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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Anfield, Vic or Think? urgent urgent
樓主: boyboy_mama

Anfield, Vic or Think? urgent urgent [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 17-6-7 19:23 |只看該作者
mandy_ng207 發表於 17-6-7 14:04
回覆 Atecila 的帖子

My son studies at Think N class. They do focus on mother tongue and their textb ...

Thanks Mandy for the detailed info indeed!!! My son got an offer for Think PN (but he's December baby so will only join half a term starting next Jan). However I have IS plans (but not 100% confirmed) for him so wondering if I should switch to a school with more English exposure. Great - let me PM you. Thanks again!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 17-6-22 14:25 |只看該作者
mandy_ng207 發表於 17-6-7 14:04
回覆 Atecila 的帖子

My son studies at Think N class. They do focus on mother tongue and their textb ...

My son is studying pn class there now too. Though the school is focused in Cantonese and Chinese in pn, the NET is there all the time except Chinese and Putonghua session. My son understands English instructions and able to speak in fluent English. I heard that quite a few students will change to other IS kindergarten next year and I don't hear they encountered any problem in interview.
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