and I always allowed him to hold the milk powder."

your nephew is very lovely!

Rank: 4

發表於 05-8-1 12:26 |只看該作者

Re: Flash card 應該幾大開始玩呀?


Yes!! My nephew is very adorable!  I guess he knew that crying wouldn't help the case, so he needed to help me out!      
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